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Show ,08ked Increase his yield, rejoined , jjohir Homoonou Ppli n whlto Although their country p illlc lus- rt'at vnrlety t climate, nc crystnls KC"VI conditions of life, ac snt gold ltB d'n'crciit degrees of lat Veined "wtHle8 ure singularly hot oung as- PePl0- w'th the sole ex lows It's 1,10 ''"PP"- the nomadic relnd over to mcn of l'ie Mlremo North, tl He's n ,les,cenlel trom the fcnme ol but ho nuvlun stock, unmixed with ! Somo e'rn !'c,ncMt' Thanks to tl '' . .. tlon, both geographical nnd ,, ;," ' they have not been subject foreign domination and h H,uo but llttlo Influenced by fo . ture. They have possesse ral from habited their country In tl th eager uavun pt-nlusuln for more on. years. Their language, wl ter tongues, Norwegian and ll ..H 1 ... . . 1. .. 1 .. X-.... |