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Show Sejver About sixty citizens of Logan met nt the Commercial Club rooms on Thursday night to discuss dis-cuss the sewerage proposition for Logan. Not ono present voted vot-ed against sewerage, though there was a great diversity of opinion as to the extent of tho system needed as well as the plan of raising the necessary funds to put it in. The chnir-man chnir-man of tho meeting, Molvin J. Ballard, was lenient with the speakers, giving them a broad scopw in the discussion, through which n fow things were referred refer-red to that were not opportune, but withal the meeting was productive pro-ductive of good. Dr. D. C. Budge, a member of the Board of Health, was pecsent, and portrayed the condition of tho city from a sanitary point of view, telling plninly what "tho law is on certain points', nnd what would of necessity follow if a sewerage system is not installed. in-stalled. After much discussion it appeared ap-peared to be tho prevailing lpirj-ion lpirj-ion that the system talked, oj! two years ago sowcrago through the threo blocks from the G. W. Thatcher residence north to tlio court houso would bo amply sufficient suf-ficient to cover present need and is nil that the citizens can stand nt present. It wns recommended that the council reconsider along these lines, outting ont drainage, and readjusting assessments. Tho Fourth ward put in n strong plen for sorvice. Tho .council held a session yesterday yes-terday aftornooa to go over matter. V .... 7 |