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Show "MMM mm- IT IS HELD UP I jj Hl""U gi i rs by the family as a model of 0 - TV-' C merit & convenience around' K ll cirMfSr M ' stable and ' unexcelled for Qj B lv! IPAINTi tZs$' d-'MHty, excellence Bed Kj m h r5vi Ia J Mli beauty, Is what those who ft H 1tH ' &Jh have used ll wl11 My of l,ie ru H W&& Mm RITER paints. Our ready Sj M rrW.Q,'"'"S, n,d can be used by any- jj I RITER BROS DRUG CO., I Qfl No. 33 North Main St., LOGAN,' UTAH K H. G. Hayball's Store News A Grand Array of Boy's and Children's, Wear, There Is scarcely an article of Clothing worn by Boys or Children that the Haybail storo Is not showing. Certainly not one that Is approved ap-proved by fashion. f The task Is too great to at- tempt to describe here the Kf? , '""(WRr1 many features of the new 'tV ""i&lJrS? "' 8Ummer'8 garments. mvJTiVS ' ( -MB"? V aoyi' l,,e,r raotners and 'mwf'vi v jfKx?! fathers, are Invited to come RJKgf&jffi - ''' In today and make an tnspec- W9WwjlFjft c.-""', lion. You are especially re- W. '!- rS jJTjJiW) quested to see our nobby ISOsT " ($it Suits SI.50 to $6,00 jfcJJ H. 0. HAYBALL'S; 51-55 West Center St. WM--- To All Students. There Is nothing more appropriate for a Graduating Gift than a Handsomely bound, Beautifully Illustrated Book. In fact It Is trie CORRECT THING. , Wo have a fine assortment to select from, and will be pleased to show them to you. WILKINSON & SON Opposite the P. O. Logan, Utah. Just issued A vest pocket size of the Book of Mormon. Mor-mon. Price $1.00. Limp leather binding. t fine furniturel FOR THE yibJBffl uiiiiiig nuuiiiij.- is one of our sev- JggL erai specialties. jk . It's a dejight to seee bow "welldress-) "welldress-) O ' ed a dining room can look, as we have the Tables, Chairs, Buffets and other oth-er pieces to ornament it' "as well as make it useful. Our practical pricing helps you save in the furniture line. LUNDSTROM Furniture and Carpet Company "aWfc' , We have'tustoek to select from. I I K I : Superb Showing' I 1 1 of COMMENCEMENT TZ ; I I t iJmM) Wearing Apparel. IJI $ I frovs Princess and two pieces styles. mBtflRu 'I X JlMiM an( Undermuslins. ttP 9 ,H m MfeSli Most complete line of Spring JB S H S rS Dependable Oxfords from $1.50 9 W Wi to $3.50 a pair. Ask to see our, H ' M jpgfc Patent Leather Sl , WL' ' Oxfords at $2.50. fv fl MM 0r ROYAL BRAND SSUmf t WlmW hre wiuners- We luive the S-Su" m W !n Vr"T largest and most complete line 9 H b Spn'lflr-' Ready-to-wear in Northern 9 ,H J j!W utab. J ; 9 'i&m-, ' 50 dozen Shirt Waists 65c to Jk. & ' ' fvfe 40 Tub Suits $2,0 to $4'25 W' m i k, -S?" Popular Priced Sailor Hats $1.25 &"(2!sA J V X JiOYAZ BRAND to $2.00. ItS- '-M I Campbell & Sons Go. I 5 MERCHANTS. M Vl i |