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Show Hyde Parkisms. II YOr.lW UK, April 3 -On Monday last wl, H-Alfred llancywas unloading unload-ing shade trees In fiontof his falhei'3 resident'" , Ms team became frightened and tan away. Mr. Ilancey caught tho line-, but one bieaklng, lie lost control nt d the team ran Into the city lot of liMiben I'crkcs. They were brought to a standstill by trjlng to Jump a pi u-l fence. One horse landed on one si the fence, the other horse on the i.' her side. The fence was somewhat damaged, also tho buggy, and one horse was cut quite badly on tho foreleg. Mr. Hinoey barely escaped es-caped bclnu caught between the bugyy and tlv f- me Just as the line broke. Mr. ti-oige Nielsen, who has been doing missionary work In the state of NobruiK.1, relumed home last Saturday. Satur-day. On Sunday afternoon Mr. Nielsen Niel-sen ai.d our one-time rcstdenter, Thos. Duce, occupied the stand, giving us a good talk upon the principles of tho gospel. They also talked to the children chil-dren In Sabbath school. On Sunday last Mrs Catmul enter tallied a number of her friends at luncheon, and an enjoyable time was had In talking of by-gone days and the blessings of today. Though seventy-two seventy-two years old, Mrs Catmul U asspry and lively as most women of llfty. Long may she llvo to enjoy life's blessings. The Amusement Committee gave a dance In tho hall Friday, March 20 A goodly number were present and all seemed toenjoy themselves Immensely. Seven I of our joung folks have sore throats and are quite sick, but the doctor sajs It Is tonsllltls and not diphtheria. When Is spring coming? is a question ques-tion often asked novuda)s. "Old Sol's" face has been hid so long that It 1 quite a treat to get a glimpse cf it occasionally. A goodly number of Hyde Parkltes will attend conference at Salt Lai c this week |