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Show CLOSING IN ON POLIMAPITAL ANGLO-FRENCH MILITARY EX. . PERTS OPTIMI8TIC OVER PO-LAND'S PO-LAND'S STIFF RESISTANCE. Women's Battalion of Poles Suffers Heavy Losses In Brave Defense of Vilna; Russian Forces Reach Within 75 Miles of Warsaw. Warsaw. Nothing has boon heard from the Polish armistice negotiations negotia-tions since they were swallowed up with the soviet Itusslan lines on their way to meet the soviet envoys. The croslng of "no man's hind" was delayed an hour by a misunderstanding misunderstand-ing In signals. Tho crossing was made In a quiet sector near Knbryn. Seven Polls automobiles boro tho emissaries. Tho cars carried, white Hags. Tho motor hearing General Homer, head of tho delegation, went over llrst, according ac-cording to an American official. Ho said that Just after tho first four cum passed over the bridge leading from one front to the other, the bridge cattght lire. Tho three remaining cars were delayed, but succeeded In catching catch-ing up with the party. Polish nrmlstlco emissaries have been Instructed not to concede any points that might endanger Poland's Independence, according to an Interview Inter-view with Vice Premier Diisxynskl. published Saturday. It hud been Intimated Inti-mated that tho soviet would Insist upon the establishment of a soviet government In Poland before grunting tin nrmlstlco. Instruction lo the Polish doh'gulcs order them to hold out against any clauses which might provide for tho disarmament of Poland. Hcganlliig tho national frontier, the delegate aro Instructed not to concede any conditions condi-tions changing Premier Lloyd George's line of tlemarkatloii. |