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Show LEGAL NOTICES H PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP 'NOTICE. BaSSSB . H Jwwili County Clerk or tfie BeptUlve Slgt- H ' ers for further liformatlon. H tn the District Court, Probate DIvlsles lo atl H- for Cache Coanty. State of Utah. M NOTICE TO GREDITOllS. H 'tn ivniu'tarof Uwejtatoof Paul Hansen M 'Ktfr r, villi tirentelalnu with vouchers H v the 'i f ijnUcn.) I at his residence at I'rovl-ililV I'rovl-ililV t ..! '-"'tMnty. Utah, oa or boforo the M V 't M ir-li'. A", I). WOS. . ., M Hum of Hnt truncation May 1. 1907. M Alma Mattiikws. H Administrator of the estate H of said deceased. H - 4 Attorneys for said citato. H NOTICE TO CREDITORS. M EUf) ot Mattel Johanna Cbrtstoffersen H lYterson. deceasod. auditors will present claims with vouchers IjijV frithourxiarssirnocl at his residence at Uydo H rr,Utclir countr. Utah. on or before tho M tOthdayiif Heptombor. A. D. 1907. H Dote ot first, publication May 4, A. D. 1907. B LAM 0. 1'KTIIUIlf. IjijV Administrator ottbo estate H of Metto Johanna Chris- H tofferson l'etersen, de- H" S Kebckor, Hart & Nobeker, H .' Attornoys for Bald ostate. H NOTICE TO CREDITORS. H Xstatoot Nicholas Jacobs, deceased. H Credltors'Mlll present claims with vouchers H K the undnrslirncd at his residence In Logan H City, In thu County ot Cache and State of H .Utah, on or before tho Mth day of September H A.D. 1907, H Dateot first publication May th A. D.1907, H CAsraa Hoitmah H . Executor of tho last will and tetstmont of H Nicholas Jacobs, deceased. H J. C. Walters, Attorney. H Notice. aaaV M United States Land Office. Pall Lake City. M tUab. April SO. 1TO7. H To Whom It May Concern! H The State of Utah bavins selected aha part H ot Its grant.as Indemnity School Lands.under H the tth section of the Act ot Congress approv- H ed July 18.1801. tho following described tracts, H returned by tbo United States Surveyor- H general as mineral lnil, notice la hereby H given that thu said state will submit proof as H to the character of said land, before tho Ilcg- H Mer and Recolvor. at this offlco on Monday, H the 23nd day of July. lOOr, at 10 o'clock a. in. H tU:' M BWM NEW Sec. 4. T. fl N.. It. 3 E.. (Statu No. 1 6C. I. B.). and SH NEW Sec. 5. HK NW Hoc. B 4. T.O N.. R. 3 E.. S. L. Mer . (ttalo No. 4. II. H AU persons clemming any iiorUun of said de- H acrlbcd tracts as mineral land, or desiring to H protest or object to tho seloctlon thoreor by B Mm state, are hciyby summoned to Mwar ou H that date, and submit testimony In suayort ot their claims or objections. H K. 1). N. TiuiMt'sox, H Notice to Waterusers. M ' State Enqinkkii's Office, ) m Salt Lakk Citv. Utah, H Apt l 1.1, 11)07 1 H Notice Is hereby iveu that. A.M. H 1III1 et at. whose posioillce .nittrcss is H Wellsvillc, Uihh, lias madf :iplfcat!on H In accoidunce wliii the n iincments B of chapter 103, Session Law r (Jtali, H llK)."), to approprlalu three :!) cubic H feet per second of uater f r-)'n Woll:- H vlllcv New C,in)0'i ':reeK, (Jiu'in eouii- H ty, Utah. Said water will bo iiiu'i led H by means of a dam and a pipe line at a H ' point from which the center or stut Ion H ", townshfp 10 north,' range 1 west, H Salt Lake base and meridian bea'rs H north 41 degrees 12 mlniilcs west 010 H feet distant, from which paint It will H s bo conveyed for a distance of 5,750 feet H and there used during the period from H January 1 to December 31, Inclusive. H of each year, to dcvclop'powcr fur the H purpose of electrlo lighting and pro- H pelllng machinery at Wellsvllle, Utah. H After having been so diverted and H used tho water will bo returned to tho H natural channel of said stream at a H polntlrom which the southeast corner H of section 10, township 10 north, range B 1 west, Salt Lake base and meridian, H bears north 43 degiecs 30 minutes uest M T.SSS feet distant. This application is H designated in the State Knulncer's H oillcc as No 11207 B Ail piotesis against the granting of B said iipplleaiion, siutlntr the icnson B therefm must be made by ailldavlt In H duplicate and II led In thisoillcculthlu ' tlilrlv (li'J) (l.ijs after the completion H it the piibllcallou of this notice H Cali:u Tannku, State Kngiueer H Date of llrst publication May 4, 1007, datoof completion of public ulnn..luiu H 3, 1007. H For a mild, easy action of the bow H, ls,.a single dose of Doan's Ilegulcts is B is enough. Treatment cures habitual 1 constipation, 25 cents it box. Asl: ' .your drijgglstfor them, fc.i .. ..... - . ... . - x r Scenic Line ot the World. . I A Panorama of Klturak Binty III the Way. I Canyou of the. Grande, Eagle River Canyon I Wagon Wheel Gajb, Glenwood Springs, . I Canyon of the Gunnison, Garden of the Gods v I Manitou Springs, The Royal Gorge. I ' I THROUGH I Pullman and Tourist Sleepers I ' To Denver, St. Louis and Chicago. - 'I For rates, folders, free Illustrated booklet, etc., inquire Of your I nearest ticket, agent, specifying the Rio Grande I ....route, or address... ' I I. C. BENTON, GPAD, . Slt Lake City ' I : I i A Happy Mother will tee that Iter baby K pioperly cared for to do this a good putative Is necessary. Many bablet sutler from worms and their mothers don't know it If your baba Is feverish and doesn't sleep at nights, It is troubled with worms. White's Cream Vermifuge will clean out these warms in a mild pleasant way. Once tried always used. Give It a trial. Price 23c. Sold by Rlter Bros. Drug" Co.; 0 i ' ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrv Salt Lake Route I California The Ideal Summer Resort Low Rates Two Daily Palatial Trains frorri ' . all Utah Points. -' Ask agents foiVates for. next excursion or write to J. H. Burtner, D P. A., Salt Lake. ' f |