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Show GERMAN YOUTH IS WALKING TO PACIFIC COAST Kellx Stern, a. Mllwnukco German, has been in Logan for a couple 6f days. Tho young man is working his way to tho coast by walking the entire distance. Ho says his work on week days is walking .but Sunday Sun-day he walks for pleasuro. Young Stern will not be 21 years ot ago until December, nt which time ho says ho will fall heir to $3,-500,000 $3,-500,000 from a rich father living in Germany. When asked about his desires de-sires to return to his fatherland and tako up arms for tho Kelscr ho said ho had, no deslro to do so ns thoro was Bufilclent blood being shed without with-out his participation. Mr. Stern camo to Logan from Po-catollo Po-catollo nnd will leave today for Og-don. Og-don. Ho Is representing tho Now York Staats-Zeltung and tho Milwaukee Milwau-kee Sentinel, for which papers ho expects ex-pects to compose btorles of hlii trip upon his return. Much data Is being be-ing collectod for these stories. Tho Cacho County Fnlr was visited and ho was well impressed with tho many things which ho saw on exhibition yesterday. Tho trip thus far has covorcd upwards up-wards of 2300 miles. A day's walk Is from -10 to 50 miles. |