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Show Visitor Was Only Grateful. A young man from tho country was lazily nmbllng along n certain Btreot In Washington, when ho stopped in front of an engine house and looked In. . "Hnvo many fires horo In Wash-ln'ton?" Wash-ln'ton?" ho Inquired of a fireman standing at tho door. "Quito a number," num-ber," wns tho reply. "Havo to go to all of 'em?" "Not unless they're In our district, or Micro's a general alarm." "Ever try to sco how quick you can hitch up?" "Yes." At that instant thcro camo an alarm. At tho first stroke of tho gong tho men ran to tholr posts, tho doors of the stalls opened, tho horses ran out nnd wero quickly hitched to tho englno and hoso-enrt, and within a fow seconds men, horses and apparatus appa-ratus wero out of tho door and speeding speed-ing down tho street. Tho young man watched tho performance with undisguised undis-guised admiration. "Well, I must say this Is a dernod obliging town!" exclaimed ho. "Tlwro ain't many places where they'd go to nil that troublo to show a Btrangor what they can do!" |