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Show The 11. 0.W. Agent at this plaeo will -tell exeiiiaian tickets via the D.-A R. G ,o all Mno ri liver points, St. Louis and Ptl.Mgn, on June 17at one faro for the round trip. Tlioso tickets will lie good for return paewuo up to 4tnd In-eluilinir In-eluilinir rVpt. C, 1608. Remember tho I) .ii It. if I tlio only lino that runs in., I my fntt trains toall eastern points ' i i 1. 1 iiipctioii with tlio Rlodrando Wes- i in in ltjie only rallroa1 hating' two di-tnift lfitt'9 from Grml JunctiorJ I'm tiirthur Informallon cnll on ticket agent. |