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Show Council Procoedingj. ' K i Fob. 8, 1808. City Council met in legular session, Mnyor Willie hi the chair. Present Smi'.ti, Glover, Allred Taylor and Peter son. i Prayer h Olover. ,, B. O Earl 'present and payed hi8 license for the., hi Produce Co,,, A petition froi the Junction '"people asking tho council to remit their dog tax or suspend tho law for the present; Mr George Beck, a signer of tho petition, was pre3entand stated that tramps wero very numerous in that part of tho town. Related incidtnts where their dogs had been useful in giving alarms and protect, inglfamilies. ' Councilruen Allred stated from tho evidence before us he was .not in favor of remitting the tax. Councilman Smi'h Btuted he would probably be Injfavo of granting the petition if he knew-1 when to draw the lino. Councilor Petersou said if we would Jet all the dogs on the outskirts of town go without taxes people in town would soon present petitions of a eimiliar character Said wo had lost moncv on tho dog business The dog tax collector stated hefavored lowor taxes on dogs. Councilor Taylor was not in favor of remitting taxes on dogs on tho outskirts of town but wae in favor of loivoring tha taxes on tlio dogs. Moved by Taylor and seconded by Smith that petition be not granted Carried, v Pound-keeper Winn's report was accepted. Receipts for tho quarter $7, expense $11.25, leaving $4.25 duewhlch was allowed. z I Marshal and treasurer's report 'for tlast o.uartejywcre )wccptel'1U'?' committeesVero rleommenoTdr y P Moved by 8inith that tho ordinance relating to dog tax bo refored to committee com-mittee on Judiciary for amendment Carried Irrigation company petitioned for th9 continuance of tho uao ofvthe City Hall. Granted. fX ' C. L. Seabrlght was nominated and appointed quarantinonbysieian. John Simnis wart noniinutedT and ap-painted ap-painted as the 3rd parly of tho health boaid. 4v Meeting adjourned. |