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Show f I NANNIE TOUT IN CONCERT I l "Truth" Says: -TL T -r L f Engagements I 1 he Logan labernacle .. . Bj I The wonderful vocal peifoniuuco O That Miss Tout possesses the abil- ,BBJ 1 given by Nannie Tout in the Salt . . mmm Ity heralded needs no other evidence BVJ s!r.ujas yrsssi .s T7PTH AV lMTrZWnr cnmcmm thc I had, In common P1 J A 11 T JT. co.nlngjeai. B 1 with man) others, been led to under- " , ' im" " " ' " l tm' She will slug In Covcnt Ga.iden BBJ 1 stand that tills youthful nlgltlngalo (London) Giand Opera o H I cffiSice?fv SnfmK 9th R nm T. Leed. Wth.. I,h secured her H 1 Ing credulity and sprinkled salt on kJCL IClllUCX 111 J L11X services.; BBJ I what I c1rtf1,ioi""Plu,te(t' r Likewise, the Manchester Festival. H 1 i&XlSttSXJ She will also sing in each of a series H H fill liquid Hovv Ing'notes that cascaded of conceits to bo given at St. James's Bfl I Slay" nffi, " '"cluiyTmt Utah's Sweetest singer the only American girl who has ever !,m;lnIS,?nlin,,l H,,lsa,lfor(Jreat H i iffiemie sung before the King and Queen of England at the Buckingham ' H i Mi?UivBajrtffl Palace. Now but IS years of age, yet recognized as the equal of p;E ;;:;;!: H M SS 'S?ff SffS Patti and Nordica. Will appear in a beautiful gown presented by J --,;- t. jg H "VK FAtuni&'mmX Queen Alexandra. A swell society event and musical treat. who weie present weie charmed as at H m I IsJowflMhl Moi C hei pievlous appearance. Bfl I SSSffiKS pc cnr izr U no A t 0 T,,oLOBBn enEBBCn,w,t ,nou,lses t0 sffi B Golden-throated, indeed, Is Nannie JT FlCCo JJf I Z)Cf p f- JJ dllU $ JU bo laigely attended, 1100 tickets being I BB9 K Tout. , , j , ,.,..., ,. ,,... sold Tuesday evening. Music lovers I I BJ , , JSth-nV Ttcticts on sale at tiieTliatclier Musk Cu.'s Store U Mam and n tenter streets andsodct wiiibooutinfoicc. I W3 Ww Music ciltlo or "iiuin, aaiD jaie i 1 8 HlB K I .B |