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Show , J 3 Crown Baking Powder. r Crown Spices are best. A Leader every time. JJta fa:'.?. Mracta from Frail o solicit vourpationage, not solely , J upon the ground tlmt our goods are manfactured in tlio elate, brtt upon tho broad basis that we ure giving yon het- ter value for your money than you can ,' possibly rcceivo by asking your grocer t ' , for 801110 brand, which in most cases 1 I "will be found to be nu inferior article costing the same Oi' moio money. Rup- , v port home industries and others will start, which means better times. ' HEWLETT BUOSl Salt Lake City. A load of vtood taken on subscription at this office. Try Schilling's Boat tea and baking powdor. Seo that your children always wear District 7G school shoes. For sale by People's Co-op. Did you evor wear Sego Lily shoes? If not, why not7 One trial will convince you. Sold by People's Coop. Prof. Thomas of Salt Lake anil 1 rb. Beesley of Lehi have been chosen as adjudicator for the coming eisteddfod to bo held under the auspices of ttie Oneida Cambrian Society, which wil to held March 1 at Malad city, Idaho-Tho Idaho-Tho professors go north in a day or two. - "is. S Sanford Dod&e tho well known trage. dhm who has becomo so famous in the role of Richard III will bo the attraction hero Thursday Feb. 17. Mr. Dodge biingawith him acompnn of talented and well tested pluycnvniuV hiB special scenery nnd splendid costumes cost-umes for the play of Richard III aro in accoi dance with Mr. Dodge's steady do termination to combine in his productions, product-ions, every itqtiieite for an elabornt0 and finished representation CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. HvlBivIisTfiiiifliifli Sul Burlington Route New Service . Chichago Special , Iast I line.. On and after Feb. 6, daily service ser-vice will be established, 'leaving Denver at io o'clock a. m, arriv-ng arriv-ng in Chicago at 2i 15 following day. Only one night on the road. Pullman Vestibuled Sleepers,s Dining and Free Reclining chair cars. s This train makes direct connection con-nection with all trains from nbint on the O. S, L, and R, G. VV. Railways for Chicago and al eastern points, Be sure your tickets read via Burlington Route from Denver. WF.Mc'MILLAN General Agent. 14 S, West Temple St. 0. Sj L.Building, Salt Lake City R. F. NKBLKN.Trav.Piss. &Frt Ag F , Hundreds wouli read ptf Mmti I Now is tno timoofthoyearto increase ' H ! P ft your Business and get tho Holiday trado f H , ''wbuttho question is how. Tho bestir H 1 '.way 'B to kool) yur business beforo the ' H i t- public. This can bo dono by putting H vCnn advertisement in tho Banner. Hun . H ' Wdrnds of people read it. Our list of sub- H scribors is growing every week, jL H If It Tsras here. I LEHI FRUIT STORE. I CHARLES EARL. Proprietor. H TTOT;T!7'(W?SH TCiy71T? "WTTHR Both Homo Grown M JS&MBh&im M M MEW and Imported 2l.XHT SOZEEET, - - LESSEE Beesley IVIarble Works I MANUFACTURERS OF H Marble and Granite Mouments I f ii miii !! 1 1 a w wmmmm mmmmtmmmm wm H Headstones, Tablets, Curbing, &c. High grade work a specialty. Send for ipeaigras arid Fxioea. M Oregon Short Line Time Table. In effect July 25, '1897 J JZLSW? , IML-i 3E3 SE3C "X. P H Trains fjoing North: M SuymlbrSdK'l.ake, Tintic, Mejcur and intermediate points' $.t$ p. m. v For Salt Lake, Portland, Iutte and all points east. H Trains going South. M 3:53 a..m. For Provo, Manti, Nephi and all intermediate points, u H 7:o'3p. fn. For Provo, Nephi, Friscc and intermediate points . fl . Between Salt Lake and Ogden. I Four trains 4n"h way daily, leaving Salt Lako nt 7 and 8 a. in. and 4 and S 7 i. u. Two through' trains tvcnll points east, leaving Salt Lako at 7 H a. .:, and 7 p. m onnd reaching Denvjr. Krinsns City, Omaha, St. Louis fl Chicago and St. Pifiilirom three to twelve hours ouickpr than any 6ther H line. Tinin for Tooele loaves Salt Lako at 7H5a.m. For further H information call on 0. J. CAMi'iiRiL,u!;er. Lehi ' H D. E. Buulkv, general agent Salt Lake. H H dfi&s. Ki Grande Westera I w5!fe TIME TABLE I s ln Hffect i2:o a-m' July ?t ' ' 1 TRAINS1WESTBOUND. 1 Nov, r. t7romthe East Leaves Lehi at 11 :3s a.m. ,' I No.?3.. From the East leaves Lehi at 8:24 p. m. I JpV',5.. From Sanpete Valley points arrives at Lehi at 4 '.26 p. m. 1 Nq. '7'-. From Eureka, Payson, Springville, arrives at'Lchi 9:04 a. m I 4 TRAINS EASTBOUND. I Nr- l7or the East leaves Lehi at 10:14 a. m. ' I No. 4, . For the East leaves Lehi at 8 524 p. m, ' . I No'.-d'f ForSanpete Valley points leaves Lehi at 8:53 a. m. ' ' I No. 8.. For Springville, Payson andEureka leaves'Lehi' at S :Sop m 1 Train No. 6 runsto Richfield arriving there at 8 145' pm., No: 5 ' 1 leaves Richfield at io a. m. Trains No. i, 2, 3, and 4 do not stop at Lehi. 4" D. C.Dodoe, 8. II. Babcook, Gen. Mgr. TraflicMgr. Wm Welsh, local agt. F. A.Wadleigh, Gen. Passenger,ag JOB PRINTING, The Banner Job Office contains a complete outfit for doing first-class job printing gof all kinds at reasonable prices. |