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Show MENDON BALL TEAM DEFEATED WELLSVILLE Game Played at Lagoon With Score 10 to 9 in Favor of Watklnt- Kidman Crowd v Mendon, Utah, July 1G. Tho largest larg-est number that has evor attended a similar occasion went- to Lagoon yesterday yes-terday on tho Old Folks excursion. There wero in all approximately 140. The ball team accompanied tho lold folks and played with Wollsvillo and defeating Wollsvllle by a score ot 9 to 10, according to Wellsvlllo's roport "J they had played nine games previous "" to this and won ovory one this being their tenth game and first loss and considering 'tho fact that they hired an Ogdon man to pitch for them naturally nat-urally makes It hard for them to lose It was however, nn Interesting gamo throughout, errors nbout equally divided di-vided most errors wero duo howcer, to ery bad ground. Tho Ogdon pitcher pitch-er was hit hard In ono innings and six runs were scored. Mention feels very Jubilant over this victory and nlso fool that thoy havo tho strongest team In tho lalloy. Tho battorlos In josterday'j pmo were: Mendon, Lyman Kidman, C. C. Wntklns, E'.vKldmnn, Wellsv Ille, Colo Shaw, Umpire, Williams, Pnrndlso. Tho teams lined up as follows: MHNDON WELLSVILLn V.. Kidman c Shaw L. Kidman- C C. Wntklns . . . U ,..,..., Colo A. Unkei cf Drown L. Kidman- C C. Wntklns ..ss.......Mt Allen C. Bird 21) 1. Jones N Wntklns 3b 0. Mnughan M Richards If J. Allen K Westovor-Mulr lb L. Allen IIunsnkcr-Kldman rf K. Allen Lyman Kidman started tho gamo changed with Wntk ns In soventh. Kidman took Hunsakcr's placo In tho fifth. J. Mulr took Wostoora placo in third. |