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Show Reap Rich Harvest It pays handsomely to sow high- In c rade seed. Such seed costs more, Eltti Bot, according to Professor Georgo and fetewnrt of the Utah Agricultural Ex Into: porlmcnt Station, this Is tho most too Wjvofltablo Investment a farmer or and B glfrdnor can make. Not only aro bet- V H tor ylolds socurod but tho product Is ly 0 W of hotter quality. stnti i 6 to 15 bushels an acre over w )d seed of tho same variety, loi lor and lator varlotlos together wl mo ftold do not mature properly, la' ier tho oarly ono 3ets too ripe loses heavily by shotting or tho ap r ono shrinks bocauso of being greon, thus causing both yield quality to Buffer. to 'ocds In seed aro also tromendous lamaglng. Often young alfalfa ids aro smothered by weeds sown ltj 51 oody seed. Weedy hay and grain so heavily In tholr market valuo lion many weeds aro prosent A wn may bo rulnod by weedy seod. What has beon said of small-grains ipllcs to all field and gardon crops: 1. Sow only clean seed. 2. Pay a hlghor prlco If necessary get good seod. 3. Weeds Increaso labor. 4. Woods decroaso ylold and qual-y qual-y of any crop. o th Annual Convention |