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Show WRECK ON D. & R. G. RAILROAD. Many are Injured, but None Fatally. Cache County People in The Bunch. In a wieck on the Denvei & Rio (iiande sixty miles west of Giaud Junction, Colorado, about 5 o'clock Thursday moinlng, twcntj-nlne people peo-ple aic leported hijuicd, among them being a number of people from Noith-ci Noith-ci n, I'tah, as follows: Mis. Anna Carlson, Logan, cut about the face. Matilda Jensen, Hiigham City, head cut and back twisted. Mis. A. Jacobson, Cove, light side bruised. David Jacobson, Cove, head cut, left arm wicuched. Helen Jacobson, Cove, left ankle broken. Maiy Jacobson, Cove, loft hand cut. The accident was the lesult of a switch spicading. The engine and tender cleaied the defect, but the baggage car and two coaches stiuck the tics. The engineer threw back the le or and endeaorcd to stop the momentum. momen-tum. The train bumped along the sleepcis, and the frightful jariiug threw the people fiom their seats and berths. Instantly a panic staited in the cai With a jerk the heavy engine was brought to a stop. Hcfoic the air. brakes could bo applied to each car they smashed Into the locomotive. There was a creaking of timbers and a crash of steel. The momentum of the heavy cais i mining on the roadbed road-bed tlnew them over and tho cars rolled to their sides. |