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Show 01 SME NEWS W. C. Urnun, nged 45, n hod carrier, wns struck by nn uutomobllo nt SliU Lake nnd fntnlly Injured. Two passengers on n street car wcro Injured nt Salt Lake, when the enr slid backwards down 11 hill, tho brakes refusing re-fusing to work. The Spanish Fork high school closed Inst week after running for n week with 11 very poor nttcudunco because of the beet harvest. Solo of $1000 worth of penny Christ-nuts Christ-nuts seals In ono day Is tho plmi of Illch county In attaining Its quotn In the sent sale this year. Ogdcn will probably bo n member of n largo Interstate or Intrastate baseball league next year It the plans of n number num-ber of the locnl fnns succeed. A eourso on tho growing of smnll fruits has Just been organized by tho correspondence study department of tin) Ultih Agricultural collego nt Logan. The second nnnual convention of the United Stockmen's Association for Federnl Control of PubllctirnzlngLniid will ho held In Salt Lnke, December 0, 7 nnd 8. A silver loving cup hns been presented present-ed to the Wasatch school at Salt Lake by tho Utah Public Health association for winning In the modern health crusade crus-ade contest conducted Inst year. It Is expected by Major W. a. Williams, Wil-liams, ndjutnnt general of Utah, that the hospital unit nsslgned to the Utah national guard under tho federal allotment allot-ment will be orgnnlzed nt Ogden. Three Millard county dralnngo projects pro-jects near Dcltn, embracing nn nren of 77,000 acres, will bo completed by tho end of next yenr. Tho three projects will cost npproxlmntely $2,300,000. a A. Klklns, employed nt n battery manufacturing concern In Snlt Lake, received severe burns on his face when tar splnshcd In his face while he was In the net of molding some batteries. Abe Mnjors Is applying for pnrdon to tho state board of pardons nnd Joo Ilnktnshl nnd Frank Do Prctto for commutation of sentence. Each of tho applicants wns sentenced for murder. It. Henderson, 80 years of nge, nn employee of tho Amalgamated Sugar company In West Weber, Is In tho Ogdcn Og-dcn hospltnl In n critical condition, ns n result of being gnssvd In tho purifying pur-ifying room. Joseph Thompson, 24 years of nge, of CInrkston, wns Instantly killed Just north of (ho sugnr fuctory In Garland, when nn nutomoblle In which ho wns riding with four friends collided, hend on, with n wngon and tenm. Ail possible aid to save woolgr6vers of tho lntennountnln section from financial ruin wns promised tho Utah State Woolgrowers' association by Son-ntora.Smoot Son-ntora.Smoot nnd King, who nddrcssed tho members nt n meeting nt Salt Lake. Although tho nvlator escaped Injury, tho piano driven by Pilot Shnrpnnck was badly damaged In a forced landing nt Knolls, eighty-seven miles west of Suit Lake, While thu mnchlno wns nt nn altltudo of 11,000 feet, tho gas lino broke. In splto of tho fact that W. W. Wilson Wil-son gave up n quart of blood Inst week for his son, Dero Wilson, who wns shot by Juck l'nss and Gus llurr in n taxlcab ut Ogden, October III, young Wilson, wno Is at tho hospital, Is reported to be In a critical condition. Authorization by tho state legislature legisla-ture will bu necessary heforo Snlt Lake county can appropriate moiiey toward tho cost of n stnto memorial to tho Utnh men who lost their lives In thu country's Benice during tho wnr, according ac-cording to 1111 opinion by tho county attorney. Hecnuso tho telegraph company had not obtained un answer to n messngo for him, Arthur Williams, 2!l years of ago, a laborer In Ogden, hurled a rock through tho front window nnd Inter, when nrrested, attempted to swallow poison tablets, but was prevented by the arresting oftleer. 1 K. Whltmoru of Price, newly elected elect-ed stnto representative from cniimn county, nnd J. Sterling Mclloth of PnyHon escaped death by electrocution when the nlrpluno In which they were riding, ono of tho smallest monoplanes In America, crashed Into transmission wires carrying 41.000 volts nt Salt Lake, tho plane being wrecked. A summary of reports to the Industrial Indu-strial commission of Utah, compiled In the office of Carl A. Allen, state Inspector Inspec-tor of mines, and district engineer of the United States bureau of mines, shows that In nil tho mines of Utnh, outside of cont mines and quarries, thero was nn nverago of 4500 men employed em-ployed In 1010. nnd that they worked an nverago of 2Ti days. The public of Utah, as represented by consumers of coal, shippers of ore, passengers on electric Intorurlmn lines and passenger between some points on stenm lines, Is snvlng at the rata of $2,000,000 n yenr by reason of the public mlllius commission's refusal re-fusal to pennltt Increnses Intrastate fctnctly its permitted by tho Interstuto commerce commission. " |