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Show A Surprise, The pnpila of Mr. James M. Anderuon gave him n great surprise on Friday night last, in tho central school house, which proved quite a succcsa. The puplla managed the affair quite pleasingly. pleasing-ly. They worked hard nil tho afternoon on Friday to mako arrangement. Wheiiovciiiiigcnmo thoy nil gnthcted In tho lower rooms ot tho bulldlpg and aantMr. Child to notify Mr Anderson that ho was wanted, nnd must come and attend a meeting. That gentleman had qtilto a lliuo to got Mr. Anderson to lcavo homo liocaueo Ida wife had told him they were going to Inivi- company that evening. However, he prevailed upon lii in nnd they together wended their wny to tho echool building, nnd Mr, Anderpon wna tirliircd into tho room, and thoro faced about irom CO to 7C bright and IntoIHg-nt pupil. This sight partly ovcrcomo him, nnd when he had gathered himself he inado n nice littlo Bpecch. Tho evening waa" spent in singing, 'netting, gnmes nnd speech making. Tho young tolka had nil enjoy nble tlmo with their teacher mid tho invited guests |