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Show B, - H H The current Collier's- pietornlly 1 seasonable: on tho front, papo 1b it i picturo ol tho ocean grayhound r "Tuetonte" entering port with her bow, H unasts nnd rigging covered with ice, and v , another full-pge pinto ia of "A Frosty Morning at the Ferry." Many questions H regarding the great naval demonstration H iaOhineso waters are answered by a m ". doublc-t.ago picture and the accomwaii-H accomwaii-H ingtort. The leading ar tide ia a strong H pica for more intelligent and gei oral H. intereit in oar national police tlio navy H and tlio nrmy Many other topics of H v current interest are treated ( ia tho K ? several departments of tho paper. B m Thero ia going to bo a great etirring M up in social circles 4nt)iH atnto s6pn. M . Tho ofTicers of tho Trans Mississippi m exposition at Omaha iiext summer want K -tho portrait of tlio beauty of this str.to B ' nnd tho deciding will stir up society. B A photo is to be sent from eacii western B state from rrhioh to make n composite B head for the exposition medal. H Small pill, safe pill, best pill. DcWitt's H Littlo Early Itisers cure billiousucss B constipation, sick headache. II. B H Merrihow. H Mrs. Ellen Clark of American Fork H was severely inju rid yesterday by falling H on the ice. H Work ia bciiiir , puslied on the now H , creamery at American Fork. H Cache valley flour mills are to send a H - shipment of Hour to China. B Mr. George Austin of Payson is Iinre H visiting friends and relatives. m Whnt, Worried IIliu. H Hoax What's worrying you now ? B Jons My old uncle's at death's door. H "Whnlt doea thei doctor sny?" H "That's -what.'s worrying me most. H Jle said he would pull liim through, B mid I forgot to ask him which way." B Philadelphia Record. H 'He knew that the ordinary H rnzorback hog of Florida was a great B natural enemy of snakes, and he set to H work to systematically train a whplo B .drove of lioirs to hunt down and dc- B . stroy thu reptiles. In a littlo while ho B had his swino as thoroughly trained in B their part as setter dogs arc: drilled to B point quail. lie first cleared his own B farm of a vast quantity of big ones, B and then he begun to hire out his hogs B to his neighbors who were snnke-af- B flictcd. The fame of those raorbaeks B spread all over the laud nnd people B - whoso places were infested with rat- B tlcsnakcs and men who were clearing B -up new laud bent for Jones' hogs. B "This is no romance, for I talked with B Jones himself nnd he told me all about H it. and exhibited his book of engage- H ments, which also contained a record H of all the snakes slain for the Inst H twelve months. I havo every reason H to believe he was stating the facts, for B he gave tnc a warm invitation to visit K his place nnd promises to give an cx- H hibltlon that, would demonstrate tho H- slrill of hie snake-killers." |