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Show I , Odeirs Studio gjj, .. . for Photo's 1 Successor to I THOMAS &, ODELL 1 , Utah Mortgage Loan f corporation. H Tlthtog Office corner, logaa, Utah H has plenty of MONEY AT ALL TIMES for SlJ farm and city loans HI al lowest rates. No Commls-I Commls-I slons charged H Your Opportunity Bo visit the "Old Homo" and tlic "Old Friends" in the East and return to the West, with as little expense as lb Bfordlnarlly required to make the one Hwav trip, has come. H Reduced Rates. mm On May 21 to 21); .Tunc ;:, .', 10 and 12 tickets will be on s.ile from Salt Lake fTo Chicago and return 44 50 "Milwaukee' " 45 feo j " Peoria 41 25 H " St. Paul ' 41 DO BJ " Minneapolis 4100 WK Propoitionately low rates will be In HclIcct from all points in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and Nevada to every section HEreachcd by the Chicago & Nortli-Wes-Hjteru lines. C. A. Walkkh, General agent, C. & N. W. Ry., P O, Hbox ":i0 Salt Lake, Utah. "(0. C. Bemtson, Contractor and Builder MjContiacts taken on al) kinds of wor . W Satisfaction guaranteed. I'lionc 42K. B Residence 452 South Second West. I Griffin Bros., '- ; M The Machinists. Have a complete stock of Wa- I gon and Buggy materials. Can m do all kinds of repairing in-m in-m eluding buggy top and uphol-M uphol-M tering work. Have recently purchased a machine for set- I ting rubber tires, or channel, s I thus converting steel to rub-Hj rub-Hj ber tire buggies. All work guaranteed. I Logan Real Estate and Loan Company has a number of First-class Dn and Irrigated . . Farms For sale on terms or for Cash City property proper-ty In all parts of town. Long tlmo Farms Loans a specialty, Optional payment. Local money money placed. A No. 1 Security LOUIS S. GARDON, Mgr., HARDWARE !! Tools of every description - Nails, Staples, Dolts, Chains, Rope, Poultiy Netting, Wire Cloth, Rubber Hose, Sprinklers, Lawn Mowers, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Picks, Crow-bars, Crow-bars, Wheelbarrows, Hrushcs, lirooms House Furnishings of all kinds, Tinware, Tin-ware, Calvanlcd Iron and Oranlte-ware. Oranlte-ware. Largest stock In Cache Valley. Quality the best, price the lowest. See our windows and compare prices with others. R. LaFount & Co. 3S Center Street 3S Peter A. Pehrson Cement Contractor is prepared to do any size cement ce-ment work on short notice. Curbs, Cellars. General cement ce-ment work done. List me your work. Phone 90y. Res. 50 N. 5th E DON'T BLAME YOUR BOY for wearing out his shoes. It is not his fault. Our "Anchor Hrand"searn-le& Hrand"searn-le& alwavs gives satisfaction, and aie warranteed. SPECIAL SALE PRICE. I5o)s,ies ...2to5J $10.1 Youth ' . 10 to 8 . . . 1 75 Mens " . .OtolO 2 45 Baker Sells GOod Shoes. 13 W. Center street, Logan, Utah. O I Ito hpai the f I if v nEAL lungs! sB sHt mk I H to stay healed, and to remove every trace of a BJ I I COUCH or a COLD quickly and pleasantly, if j H don't fail to ask for the only remedy in all the jt I world that does i'; m rift KING I I DISCOVERYi II. FOR CONSUftlFT.Oft! H oims, Akk., Oct. 14, 19C3. n H I had lung trouble for two years. It confined nic to my jfl H bod four weeks. I got three bottles cf Dr King's New M H Discovery and it cured me. Have not had a pain in m W, sec ant; Absolutely Guaranteed mm $1.00 . H JhRMHH sold and regommekded by HMHhH ffitcrBros. Drug Co Logan, Utah, Montpelier Trcston and Frankiln.Idaho Send Me The Names of your friends or relatives in the East who an contemplating movement to the west during the spring or summer There will bo In ellect during the spring months, fiom all eastern points to ecry section of the west, greatly 1 educed rates (both one way and lound trip), and It will be to their Interest that you glc me the nanus of parties who may bo Induced by these latcs to come West. No matter where they may be located, we will have our representatives rep-resentatives call upon or write to them and advise them of the cheapest cheap-est and best way to make the trip. Call upon or address C. A. Walker, General Agent, Chicago & North-Western Ry., I O. Rox 750, Salt Lake, Utah Juitvvhit evtrvonc should do. IT. Harbor, of lrwlnvllle, Ga., always al-ways keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's colic, cholera and dlairhoca remedy at hand icady for Instant use. Attacks or colic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea come on so suddenly that there Is no time to hunt a doctor or go to the store for medicine. "I hac tried Chamberlain's remedies which are the best medicine I ever saw I keep a bottle of it in my room as I have had several attacks of colic and It has proved to be the best medicine 1 ever used. Sold by all druggist. Notice. The llrm herctofoic known as W. T. Rrown & company, manufactures of headstones and monuments, Is changed to that of the Cache Valley Marble Company, the proprietors being be-ing being J. H. Hrown and R. L. Red-ford. Red-ford. The llrm has done an extensive business in the past and by Increased facilities expect to open up In new departures pertaining to their line of work. They thank their patrons of past and extend to them an invitation invita-tion to call and examine their large stock of maiblc monuments now on hand. That Tired Feeling! If you aie languid, depressed and incapable in-capable for work it Indicates that your liver is out of order. Herblne will assist nature to throw otT headaches, head-aches, rheumatism and ailments akin to nervousness and restore the energies ener-gies and vitality of sound and perfect health. J..1. Hubbard, Temple, Texas writes, March 22, 1002: "1 have used Herblne for the past two years, It has done me more good than all the doctors doc-tors When I feel bad and have that tired feeling, I take a dose of Herblne It is the best medicine ever made for chills and fever." 50c a bottle. Sold by Rlter Ilros. Drur Co. Hate You a Cough? A dose of Ballard's Horehound Syrup will relieve It. Have you a cold? A dose of Herblne at bed time and frequent small doses or Horehound Hore-hound syrup during the day will remove re-move It. Try it for whooping cough, asthma, for consumption, for bion-chitls. bion-chitls. Mrs. Joe McGrath, 327 E. 1st. street, Hutchinson, Kan., writes: "I have used Hallard's Horehound syrup In my family for 5 years, and llnd It the best and most palatable medicine I ever used." 2.1c, oOc, tl.00. Sold by Rlter Bros. Drug company. If in a kind of billions mood, You wish an aid to digest food, To other pill Is half so good As DeWltt's Little Early Risers. The famous little pills Early Risers cure constipation, sick headaches, biliousness, etc. They never gripe or sicken, but Impart early rising energy. Good for children or adults. Sold by Rlter Bros. Drug Co. Cuban dlarrhwj. U. S. soldiers who served in Cuba during the Spanish war know what this disease is, and that culinary remedies rem-edies have llttlo more piTcct than water. Cuban diarrhoea is almost as severe and dangcious as a mild attack of cholera. Theic Is one rcmedy.how-ever, rcmedy.how-ever, that can always be depended upon up-on as will be seen from the following ccrtltieatci from Minnie Jacobs of Texas: Tex-as: "1 hereby certify that Chamber Iain's collc.cholcra and dlanhoea remedies rem-edies cured my husband of a severe attack at-tack of Cuban diarrhoea, which he brought home fiom Cuba. We had several doctors but they did him no good. One bottle of this lemedy cured him, as our neighbors will testify. test-ify. I thank God for so valuable a remedy Sold by all druggists,. Quality and Quantity. Hard muscles and strong body do not depend on the quantity of food you eat, but on Its perfect digestion and proper assimilation. When you take Kotlol Dyspepsia Cuie iour ss-tem ss-tem gets all the nourishment out of all the food you cat. It digests what you cat regaidlessol the condition of the stomach and conveys the nutrient properties to the blood and tissues. This builds up and strenphtens the entire system. Kodo! cures indigestion, indiges-tion, dyspepsia, belching, sour stomach weak heart, etc. Sold by Rlter Bros. Drug Co. Srraintd ankle, stiff neck, lame shoulder. These are three common aliments for which Chamberlain's pain balm Is especially valuable. If promptly applied ap-plied It will save you time, money and suffering when troubled with these ailments. Sold by all druggists. Notice of Intention to Tax. Jwan IJlili. that it iiitemW to lev j a