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Show ALL DONE OUT. Veteran Joshua Heller, of 706 South Walnut Street, Urbana, III., sayu: "In tho fall ot 1899 aftor taking Doan'a Kidney Pills I told tho roaders of this JH japor that thoy had 8 relieved mo of kid- tw-'it aoy trouble, dls- xz posed of n lamo V'ls. back with pain li'lU i icross my loins nnd f 'j' 4 bencnth tho shoul- "vm dor blades. During JL Jm tho interval which ' j dm. has elapsed I havo I $ yg lad occasion to re- sHBk to Doan's Kid- UTVvVBVJ ncy Pills when I V BBBBF noticed warnings ot I BBBjF in attack On each iiB and ovcry occasion tho results obtained ob-tained were Just as satisfactory as when tho pills were first brought to my notice. I Just as emphatically endorse en-dorse the preparation to-day as I did over two years ago." Foster-Mllburn Co, Buffalo, N. Y. proprietors. For salo by all druggists, prlco CO cents per box. Opportunities In Cuba. Now Utha tiros to ircure land In La (llurU th Srtt and Urgent American Colony In Cuba. Kuy termi. Money In fruit ralilnz. Larica proflia un unall Investment!. Write for free Illustrated booklet. Cuban land 4 BUtmihlp Co., H Broadway, W.T. City. Do It Now. If you aro about to mako a trip any. tvhoro, let mo know. Pleased to glvo jou full Information as to low rates-plenty rates-plenty of 'cm this summer train service, ser-vice, otc. "The Santn Fo" trado mark Is the sign of safety, speed and case. , C. F. WAHHEN, Genl. Agt.. A. T. ii S. F. Hy., Salt Lak City. Utah. SADIE ROBINSON. I Prtllv Girl Suffered From Hervoujnesi an H P.lvlo CiUrrh-Feund Quick Rellel y In a Few Dart. NERVOUSNESS AND , 1 WEAKNESS CURED I BY PjMHJ-NA. I Miss Sadie Rnblnton, 4 Hand street, H Maiden, Mass., writes: H "Perunn was recommended to me Kfl about a year ago as nn excellent remedy Mm for tho troubles peculiar to our sex, and SM as I found that all that was Mild of this VM medicine was true, 1 am pleased to H endorse it. BJ "I began to use It about seven months HJ ago for weakness and nervousness, 9m caused from overwork and sleepless' H ness, and found that In a few days I BJ began to grow strong, my appetite In- R creased and I began to sleep better, H consequently my nervousness passed EI away and the weakness In the pelvic II organs soon disappeared and I have H been well and strong ever since. " D Address Dr. S. It. Ilartman, President Hj of Tho Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus, M O., for free medical advice. All corres- IB pondenco strictly confidential. H Why Not? H "Say, papa," queried little Harold, H looking up from his book, "do tney H plant Urd seed when they want to HJ raise aarrow grass?" "" H "Yes" I Oiurches . I School Houses v I and Homes m ourht Ut be decorated and made bmuUfu Pm and healthful by using U '"MiUiimiimii I A Rock Cement iirJ1E I not rub or scale. Destroys dlteaae germs and ( ""Jin. No waahlug of walla after once ap- I piled. Any one can bruali It on mix with l coldwaner. Plain tinting ani whitening, and the moat elaborate relief, atcncll work and frescoing" may be done with It. Other finishes (bearing fanciful names and mixed with hot water) iltnotliaTo the cementln if property or Alablitlne. They are atucK on with ?:lno or other animal matter, which rU, eedlng- tlaenie eerma, rubbing, scaling; and spoiling walla, clothing, etc. Huch flalahesnKistbowaRhed off every year-coat-ly filthy work, liny Alalimtlno only In tlie-pourta package., properly labeled. Tint card, pretty wall and celllne dejlgn. Hints op Decorating, nnd our artists' sr-Tloes sr-Tloes In misting color plans, free. ALABASTINE COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Mich., or NS Wnler St. N. V. "mining! SUPPLIES I Wo carry i" stock at all times a complete lino of supplies for miners and prospectors, inclml i n g IT o o la, Wheelbarrows, Iron unci Steel, Forges, Camp Outfits, Clothing, jfj i Boots and Shoes, Gro- b ceries, otc. Correspondence Solinittxl. . Z.C.M.I. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH Your WasMay is incomplete ns long as you are not using IFM (Dross BaDD m Try it Md satisfy yourself that nothing wakes the clothes so while. At groctis. Large 2-ounce package v foyScenli. Remember the name. k When Answering AdvertltemonU 1 6 Kindly Mention This Paper. ,, .,ir. 9 pssMepame ap-s mi atfss |