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Show K , The. shoe shop foimeily luubythe BBB "Co-op has change '. bandit and is now H run by Mr. L. V. Ltirsen io has been BBB working in the shop for, many years and BBB lias given good satisfaction to the many BBB customers win have dealt with him. BBB lie having the business now in his own BBB hands solicits the patronage of his BBB former customers,, and tho public BBB generally. BBB ' The Spectator's stories of foxes whi:h BBB hypnotise birds on trees by running BBB 'rapidly round and round them, arc H interesting.' But to get this sort of H , .thing at its best you must go to Kansas, BBB for .instance, where, according to the BBB local papers, the common way of catch- BBB ing owls is to hypnotise them and then BBB wilk-Blowly round, so that the bird, in BB endeavoring to follow your movements, B wrings its own neck. B "The Chipman Mercantile Co., of BBB American Fork, have the largest line of B baby carriages south of Salt Lake City. B ThcstyloHtuc most elegant, and the B prices low. BBB If you want any building material, B .nails, locks, poultry netting, screen BBB rivire, farming tools, seeds, etc., just B call on tho Chipman Meicautilu Co, B .American Fork. BBB '''My boy came homo from school one B .'day w it'n his hand- badly lacerated and B .-bleeding, and suffering great pain,' H, saya Mr. V. J Sehall, with Meyer Bros. B VDn'B Co., Ht. Louis, Mo. "I dressed B -the wound, and applied Chamberlain's B Tain Balm freely. All pain ceased and B in a remarkably ohort lime it healed B without leaving a sear, For wounds H' sprains, swellings and vheunintism, 1 Hl iinow of no medicine or prescription B cquil to it. I consider it a household B necessity." Tho 25 and 50 cent sizes Ht' UJrsale by II. B. Merrihew, druggiet ' f The Hit MtEwll Season... HkbVl isAmado by BJl Mr!2s Ayer's Sarsa- Bire5S pnrilln. Just BV TOaJ? at this Benson - Jd and its debili-rzJKl debili-rzJKl tnting duys BbBL( ' Jmk nro us' H there is notli- BlTH inelikoAyer's BBBT vM S.'irsnpnrilla Bat i if to put new W A (f life into tho Pi w ll sluggish sys-1 sys-1 jjn tein,.ltsweepa ll away the dull- yflWOT ness' 'ac 'nrOiJrf WJ Ruidncss, and m IsJaI lfflrm iaroom sweeps WwtifMwf away cob- W'fTfwWlf "NVC,JS, Jtdoes Iff 'OVhfl not braco ul'-' ul'-' 'MU2 f' It builds tip. lWw''J lts beneflt i3 i HI if yu fcel run W;Irn downV Tak0 L-i Sanaparilla Seail for "Curebook." joopajres. rcc. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Many honored St. Tatiick by holding entertainments on Ttsureday night. A car of barb wire just in at Chip-man's. Chip-man's. Call on them for prices. They are tho people that benefit the farmerc Tho farmers ar very much pleased over the change-in tho weather. The bio.Uiful wn.frtllingdn the mountains forseverttlaays during tho pasttweek. The Prospectus of the Home for 18O8. The excellent stories, for which the Home is noted, will bo continued; the Fashon and Fancy Work departments will bo kept up to a high standard. Knto Banbom will continue her bright 'Ofr-IIanu Talk?," and every onoof tho nuiuerou? departments will be increased and made brighter. T.j:k Nomce. You arc given a choice of ono of the following nrticles and tho Homo for. three months for only 15 cents. Lord Lisle's Daughter, by Charlotto M. Bnieme; Book of GO pages on Crocheting and Iviiittingjor a Stamping Outfit ot (JO patterns, ninny Jaruc designs, including centerpieces, doilies, eic. Illustrated .premium list, or outlit for canvassiug sent free. Tub Home run. Co. , 441 MilkSt. Boston, Mass Confetenco. - For the sixty eighth annual confidence of the Church of Jesu3 Christ of Latter-Day Latter-Day Saints at Salt Lake City, AnriKO-0, theO. S. L. will sell round tripHickets April 5 to 0 inclusive at tho followin.. rates : ? From l'rovo ; $ l 00 Lake view , , 15 Pleasant Grove 1 50 A inerican Fork 1 35 LOII l.... .....jjf 1 ln Lohi Junetiuii .'. .. . 