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Show 1 r - --- - - xwbbI I Inter- Mountain S Editorial Hilites; jfl Selected for Western Newspaper Union' jBB Service by It. A. C. nnd C. H. W. :, ,Bj The laziest man knows thnt ho )Sb1 misunderstood; tlint ho never had-o 'Bl chance, nnd besides, when ho did haver SbI one, somebody took It nwny from hlmV BWj Carson (Ncv.) Newa. IBfl Prosecuting sounds n. Ilttjtf lll;o prlccf (Bl cutting if you sny It fast-Hut It' BBJ doubtful If talk of tho flraThhd much. BBJ 'to do wltli tho sccoud-Pocntqlhx BBJ (Idaho) News. i 3 tB Hy paying $40 a' day for an apart? BBJ nicut In Chicago, Ethel Ilarrymor? BBJ finds that sho Is saving $110 n day? 'BBJ over tho amount U would 'cost her t rBl llvo In n Chicago fcoitl. will, that W BBJ one way to save, money. Another way) BB would ho to stny nwny from Chicago." Bj Goldlleld (Nov.) Tribune. . ft BBj No need to worry there will brr?- t M various lmportnnt topics for dlscivj 1 B ilon, even after tho campaign Is ovor. fB --Hutte (Mont,) Miner. I BJ Uncle Sam is employing beer test'1 ll ors to find lnv-bronklng ' breworlcsj- Bl There nro SO ntmllniiriU for nvm-n ir,wfL. issssssb -Wnmpn (Idaho) Free Press", " ' , BB English Coal Miners Strike hendf lino. And Wo suppose giiwllno will goj M ap another cent. Caldwell (Idaho), ' BB Tribune. . - BB r- t - Maybe tho reason Itussin doesn't!? -" Bjj Jnln the League of Nations Is Rho'a BJ afraid she'd llrsf havo to tnko n batlife . M and get. shaved. Ephrnlm (Utah) En- BB tcrprlse.' itf j :: . .. 3 BB Tho sum of six-bits expended Inf -- M labor and nbout $2 Jn leather becomes BJ n $12 pale of shoes by tho tlmo It 'BB reaches tho consumer. Ah, well, wcrfe ' BB never were very strong nt flggerla'. ' . BB Logan (Utah) Journal. 5 BB BB The wind-bag orators on tho soap- BB boxes don't accomplish much to creator BB unrest, hut tho profiteers taking In '. BB their millions and Indifferent to tho'.. BB welfare of tho people, nro more sue BJ essful along that lino. Elko (Nov.) ' BJ free Press. ' BJ After all, a Hrlton who has his win Tt BH tcr coal In abend of tho strike seemtf X, BB 10 bo much better off than ntr Amcrl- & BJ ran who, desplto -tho fact thnt there BJ is no sirlko here, cannot get coal. ft Bfl ll'onopah (Nov.) Honanza. & BJ Many hundreds of hogs have been ' .BJ thlppcd out of this district tho past Bfl )cpr, but wo still luivo tho road ban BJ with us. Hupert (Idaho) News. BJ Under new prohibition regulations it Si BJ Is asserted that diplomats may no .long- m BJ er ship alcoholic beverage over tha B lines of common carriers, but may M havo them transported by prlvata i :JJJ truck. Tho Job of chauffeur for tho JB adnlstcr of a foreign power Is likely B to attract numerous searchers for con- BJ Rental employment. Tonopah (Nov.) BJ LJonanzn. 'IT M Tho tide of emigration has mircly - BJ tot towards tho United States, but up flB .to a late hour It had not limited Emma j (BJ Ooldmnii, Hcrkmnn, ct ni. hack to thesur V , BJ ihorcs, nor is It ever likely to have u ; (BJ chnnco to do so. Uutto (Mont) Miner, 7 ;BJ 11 11 1 BB At eighteen they're terribly wlso Irt y BJ their own conceit, nnd very foolish In ' Bfl our older estimation, :but don't you BJ wish you were thnt wny nnd eighteen? JJ Carson. City (Nqv.) News. , BJ Over In Europa soldiers deem It a W HJ trout lionor to bo decorated for bra BJ very und advanced from tho ranks to H oino minor position. Down In Mexico- ,' K tho mnn who Is brave enough advances J himself to tho highest position and so- ((- B IcctM Ids own decorations. Emmett BJ (Iduho) Examiner. 'j Bjl B Adam went to 'sleep ouo night somo ;. B thoiMinila of yuiirs H. O. During thti BJ night ouo of his ribs was removed. BJ In the. morning hu woke, looked about .' BJ him, and exclaimed: "Hello, Septcm- '2 BJ tier Mom I How nro you, old girl?" " JH Eiumott (Idaho) Examiner. BJ There wns a senator elected from JJ Montana itomo years ngo. Her was v Bj elected by reason of his generosity in ,, tJJ distributing "hooch." Ho wns not well 'fy ' 4W Informed. When hu reached Washing s !J ton, where ho ubly misrepresented his jfl constituency, ho heard much discus-; "J Blon about tho tariff bill, then befonr 1 mi tho bousv. He ran Jttto. onu ot.Jils; - !i conferees and said to him: "Say, Pan), , jlj who In tho hell is tills Tariff Hill, they jfl talk so muchfJibout; I know Duffulo- IrJ Ulll and Texas Hill ond Wild Hill, but H V hain't yefimet this hero Tariff Hill." JH IJuul (rdahd) Press. JJ The cost tx)t operating tho United IJ States government is now mora than - ii eight times as great ns It wns six ffl years ngo. By dividing tho expense of fl tho government by tho number of peo , ,1J plo'rcHldlng in tho United Stote It M will bo found that the iiVer-tgiS per J capita tax Is more than $50 Suit Luke" ..fj Telegram. ' jSJ -ill In Oregon Iins been found n caver H which is heated by nature. Many lints'-'" ' JM nro heated that way lu the fall. BalS v J Laic Te'egrum. |