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Show LIFE OF UNIONISM IS NOWAT STAKE FULL STRENGTH OF ORGANIZED LABOR IS TO BE BROUGHT OUT IN PRESENT STRUGGLE Every Element In Unionism Now Declared United In Effort to Wipe Out the Workers Organizations Washington. Believing that the vory lite of unionism is at stake in tho fight between the railroad executives execu-tives and the striking shop craftmon, orgaaizod labor is preparing to meet the situation with its full strength, It waB mado known to the Unltod Press Friday. "Tho menaco of a hugo Industrial conflict tho greatest Ip the history of the country is in the air," an American Federation of Labor official stated. This official Is known as a conservative conser-vative and generally opposed to the uso ot such weapons as the sympathetic sympa-thetic strlko, now being urged on President Samuol Gompers by tho heads ot unions In all parts ot tho country. Both conservatives and radicals alike make no socrot ot their determination to support tho shop crattsmeu in a tight to the finish. Labor's next movo depends largely on tho action of President Harding. Harding nnd his cabinet mot Friday to decide whother tho administration shall stand asldo and permit tho executive ex-ecutive and tho strikors to fight it out, or tako futhor stops for peace. Harding is not Inclined to tako decisive de-cisive action, such as taking ovor rail-roadstbat rail-roadstbat fall to function until ovory other medium has beon exhaustod. But whenever ho beliovcs tho public interest inter-est Is menacod, ho will not hesitate to tako a stop ho has mado it known. He has full constitutional power to secure receiverships for all railroads that fall to function his advisers as-, surod him. |