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Show Color BllndnosB A rourse of lectures nt Iho lloynl Institution which Iiiih (.rented luueh intercHt i Hint by Cnptnin Abnoy, on rolor bllndiie3, Uxccfcilio tobaeeo finoking has Ion;; been knoun to bo un important Inctor in rolor blindness, nnd Captain Ahnry ludotHea tho tiutb of Ibis observation. AVOmun, vhih the I'holu AVim, bus nlwnyn been credited with n n belter appreciation of color than innn, nnd fcbe may now ttiku wnrn-ing wnrn-ing ngnlifi't any temptation to Imlulgu in nicotine, cither first hand, iu th form of rignrcltMi, or wroml hniid,ln the use of mlltvny carriajos labeled "enioklng." On 1'riday cvonlnghut l).oC!uilnr nnd Mnudolin club mil tnkui); tho toivn by storm, playing thiougli tin rtrcrtHiiud occaflonly stopping at soma of the principal bourns of our fnlr 1 ity. This Is a tlirivlnii btoly of musirbing and tho liieinberHOl tliln oryanlxulion wciiih to bo Inking gient Intureft 111 the jirnctlrc. '.Vhat broujfht them on the Btrcutfllnst 1'ridny night U n quwllou, but in htudy Ingitoierwo will ghc credit to tlie henuliful oiciilnt,', thero boiii' n'njft gentle brcexo frein tlio green hills wliMi cooled the ntmotpborennd catisuluBo to feelbnppy. Tills is tho ilrnt titao wo have lienrd this club on our (-tracts for long lime. Why not 1-01110 onk on tlie tuorningof lbo24tli of July rVuLgiieu 11 tieatV Hpring City, Utnli, Ouly 0-Byrou Allrcd, n young Iy ot17 yWtn, ton of Iteubcn Allrcd of thiMlty, left his homo un Thurmlay innriiluj; Innt to render 119-stftanco 119-stftanco ut 11 sheen, 'licarrt in tho mnunl-aliis mnunl-aliis near here, He wiw hmteeen hIiiihI-Ing hIiiihI-Ing near 11 jirgi Jj.U-o on Friday morninp. As ho did not return, biaparenta liernnui nlarmed und men atnit'd .icntiiduy morning toiioiireh for blhi. Towunls nvening thoy feiuul him dead, hanging by ono foot sujiuMhreo lmndred feet fioui i hore luyAuul alien nml ono hundred hun-dred fKOAiMU.'! the bottom of tho din. IIUhtfuliVHj' mi crushed tlmt deuth una eujiv.ofc.d At, lmvo betw .iinstnntnnuouji. theH'nmlr'iH will liulnttripdalonooVluck todajAK,i2;rfr, . Chicago Jiily'ft-Tlie rampany im-iuedlr.tly im-iuedlr.tly nftcr tlwiUoU.rlngor the I'lill-man I'lill-man dioycot, I'sUblMied hemlquaitcm 1)1-tho oily under tbeilinrseof 11 strike mnnagor, nml vrneeeiUd wilh 1111 oigiui-ixutlon oigiui-ixutlon MarllV. nnd complete. A 1 0111-iiiisaiiiiiu 0111-iiiisaiiiiiu uf ttvcn barmehs was organ-iwd organ-iwd with oJce, patrol witsiid and liignnl BtJitions.iiiiKl 11 corjMi of cnglnetn woio jmt 10 wqrk iijhiii the dttaiU o,l the dnijiHgo done liy liotois. But des-pito des-pito tbitt force of me 11 hacked liy citv, country, g 1 nt t, am (ipicrniiient troojid, t.iC 1 osapnii'' hn tuit'ered fearful loai of proportj.'iip to .vuMnday uight fi.)7 of its Wislll rnrs bad lieeu burned Kvidcs msny tJ.guultou era, oil nnd tool houses mml oUier jirojicity. Of the liurned ears inoit thnu 0110 hundred vreio loadel, nlwKt fifty with ronl and the niumindor wjt'li nierelinmUse' No iittcnipt nt an accurate oetlmateof tha (l.iuiuge ban yet bean nmdtt, but it will icsch nn uiiorm-ous uiiorm-ous figure. |