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Show DOWNFALL OF A LOGAN BOY Caught in the Act of Robbing a Store. Stealings covered a Long Period. Illlman Johnson, a Loganboy possibly possi-bly nineteen 01 twenty jeaisof age, is contined in the city Jail on the chaige of lobbery, having been captured cap-tured In the Rolfsen store on First Noith sticct Thursday night about ll::iO o'clock. Mi. ltolfsen has missed money from his till for a period extending over seveial months, the amounts ranging fiom 1 to $20.00, and this had become so regular and fieuuent that he found It necessary to catch the culpilt or milt business. He conferred with City Marshal Ctockntt and the two agieed to take turns sleeping in the store. Thursday night was Marshal Ciockett's second night and he caught his man. About ll::to sonic person inserted a key into the front door, opened it, and with a certainty that proclaimed famlllarty with the place marched direct to the olllce desk where the money was usually kept. Unknown to .the culprit or even to Maishal Crockett, Mr. ltolfsen had Just attached attach-ed an alarm bell to his desk, one that would ring when the lid was tampered with, and when the boy opened up the desk, this bell went oil and nearly scaled him to death. He diopped everything and started to get out, but was confronted by Marshal Crockett. The marshal asked him what he was doing theie, and the boy replied that he was "after some cxtias." On rurlher questioning ne admitted that It was money he was after but said that he was not a frequent fre-quent visitor nor had he taken mote than $1.50 at a time. At this he was taken to the city Jail. It appeals that a jcar ago, the boy was an emplojcof Itolfsen's, who at that time frequently missed small amounts of money and aitlclcs fiom the stole. While theie the boy made kcjs for the front door and desk, and It Is piesumed has been making his little peculations ever since. It is said that the joung fellow alwajs had plenty of money to spend audit was a souice of wonder as to where he got It. No one other than Mr. Holfscn can contemplate j this airest with any (legiee of pleasure, for 'tis a sad tiling for the boy, but It may prove an example ex-ample toother joung fellows around Logan whoso appeaiancesaie decidedly decid-edly against them. |