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Show .Aist a little Paint. Right now when everything In nature Is beginning to look fresh ' and bright. A little paint will go a long way towards , brightening up the many old things around the place porch, chairs and scats, lawn movers, any of th'- farm or garden gar-den implements and dozen of things Inside the house. All need a little touching up. We've paint all ready to use for any purpose. Tut up In any size cans you may wish and any colqr vou may fancy Drop in and get a color card and we will tell you more about it. Of course we've brushes to put the paint on with, 10c uo RITER BR0S.DRUG CO,, LOGAN,'Utah. t Franklin, Preston and Montpelier, Idaho. B Mi Hj it i (A 'Pleasing Husband makes a contented woman. Hint to the wife: Use Central flour in biscuit making and sec a serciu smile creep over he physiognomy of your spouse. Try it once- you'll use it alway. Central Milling Go, LOGAN, UTAH. Ward, Conferences. Ward conferences will be held in the various wards of the Hyrum Stake QlYAon at 2 p. m. on the following trates. Aptll :50th, Hyrum First ward, Mill-' Mill-' vllle and College. May Uth.IIyrum Second ward, Men-lon Men-lon and Mt. Sterling. May 21st, Hyrum Third ward, Paradise Para-dise and Avon. All records will be inspected at 0 a. m. on said dates. W. 0. Parkinson, A. M. Israclsen, W. II. Mauglmn, Jr., Stake 1 lesldencj. $20 for $2 1 Tim nuniitltlun liken will xupiily a ! family lall MimiiuT. ami for tliu'vnall B amount of Si m Onion Mts 1 iuart H IVlipcr Krtt'rt 1 ounco I'nrsiiliu H " I lieots, early 1 " l-uttli-o H M ltaillsli. uarly I " Cabliak'o 'i I Carrots, tablo M IVns. narly dwarf I pint I'oas, .Medium 1 iiuart 9 I'ras, lato 1 " M Spinach 1 ounce Corn, hweelearlv 1 pint llcati-i. early dwarf I pint TomaUio. rurly 'i ounco 1 Tiirnhw. rarly 't outiro Mrloiii. musk H ounco -Melons, water Vi onni'ii UucumU'rs H ounco m Tluiitu llvltiir out of town, will send 1 by mall for TOo extra to pay pottage. n Will change varieties u Mill or will 1111 one-half of tho order foril Our stocks are complete In every cle- tall, and In llouer seeds we liaui the H tlnest line In the Hate. m H.G.Smurfhwaite Seed and Grain Company A Double Header! ' , - . ,. M llrs Taney Dour for il oo 800 Pairs of siftRssk " IIS! SOllrtSago " l 00 JO llw Tapioca " 1 t0 idllMl'runi'M " ! (n 30 lbs Oatmeal " jlW . tWti 4X I f l pkcH.lapan tea " II oo l.TWBTllIrl il pkirs flolden irato tea for 0l W,P 7nl.es Coffee for fl 00 i"0 liken Tower " II 00 mma likes llanner oats fur vl 00 C - .- m io k'-'s -oicl oats ; j; oo kJ.EJLxLJ,W'3 IScans tomatoes II 00 Vmwvw lOcans 1'eas oo 10 cans Corn " . fj W a , . 40 bars lioyal laundry soap for f 00 4- fofZ Cfr i f ,0barsMcWlo plate soup $100 I.O UC bOIU CIL lMoUlos.in.rkee c Oranees, iwri-ase Eiyo Oraneesl ir do -Jo Manufacturers - OSt. 1 9c Dorzen I)aid fr eSs L Henry G. HaybaU's, I f 3135 Center St. Remember. I J. SMITH, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Al.I. CALLsl'tlOXIT- TlLtlMKI.Nt 55-S lv ArrtNiirn T6 . . '- SM1THFIELD UTAH. 5 a MEN'S AND BOY'S , I zssssssssssssssssssssssz Z H I Work a I I j Shoes I HaaHaaMHaaaaaHMaBaHBHHBHMBBiiaaMBMnaK H mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmirzimmmmmmmmmmm q ,M Howell & Crawford's I J Logan's Foremost Shoe Dealers. H NEVER UNDERSOLD. i The DanielsenDisc Plow I I IS TAKING THE LEAD. t I i i I V We guarantee this I ijf M fT plow to break alfalfa I V M ground antj cut every I V 1 iU root. Farmers antic- ' Jf H I1 ipating buying should E jfc H f not fail to examine the y ir H fjy good points of the Dan 1 !? H ; . ielsen Disc Plow; they H 3? v are above all others. H $i The plow speaks for yt H -tjf itself. Ask those who Ji H ?r have purchased them , ijf H and you be convinced. "& H jT S One disc can be detach f H :T I ed and a subsoiler TT H li 1 used in its place. I iI H 1 I ! H ' AAA H ' ' ' 'I 't - ' ! 't- ! !" ! i i H VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVTir H I SPRING UNDERWEAR! ! I I Vests, $ I Union Suits and I I Hosiery. I Logan Knitting Factory I I f 145-147 Main Street - - Logan, Utah I it 'I" ' 'I 'I 'T- '" 'I '- ! 'I"T'I" ! 'I- -t l Jl ' I 1 I $ H.e. HANSEN I I I Real Estate and In I tit supanee. t I Y H i'f " if H if Edwards Block. Phone Ux. iJf I I f |