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Show The Llttls Thlnen the Most Valuable. Comparatively few people regard nem reives as lnentoN, hut nlmoBtcvcrybody has been (truck, at 0110 Hum or nnothcr, with Ideas thnteeenicd calculated to rt-lticc rt-lticc come o( the little (rlctloim o( lito. I'aually auch ideal aro dismissed without with-out further thought. "Why don't tho railroad company nutko Its car windows eo that they ran ho slid upnnddown without breaking tho paHsanRcrs' hiek?" exclaltni tho traveler. "If I were ruuuiiiir tho road I would make them In audi a way." "What was tho man that made this raiiet jin thinking ot?" grnmblea the cool, "Ho never had to work over n Btove, or ho would linvo known how it flight to have lcit fixed." J. "Unng mich n collar button I" growls tho man who la lata for breakfiwt. "If I wore in tlie UinneiM I'd roaVo Imttcaa tht wouldn't Blip out, or lrrek eft, tr Conge out tho b.ick o my neck." And thru the various miffirera forjet uimut their grievances and begin to think of fjomething cle. If they would sit don n at tho next convenient opportunity, oppor-tunity, put their ideas about car windows eattcepans, and collar buttons Into practical prac-tical Flmpo, and then apply for patents, they might find themselves ni Independently Indepen-dently wealthy as thoman wholnventeI tho Iron umbrella ring, or the ono who patented tho illtccn puzzlo. a TiixrciNO orrsK. ' To induco people to keep track ot their bright ideas and sco what there is in tlicm, tho 1'roBH Claims Company has resolved to ofTer n prize. To th person who submttH to It the HiinpUt and most promising Invention, from ncoinmcrclal point of view, the company w ill give twentyflvo hundred dollais In each, hi addition to refunding tho foes for securing tho p.itcnt. It will ntfti ad vcrtluo thy invention f reo of cliargo This offer Is subject to tho following conditions : Every competitor must obtain a patent for Ills invention through the company, lleuiuit first apply for a pioliminary search, the cost of which ill bo five dollars. Should this search show his invention to bj unpatentable, ho can witlidraw without further cxpoiiBo Otherwise ho will bo expected to com-pleto com-pleto his oppllcfllion and tako out a patent '.n tho regular way. Tlio total expense, Including Uovornmont and Bureau feee, will ho seventy dollars. 1'or this, w hethcr ho uceurca tho prize or not. tho inventor will havo a patent that ought to be n valuablo property to him. Tho prize will lw awarded, by a Jury consisting of thrco rcputablo patent altorneye of Washington. Intending coniietitorn should 1111 out tho following blank, nnd forward It with their application appli-cation : " . 1802. "I submit tho within described Invention Inven-tion In oompotillou for tho Twenty-five hundred Dollar l'rizo ollered by the I'ress Claims Company. II M |