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Show m Mr. Lolgh HurrlK1 nnd Miss Hosp Mm IvIcNull were united In marriage July JjT 12 nt 11 n, in. In the Logan temple. f)jBP 'flic wifdlng reception was hold at IgHp i" home or the hrlde In the nveniig. 9B J "Tho home was decorated In the na- Bk ' tionnl colore. St 9K i - ,'Ob Tuesday afternoon, Mrs, .Kate Mi Id J'loston nnd Mrs. O. H. liudge 'were f9r liohtcssos at a' delightfully,, appointed EK ,wn l"y at tho homo of Mrs. Kato R y I'rpslon. Tho lawn presontcti a.prot- Mm fr y scene with Its Jnpaneso parasols, T J nns nnd sircns. Hugs, easy chairs B u find ilhans. Piogrosslvo games were H; the fentuio of tho afternoon. Tho do- K aicioun menu -was carried out In n KL olr scheme of grcon and white and iK soivodcfrom prettily appointed tables. E i Sixty guests wcco present. In : : IflpL f Another ilcllghtful nffalr or the KJwfv, i Mi'fk was u fawn feto given by Mrs. vSUm" J- W- Morroll at tho home of Mrs. 'Hk," Joseph ' Morroll on Second. West R& ., Thursday afternoon. The lawn was 1 Sfivf effectively decorated w 1th Japanese IH9 ML lanterns. Tho rugs and cosy; comers Blffi' sao rt charming effect. Inside the WRfr- liouso was a bower of June blossoms. Bii The hostess was assisted by Mrs. G By.) -A- Torgeson, Misses Winnie and Del ?iHPt ' 1X JIorrt!ll I"thel Thatcher, Nettle HBf Goodwin, Va Lars Egbert. Dollclous Hp refreshments wore served from ta- Hj bjes decorated with Shasta daisies, Est'' clematis, panslcs roses and hatcholor Hi liuttons. IJho hundred wns tho diver- jflF slon for the afternoon. Mrs. S. B. WfM'- Thatcher, 'Mrs. E. Hyde, Mrs. Ituby ' v Cordon capturing tho prizes. Tho Invited In-vited guests ' wero: Mesdamcs Ann Egbert, J, 0. Walters, J. A. Wldtsoo, O. W. Adams, D. C. Budge, E. D. Ball, B. l Hacon, George Thomas, F. W. Thatcher, G. W. Thatcher, O. II. Budge, J. K. Cardon, Guy Canlon, Moses Cardon, I.o Roy Cat don, L. T. Cannon of Salt Lnk,e, Joseph Howell; Joseph Morrell, Ilhoda H. Cook, Luther Lu-ther Howell, A. L. Cole, Will Howell, Croft, G. II. Champ, 11. L. Camp-hell, Camp-hell, C. T. TeeUel, J. E. Shopard, S. 0 Stevens, Joseph Odell, G. A. Torgeson, Torge-son, Cbde Squires, I. S. Smith, O. V. Robinson, Reynolds, E. AV. Robinson, Robin-son, Held Shnmhart, C. H. Halt, W. W. Mclaughlin, J. S. ' Powell, Kato Preston, Hoy Rudolph, Hilda Dollar, E. P. Emels, J. A. Feathorstone, A. M. Fleming, Bert Fleming, Charley Hansen, Han-sen, J. A. Hendrlckson, A. S, Home of Salt Lake A. E. Anderson, J. A. Thompson, Federlck E. Clark, Morrell Mor-rell Farr, Preston NIbley, Misses Blanch Calne, Sara Huntsman, Alice v Clark, Isabell Brooks, Beth Foster, Inez .Adams of Ogdcn, .Zella Smart, Dora Wright. Mrs. C. T, Teetzel entertained with a children's party In honor of her little daughter Carolln's third jear old birthday, Monday. Interesting little games wero played and refreshments served. On Tuesday afternoon. Mis. George II. Champ entertained with an Informal In-formal luncheon In honor of Mrs. Luther Lu-ther Foster, Miss Beth Foster, Mrs. I Burton Fleming, Tho tabic was decorated dec-orated with pink roses. Covers wero laid for eight. " ' " " Miss Florence Carllslo entertained her sewing club Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. R, L. CampbelLcntcrtafned In-formally In-formally at 'dinner Irr honor 'of Mr. nnd