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Show "HER POLKS AND HIB'N." Difference In Families Neatly and Forcibly Put. Tho groom and his beautiful, blushing blush-ing brtdo had departed on their honeymoon, honey-moon, and her elder slater and her husband wero looking for the last tlmo at tho numerous and costly presents. It Is generally from the brhlo'a friends and relatives that most of tho gifts are received, but on this occasion the groom's friends and relatives, rela-tives, who, with few exceptions aro wealthy and generous, vied with one another In the splendor of their gifts to tho young couple. Tho eldor sister's husband descended descend-ed from an aristocratic family, but was poor as tho proverbial "Job's turkey," and was not generous with gifts when ho was married. Casting a sweeping glance over the tables where tho tokens of lovo and esteem wero displayed, he drow himself up proudly, and remarked: "If my family fam-ily cannot boast of riches, wo can of blue blood 1" "That's so," responded Ids wlfo "Thero Is plenty of hluo blood In your family, but a woeful scarcity of greenbacks!" green-backs!" Chicago Record-Herald. |