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Show 1 ' Death of Elias Moris. 4 -- Bishop Elitia Morris is dead as tlie .1 i -result of tho lanientablo accident which j , Itefell liim on Monday night Inst. The 5 , end carrto painlessly and peacefully at 10:30 o'clock Thursday forenoon in tin) . presence of the incmberH of his family !'t, who had kept faithful vigil nt his bed- . uide for nearly sixty hours, hoping im against hope for his recovery and jIL restoration to health. ?J,,, His condition became more alarmii g Mt . aa time wo-e on. He frequently rallied p', v throughout tlie night, and was quite ." lucid, at intervals, but gradually grew $fc -weaker as dissolution approached, and iinully sank into that sleep which had jipj been slowly creeping over him for so Wi many hours. I 'The deceased was 73 years of ago and 1$. " in the field of industrial activity one of If the most energetic and bust known of , Utah's citizens. What he accomplished r -. in a material way is csempli- & , lied in substantial structuies :iuJ 'Wtt, enterprises that will ttand as $mk inonunients to his memory, lie was the 4W' oldest of five btothers that came to WSfc' lJl,ll,, Thev were E1UH wiI,ilu v., 7& -' llichard Y., John aud Hugh. Of these, m!0 all are dead with the exception of Hugh, y ail - w re3'ea "' inhd, Idaho. Itichatd a fliSlferi,:"" -. "V. was the father of -City Treasarer "STifC MorriB and Bishop of-, the Nineteenth &"' " ward when he died, sixteen years ago. I " BIOGRAPHICAL, A brief sketch of the bishop's busy life will be read with gie.it interest by his many friends. He had, it appears, intended to write, in Jaut had commenced, com-menced, an autobiography but his life m wus a very active one and he never liuishedit. What ho uid write on that subject, homever. is herewith reproduced. repro-duced. He said : ''My parents were born at Llonfair Talhairno, Donbigshirc, North Wales. They had born to them seven sons .and , &,. - live daughters. My father was a mason by trade and a contractor in his native L country. I learned the trade with my ,', . - .father. Emigrated to Utah in 1852. 1 , - identified uiyself with tlie Latter-day p v , gaintb .in the year 180. l,u the. year ''I'K ' 1851-; President John Taylor paid a visit iV, to my home in North Wales. He had organized a company of capitalists to - purchase tlio machinery for the manu- v -fttcture of augat fr!om u.ects, w.hicli lie , .intended to establish in Salt Luke Citv He engaged me to go' to Utali in the interest Of thid'sugar company. I left Liverpool 111 charge of the machinery in March, 1852, via. Now Orleans and up the river to Fort Leavenworth, which was the starting point to cross thu plains; arrived in Salt Lake City In November, 1852. Tho Sugar compaily failed to mature in manufacturing sugar, for various reasons. "As thoro was a company engaged at Iron county to manufactuie iron, I was . h engaged to go and put up their furnaces ' Some considerable iron was made," but not of sufficient quantity to makoa buccosh, and for want of funds tho k, company failed, I loturncd to Salt Lake fo" ,' City and commenced contracting in the '"V- ;';; - year 1804; put up th-; Kaglo Emporium "" ' for Mr. Jennings and tho drug storo for Mr, God be." k Tho deceased had been a High Couu- "cilorfor nearly twenty ycais having been sot apait to that office April 17. '1378. On Sept. 12, 1888, ho was set apart as president of the nigh l'liests quorum of the Salt Lake Sialic and tilled that position up to the time of his death, ' On tho roorganizaiion of tho Fifteenth .Jt 4 . ecclesiastical ward, May 11, 18il0, he 'was chosen to succeed Eldor Joseph I ' Pollard", wlio died a short timo before That office Eldor Morris also filled up to tho tin.o of his demise. In Iwti he was fleeted a mem be ijlo the Constitutional Convention which drafted the organic law of the State of Utah. In 1800 on the organization', oJ the Utah Sugar company Mr Morris ' was made president and held the office continuously up to the present. He was grjatly interested in Eisteddfod matters and was treasurer and director of the association, andin thenctive discharge of his duty on Monday when he met with tho unfortunate accident that resulted re-sulted in his death. |