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Show " " The Beck Resort. A bridgo Is to bo built across the Jordan near tho head of that river on tho rond to Beck'e Saratoga Springs. Tart of the timber has nlready arrived and active operation will commeuce Friday. Fri-day. The bridge Is put In with expectations ex-pectations nf running n dummy carllno from-Aium-Iron .Ifo'rk- uiul this plnec lo the springs but at present will be used by teamsters or others going to tho springs. Tho building of the bridge will open up a rond that will shorten tho distance to nearly one-half of the old route which will be a great advantage to he patrons of that popular resort Mr. Heck also Intends puttlnp in a larger plungo at the loner Bprings near the head of tho river mid WJ1 ng0 build largo bnth houses on tho lino snndy beach for the convenience, of those who wish to Indulge In lake bnthlng. The hath houses are surrounded hy a ncree of shade nnd fruit trees which mikes it pleasant nnd convenient for largo gatherings. Thcro Is also in tho grove a untieing floor which can bo used hy tho "trjppore of tho light fantastic." This place In fait becoming one ofthe greatest pleasure retorts In the Territory. It is supplied with all facllltlca for boating, bathing, racing and dancing and thiT hunting and fishing Is of the I st. First clnss hotel accomodations are supplied and those suffering (rom rhnumatliiu will do well to sojouru thcro while using us-ing treated by the healing wnters, proof of the elhVucy of which Is plont". The springs me the propeity of John Beck and he is sparing no oxpcneee to flt up tho place. Jt U a great thing for Lehl nnd Mr. Btcfc deserves the gratitude grati-tude of the puwpl-j for Mi enterprise and, forethought. With this tcsort nnd the Lehl .ako Resort ourclty line two ot tho finest tlttod up places Jor outings to be found In tho Territory. |