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Show S LEADERSHIP IB FOR BOYS flfll Organizations for boys are ono of EH tho typical Ideas of tho times. A KM, great army of youngsters will galh- H cr this fall in tho Hoy Scouts, Wood- Hfl craft I.vnguo, Knights of Klnt; Arth- flB Ur nnd so on Tho Hoy Scouts of IBS America alone ln ludo 200.000 mem fUj bers Tho llmo when tho boy used to sit down under tho evening lamp with nnd read the Ilcllo books has gone by. To keep him out of tho loafing hangouts ho has been turned Into a yotipg club man. But it's ono thing to get tho boys Into some of tho many useful societies soci-eties and It's qulto another to havo It work out somo posltlvo benefit. Leaders of tho Boy Scout movement report great difficulty In securing Scoutmasters. To fill this lack they nro starting at Boston this fall n school for scout leadership, and re-cehlng re-cehlng applications for membership fiom all over tho country. As things now are, mnny of theso boy organizations run In n haphazard fashion. Very few men havo the gift for work with boys. Young America Am-erica Is u tough problem to handle. He thinks quick. He has a very keen senso of humor. Ho feels a deslro to utter his witticisms at tho most Inopportune Inop-portune times. His little spirit boils oer with fun, and ho wants to nrako a game of all drill or class work. The aerago man has to think very actively to siibduo theso resourceful minds and squirming muscles. It takes an alert brain, an Ingenious imagination, im-agination, ii tolerant spirit, and a II rm will. Most men feel utterly .exhausted .ex-hausted after an evening of It. There Is great need for organizations organiza-tions to keep the boys off tho streets anil to provide outlet for their superfluous super-fluous energy. A man who has a gift for this kind of leadership can do untold un-told good. The ministers, church workers, nnd school teachers will have to make moro of a study ot this work. Probably the clergman can exert more Inllucnco in this way than by the most exhaustive study of theology. |