Mrs. Luther Foster and Miss Beth Foster at the Llncolp,hpe Monday aftemOon. Mrs. Josso"Eearl, MrsTfiyhla Need-ham Need-ham ontortalned with n, party ,at Johnson's Grovo In honor ". Of Miss Pearl, Bailey and Mrs. Mali JBro'wh Wednesday afternoon. Twenty gue?tfi were Included. ' $ ? iff! Mrs. Luther M. Howell entertained - i with a family dinner Sunday. The tu-i bio had for a penterplcce a large bowl of sweet peas) Covers were laid for ten. Mrs. .1, C. Walters entertained with an Informal Kensington In honor of Misses Allco B. Clark and- Miss Isabell Isa-bell Brooks Wednesday afternoon. Messrs. Lawrenco & Georgo Caluo entertained with a party at tho Calne ranch near Richmond Tuesday evening. even-ing. Tho lawns wns lighted with Japanese Jap-anese lantorns. Delicious refreshments wero served from prettily appointed tables. Twenty guests wero present. A pretty party of lnsl week wns one given by Miss Marie Ecclcs. Tho lawn wns lighted with Japanese lanterns and made nttractHe with rugs and easy chairs. A delicious Bupper was served from n long tablo attractively decorated with baskets of roses and lilies. About twenty guests were present. pres-ent. Mrs. Gilbert Cole entertained with n prettily appointed lawn party Monday Mon-day afternoon. In honor of her daughter daugh-ter Blanch's tenth year old birthday. The lawn was beautifully decorated. Refreshments were served. Forty had the pleasure of the afternoon. nTrsA. C lIoFno ' of'Salt Lake, spent the week hero guest of Mrs. R. L. Campbell. I pr. nnd Mrs. Harry Emels left during dur-ing tho week for two months' stay In Logan canyon. ' -i 4 ' ' Mr, Dave Farrell spent the week .here. , i Jf Mr. Lawrence Bailey and Mr. He- her Carlisle spent Wednesday lnj Lo- ignn canyon. , ' . . ' " , MUs Loi Thatcher spent Sunday In Ogden., ,1 , j, v , Mr. George. Homo of Salt Lake spent-the week here guest of Dr. and Mrs. O. H. Budge. Miss Veda Dixon came here from a two, week's stay In Shelley, Idaho, Tuesday. After a short stay here, Miss Dlxoli will go to Salt Lake making a short stay thcro heforo returning homo to Payson. I4 ! Mr'llalph Jones "of Provo, spent tho week hero guest of Mr. John D. Van Wagner., President Wldtsoo returned from Salt Lake Wednesday. ,Mls.s,Mary Soteusen Is visiting In Brlgham City. . , Misses Alice nnd. Ray Kcwley, Miss .Edith Bow en went to Logan canyon tho' early part of tho week for a ten day's outing. F Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. -Thatcher nnd daughter Miss Patlenco Thatcher, Miss Ida Mitchell returned Monday from their outing nt Isis Springs, Idaho, . Miss Inez Adams of Ogdon Is here visiting guest of Mrs. Horace Nebo-ker. Nebo-ker. Mrs. Preston NIbley came here Wed-nesdny Wed-nesdny from Salt Lake. After a few days' stay here will go on to Preston Pres-ton for a visit with her parents Mr. nnd Mrs. O. C. Parkinson. Mis. Joseph M. Howell of Salt Lako will come to Logan tonight after a few days' stay hero will go on to Fish Haven on Bear Lake, for the summer. " Mrs. Ellen NIbley and daughter, Florence left during the week fdr Portland, . Mrs. Morrill Farr of Salt Lako Is visiting here guest 61 Miss Dora Wright. Mrs. Farr will bo remembered remember-ed as Miss Jean Spencer. Congrcs8ma"n'and Mrs. Howell spent I Wednesday at the Hermitage In Og- I den canyon, going to Salt Lako In the evening for a day's stay. I |