spv, hi tax 011 the red estate hereinafter d.v rlls-d f,,,.efl,.,l-fTsooHlll!,r a ''" "Idewalk four feet wide and for that iune of lev j Inr said tax. a seeelal laxliiirdWrlct to Is- known an designated as Mdenalk IM.trlet No. n ,n ",'.,i'V.l',.r'",,Ml wl,l,ln ."", "immUrles-of the (INtrlct to l nireeted and lienellied lij the said Improvement. Hie said Iniimivi nn nt will iH'ttlnai the In terjeetlon of I'lrsi West and Center streets anil run thence south on the west side of 1st . .1'?' ."r','.'1 'll'tanoii of four Mocks tn the corner of rourih south str ei The l.mpert to 1. aneetcd and hfiielltisl hi the. said Imprtneineiil lll In' that ahutl-luir ahutl-luir oIomit the said lmiroenieiit. fromlm: the ri?.'J.,.ell!,"r J",: w"t .'l'"", of the street anil ilese-rllied as follows, r U,, , ;. g a, ln dock 4! plat II. All lots In the east ha f hS.,rM,.VU.li,,i A '"V I" tin-cast hal of block III plat II. Uwan City s'urwj That tho estimated cost of the said Improvement Im-provement Is tl.Si per front or linear foot. I or ilefraylnir the whole thereof, tin, city Intends In-tends to levy a special tax the fmntaKK 2fi V V.r,,,!!ur!Y a''..a,'ov! "'"Honed, atnvled ami ts'i etltetl by the said Improwmient. The city council will consider the promised levs and hear objections thereto In wrltlnir on Wednesday, the Mlnlay of .lulj. IIHV., at I" in at the clti council chamWr. , . , ,ll'' Smith. City llwmler 1st piihllcatlon. June in. Iltii. Dylni of Famine Is, In Its totments, like dying of consumption. con-sumption. The progress of consumption, consump-tion, from tho beginning to the veiy end, Is a long torture, both to victim and friends. "When I had consumption consump-tion In first stage," writes Win. Mvers, of Cearfoss, Mtl , "after trying dlllcr-cut dlllcr-cut medicines and a good doctor, in vain, I at last took Dr. King's Now Discovery, which quickly and peifcct-ly peifcct-ly cuied me." I'lompt relief and sine for coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis, bron-chitis, etc. Positively pievenls pneumonia. pneu-monia. Guaranteed at Illtcr llros thug store, prleooOc and tl.00 a bottle. Trial bottle free. The Salve That Penetrates. DeWltt's Whllch Hael Salve pone trates the pores of the skin, and by Its antiseptic, ltibifoclent and healing Inlluence It subdues Inflammation ami cuies bolls, burns, cuts, Eccma, tetters, tet-ters, ling worm and all skin diseases. A sped lie for blind, bleeding itching and piotrudlng piles. The original and genuine Witch Hiinl Salve is made by E. C. DeWItt & Co., and sold y Rlter Ilios. Drug Co. A Pleasing Husband I makes a contented woman Hint to H the wife- Use Ccntial Mom In biscuit H making and see a scren snille creep H overtho phislognomy ofour spouse. H Try it once jou'll use it alway. M Central Milling Co. I LOIIAN, iH'AII L High Heat. I Is the kind of heat produced by the mm almost enthc combustion of the coal H we supply, Onu ton of coal may cost 1 as much as another, yet not furnish H anything like the heal. My buying mW coal from us ou get heat, fuel value mU for your value. H M. & L. Wood & Coal Co Phone 198 k. M 'Dyspeptics I I f you ara too fat It Is because your food H turns to fat instead of musclo strength. If you are too loan tho fat producing foods that you eat are not properly digosted and asslmilatod. 1 Lean, thin, stringy peoplo do not have enough Pepsin in tho stomach, while fat H peoplo have too much Pepsin and not H enough Pancreatine. H Kodol Dyspepsia Cure H contains all tho digestive Juices that ara found in a healthy stomach, and in exactly thoso proportions nc-ccssary to cnablo the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assimilato all foods that may be eaten. Kodol is not only a perfect digestant, but it is a reconstructive, tis- sue building tonic as well. Kodol cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Palpitation of tho Heart and Constipation. You will like it H DiUcsts What You Eat LM Rests the stomach, rebuilds the tissues and gives Arm flesh. LH IMUuaottUtoUiaki I I ripr4 at th lk- I tlcM a mack u tLa cialwrII.O.Swltt jH toltl, or 0 tnt ilia. 0o.,CtUa, p A. H Sold and guaiantced by Rlter Rros H Drug Co. Logan, Utah; Montpelier, H Franklin, and Preston, Idaho. jH |