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Show "Dr. Ilntlil Kenneilv'M rnrcirltit Iteineily im tliliMtt for Ihu liver I urtti ui .her Hirlit tfkraiif tulTrlii S l'riroii. Albany, . V . W urll fftluuu. II Mrs. lVln.Iow'ii Soothing Mjrnp. Jor rhli'lrf n teetblD. otinn the Kurai, redarpn nv tmmftUua,.IU7ipala,curetwla4colIo. SSc.bulUe. TEA , is the drink, if you make it right: good tea, of course. And it costs a third of a cent a cup. Your ftrorer returns your moi.ey If you don'l I ltlis,hniiiiiciit i Santa Ana Rheumatic (Bare and Kidney Remedy , A POSITIVE CURE FOR j Rheumatism, Gout and Kidney Disease It New Dltcovery That Mit Mirvelout Cure. Soms Cured in a Ply Nearly ivsry box a curt It directions tollowtd. A CURE FOR A DOLLAR THINK OF ITI THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. I AT DRUGGISTS OR BY MAIL. $1.00,' I THE SANTA ANA CURE COMPANY I BUTTE, MONTANA. j DON'T FOItdKT A large Z-ot. packaitn I ted Cross 111! lllue, only 5 cents. The Hush Company. South Henri, Ind. INTERESTING LETTER WRITTEN BYAN0TABLEW0MAH ! Mrs. Sarah Kellogg of Denver, Color Bearer of the Woman's Itellef Con4 Bends Thanks to Mrs. Plnkham. ,giii inij, Tho following jjgpsriSJW. letter was written vjSSsW&sk. by Mrs. Kellogff, M 'flUniv ' 1028 Llncoki m r' SllR; CE Avc, Denvor, I t tP: Sf 1 ola toMrs-P'nk. '! t jf ham, Lynn.Mnss.t feT Dear Mrs 1'inklinm:. jiZJlKTdr "For five years 1 VTtflnfie' "M troubled with a toN Hi tumor, which kept At., r A l1) grovTlne, reusing me great mental depression- I was unable to at-tnd at-tnd to my houso work,nnd life became a burden bur-den to mo. I was contlned for days to my bed, lost my nppctlto, my courage and all hope. " I could not bear to think of an operation, nnd in my distress I tried evory remedy which I thought vrould lie of nny use to me, and reading of the value of I.ydia E. Pinkhtim's Vegetable Compound to sick w omen decide! to give It a trial. I felt so discouraged that I I had little hope of recovery, and when I began B to feel better, after the socoiid w eek, thought H It only meant temjiorary relief, but to my H great surpriso I found that 1 kept gaining, M vi bile the tumor lessened In sire H " Tho Compound continued to build up my B general health and the tumor smed to be B absorbed, until, in seven months, the tumor M was entirely gone and I a well woman, I am so thankful for my recovery that I ask you to publish my letter in nekpapcrs, so other m women mny know of tho wonderful curntlvo M powers of t.ydla K. riiiMium's Vegetable Compound." 9 When women are troubled with lrreg ular or painful menstruation, weakness, M leucorrluea, displacement or ulceration W of the womb, that benriug-dovvn feel- sK H lug, inflammation of the orwlcs, back H ache, flatulence, general dobllity, Indl- gcstlon and nervous prostration, they B bhouhl remember there Is ono tried and true remedy kydia U Plulchara's Veg- H ctablo Compound at onco removes such trouble. No other medicine In the world lias 9 received such widespread and unquall M fled endorsement No other medicine SB has such a record of cures of femalo troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine: Mrs. I'lnkbam Invites all sick women to write her for advice. Sho hns guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Health Is too valuable to risk in experiments, ex-periments, vv 1th unknown and untried medicines or methods of treatment. Remember that Itls LvdlaE. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound that Is curing women, nnd don't allow any druggist to sell you anything else in its placo. : FoodProducte Ml Libby's lyef! Food Products ) rr Dreokfn.st. Dinner n.nd Supper. I ( ViTDrf HnLsh Drlskot Beef aonolo.s Chlckon ) VottI LooJ &P9 Vienna Ss.taKe S Ty ur, rtady to'jtrM, -.your Or, or haj Ih.m t ( Llbny, McNeill a Llbby, Chicago C THE DAISY FLY KILLER T'S,1,:;::?,' ' '"""' " " '" r ..in -I Ml' J . u la irl KJ3.'5L"i;'WJagtV l.r., ln.,,1,1. I SSSfO j.r... ,!,, SffyyCfes J3vSH.uk' ' ' " "" "' "r ''" I JLJ?-'flW.3 i ,ii.u,.,,. RELIABLE ASSAVS ' PoM. ' 'Join ami Hllrer lift: l? 7' Uulil Slltrr ( opner 1 40 I'lamr Uoiii Uoiurii oim u eb Orr a lluuutii Oodcn flssau Go. "ilil?.,,j.!;Rrr2K i Your Children's Health IS Or VITAI. lMl'OIlTANCE. A largo part of their time is spent in tho schoolroom and It becomes the duty ot every parent nnd good oltlzen to eeo to It that tho schoolrooms aro free from disease breeding germs. Decorate .the walls with Cleanly, sanitary, durable, ar- . M tlstic, and safeguards health. i- A Rock Cement MuSS r Docs not rub or scale. Destroys dlsoass germs and vermin. No washing of walls after onco applied. Any ono can brush It on mix with cold water. Tho delicate ' r tints nro non-poisonous and are made with ' spcolal roforenco to tho protection of pupils' pu-pils' eyes. Ilowaro of paper and germ-absorbing and disease-breeding kalsomtncs bearing fanciful names andmlxed with hot water. Ituy Alaliastlno only in llvo pounil pnokngen, properly labeled. Tint card, pretty wall aud coiling design, "Hints on Decorating," and our artlsUr services In making color plans, lVce. ALABASTINE CO., Orand Rapids, Mich., or 105 Water SU N. Y. UnM CLEAR, HEALTHY SKIN 7WM Saadbolm'B Eczema jc Hb sil Skin Hemtdr K" ?TB Purifies, Then Heels H "Wk ''0ltlTeJ, cu"" Kcma, IMmplea, K-v-TVSB Ivrupttona, In.eci Bllei and all ilia-w ilia-w is rfft.H.i.fthBtHi. An abaolutaeure for Dandruff or Scalp dlieaaea. Aalc bniKKlit or Ilaruer or aeml for FKEB SAMFLS and BOOKLET. Write to-day. Sept. 6, BANPnOLM DRUO CO , Dei Molnai, la. SlaaaaaVaBaVlaTJaQBXSBlBBE9aVaaflaTflaVBaTaBBBBBl When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper HOWARD E. BURTON, A8SA.ND bpiihiirn prl.e. .. i.i "tr Lf ad, II , I. old, SII-yi SII-yi r, .. i,i,i mh .In, i,i Ci pper II I yanl.le te.U. MulllnB phi ri, pi . and run prl e list aunt m appllca-iiiiii appllca-iiiiii i I'liir. I aud 1 mpiri) mirk tuiit hod. Lend-vine, Lend-vine, Colo, lit fereuir. Curhuuatu Nutluual ilanlc. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. U.. Snlt Lokq-No. 23, IOOB. |