2 All tickets limited locontinuou's.paseage, final limit April 15. . v'.. Saves The C oupy Children, Leo-view, Va. We have a splendid salo on 'Chamberlain's Ojugh ltemdy, and our customers coming from far and near, speak of it in the highest terms Many have daul that their children would have died of croup if Chamber Iain's Cou,'h Remedy had not been given. Kellam & OurrCn . The 25 and 50 cenj sizes for salo by II. B . Merrihew druggist. THE WHOLE system feols tho clfectof Hood's Sarsaporilla stomach, stom-ach, liver, kidneys, heart, nerves aro strengthened and SUSTAINED. Tourist or Family Sleeping Car Setvlce Do you know that every evening the Denver & Itio Grande R. 11". in connection con-nection with the R. G. W. runs a Tourist or Family Sleeping Car to Denver, in which a lower berth can be secured for $2.00? In addition to this daily service, the D. & R. G. W. also operates on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, three distinct Tourist Sleeping Car lines to Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, Boston and New York no change.for Utah passengeis at greatly reduced berth rates. These Tourist ears aremitnagod by the Pullman Company nnd are provided with all necessary conveniences and appliances. The Tourist car feature, together with the admirable train service and scenic attractions at-tractions oi the route, has placed tho D. fi R. (i. in the foremost ranks of Western Railroads. For rates and detailed de-tailed information, apply to any Ticket Agent of tho R. G. W., nr toll. F. Nevins, General Agent, or II. II. Gushing, Gush-ing, Traveling Passenger Agent, D. & R. G., No.. 53 West 2nd South t., Salt Lake City. Sent Free!- To any person interested . in human matjers, or who loves animolst we will ond free, upon application, a copy of the "ALLIANCE," tho organ of this, society. In addition to its inter sely interesting reading, it contains n list of he valuable and unusual premiums ivon by the papar. Address, The National Human Alliance, 410-411. United Charities Building, New vork. A Cure for Bilious Colic. Resouio", Screven Co. Ga. T have 1 been Bubject to attacks of om.3B!r j for several years. Chamberlain.s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the j only sure relief. It acts liko a charm. Ono dose of it gives relief when all other remedies fail G. D. Sharp. For salo by II. B. Merrihew, druggist. SU fae- ? Kdurato Your IJoivcIb With C.ncnretn. 10o1S2y ii chprnC;n?.ur? con?Hpatlon forpicr wo. x. it c. c. C. rat), druggists refund mouoy, S,W. ROSSi j I i -f BBJ HIGH GRADE PORTRAITS v A SPECIALTY- eattsfncUon Guaranteed. -Ov ' BJ LBH1, 'ctt.k:. Frank D. Hobbs, I 4 '' Bl tl.ntc Kepistcr U. S. Tuid OtTic, . All kinds of land business I BVj attended to promptly. Cor- BJ re jpondence solicited. Twenty BJ chree years experience. Oifice next door toU. S. Land Oilico- I j Room 300. Salt Iake City Utali. I DR. MERRIHEW, I QSSSTv Good work at I reasonable prices.""' I Office at Merrihew's Drug Store. B LEHI CITY, UTAH. ; " I HARWOOD andSO p i Carries a full stock of all grades o ? Harness, Saddle, Collars and all kinds of horse goods. Office of Notary Public in same building Deeds and all kinds of legal papers drawn and acknowledged. James Harwood Notary Public American Fork City Roller Mills "'.' Our patent and straight 'grads t ' v i FLOUR' :! " Beats everything for quality W. D. Robinson & Go. Dr. Christensen, DENTIST, American Fork, Utah. THUEMAN & WEDGEVOOD V A TTOIiNIi YS-A T-LA W. Rooms 3 and 7 First National Bank Building, Trovo, Utah. nWWMWMHMHBiMM bbBBbBbUbmmvbbbbbhbb1 Burlington Route New Service Chichago Special Fast Time On and after March daily service ser-vice will be established, leaving Denver at 9 30 a m, arriving at Lincoln 10 30 p m Omaha 11 55 p m Chicago at at 15 following day. Only one night on the road Pullman Vestibuled Sleepers,s Dining and Free Reclining chair cars. This train makes direct connection con-nection with all trains from noints on the O, S, L, and V Q W. Railways for Chicago and a eastern points, Be sure your tickets read via Burlington Route frcm Denver W. P.MoMILLAN General Agent. R. JF. NusLEN.Trav.Poss. & Fit Ag 14 S, West Temple St. . , 0, S. L.Bnilcing, Salt Lake City |