OCR Text |
Show f fmiMWlllH IIIJlMilMiHwWfBi M15-. " Y Saved Her Life- ii- '" 0. J. Wooi.nnmni, of Wnrtham, i Tnxus, k.ito.1 the tlto o( Iter rMM liy tlio inn of Ayor's t'lierry l'ocl Titl. r. "Ono of my children 1ml ( flap. Tin rnio w.n nl.oiiiled liy our pliyslrlAti, nml was Siippo'isl ts ho well under control. Ono Mfclit I was mauled liy tlio elilld'a hard broallilnir, nml on Kiln( to It found It strati-eIIiik. strati-eIIiik. It had nearly rcasril to breathe. jiiMillzliiK Hint tlio child's alarming rendition had bcrnnir pimlble In ilo lit tlic medicines ylNt, I rrajniieil lli.it nurli remedies would do n( no stall. llnvliiK pail nt n bottle ot Ayor'a ('lie fry I'n total In tlio houe, I Ravo tho rhlM llurn ilnars, nt slmit Inlnrals, and noilnusly nailed remit. I'rom u, moment tlio rrrtnr.ll was Riven, tho child's hiealhlni; jticw easier, nml. In n short time, alio aa alprnliiir iiiilrlly nml hirathlm: naturally. Tlio child l nllvc ami well bwlay, ami I not lioll.ilf In say that Ajer's t'lierry I'm-loral I'm-loral BitviV icr life." OYER'S Cheery Pectoral I'rcparrtlb Ilr .1.0 AyarftCo., Lowell, Maaa, Prorr:p1toaot,ourotocuTO LWF.STERNJ &-STfi NDARDGUAGE.-&3 r miiit tvmktuiUm . -' "" " ' ' l 01 -o , S fe i a b I i i c a b s; ?. a R s p. ,1 H J.t 11 Z. ii i ii B .1 . il J I llnncll. doii Pni Agent Now Time" Card lip. io, .''-;. Jtoitli lloiinil Arum:. Niivth lioumt I'. M. A M I'. M A M. 3:23 1:15 Olden S'll HI 0 i n- ft-oo :iu r.Uo t on ' fi 2) 8 UO ' " ":l'r :'" A :(8 8:27 ftui'lv H.-W H:,li L':'.'!) Himl.ii '.M -I: HI l'ttlrin-M ' 67 ll20 lift) I l.thl If, :'' 8'l- HtfTi RrlS b'ln r. 07 Hill ;'; :.". Am. I'oik f l H:IKI 7ill) 11:10 I'tovii li"-'' 7;"i Ar. 10:17 I'liyimii ns l.v. H.JJ iUi 'J.F5 lVi:20W .,hmL nrl::i. ?I0 inn Mjifn,.,! r.;d.'i it tu Aim M,lf0"1 r.:.ir 10:00 " I'rlnoo -I ..10 " TriliPi aotttli o(.Itt.ili dully i-crejit .Siim- lvjj. Throiiish I'tillinan l'ulncu SU-u- vpi itf Clilcipo without li:ilij.'0. Kri-u ' fUktliiln (Jlmir Paw. KU-sniit .iy IJfKicliQH. . Tlio un1jlliiu (ipurtttiiii; 'llu- ' iiii; mi- eu'ivhv. Shofiwt nml 1'nnlnHt iiitllo nil polntH cast. n. ntmniv;nnn.Agi'iit. S. II. II. Cl.uk, OIImt W.MInk, K. ' 'niftry AutlcioH..lohnV. DuntN I'ikI-crlislt. I'ikI-crlislt. Coiulait KcwIvcih. illilS (jas anil Gasolina POWER mam Wl M.BH irnwi fwr rart. ul 'n ifOktatnamttnu' tWrrnrr im iim-ly tiiitituut ttertiftfwi our wiipr nun or jmuiIiio ujIium i mltr. jf""i 'jk iuj hurui-r. turn Um wunot, W.J H jejune..,' IL'.UH XO SM1SLL OR MIRT. ' J.'o Ucublg u' K n ptOKlann. fwiuett U Uvl lluri.UUinliiaU( I'l.r fllinillt tly It honU ttio AVurM. t IiOU 'Itelf AlltuiuutlUlr ! CattclerBJeloimr;t. . Ur3Mw!iUa!,irfrOr.1ofaaKiEaU-uii"ir vutcr li,imiiwi rns :bwi'ivh ciorvwiM APriT t.) PALMER Ik REY, Mahufactokehs, to ! smm, Bil. tfJ ForUVal, Or. jV r , ' jP 'sSSswUv 'ffVinirCH ; i. rh. .w ' I NOT rune, t 'AruirrtwftDIo lira. in ,...", i n I il V b'TONIO. fx)lil liy nrii1t'i' w IT "nll jf""600 uinl jl.UO nor paekair. t)tuuiilu free. urM htm The Fuvorlto TCOTU rCTtIS M.U HWlortbgTiwiailrMtb, oolU by 1'. I'. MIU','11. f MA i 8 II. II ClAnK Oimn W. Misk, L. I'm miy Anhrrbon, John V. Doine, rnriiKitti- 11. PomiKiiT ltKCinVr.UH. Circular No. J7. UNION I'AOIl'lOHYBT B M. I'nsscngcr Di'iMrlturnt Aimtiitl Tcrrllnntl Coiivcnlioti Knvorlli Ungue, Suit I-uUe City Juno l'J, A 13. AgrtilH Ulnh: TliU ilrritlur ntitliori.cp rulcri nt ono nml oucfllth (ii re, ccrtl-tlcutc ccrtl-tlcutc pi. in, trom nit ptittloiiH in Utah to Bait I .ii ko City nml return on nc ruunt of tlio Aiimmt Turrllornil (,'on-cutliiii (,'on-cutliiii of thu KpMurth l.ct(iti'i I" tc li.il.l the 1-tli nml 13th. .1 nines I.. tnnr, l'realclcnt, to sign ccrtl Halloa. 1), K. llurloy. Ovn'IMmniKor. Watitcd-GoU Miner. T ilcvrlop the koIiI prtiiH-rtle l Iwl-ton Iwl-ton Miucrit Ii'liht, Atlantic, Hottlh 1'iiHH, (iol I Croi'k or on tho Ktmllor Kelt. You ran gel full iiifnrnintioii rtgiutliii); reliable mines which nrc for sale hy the 'Viinpi tneutiont'il by ailtlrcs&ini; .InuieH A. MeAoy, county clerk of I'mnout county, Liinler, Wjo., Wm.Sltirgid, Jr., Phcyciiiie, Wjo., A. Kciuhill, cnnlitcr l'irst Knlinual ltank, Uovk Kpalugi', Wv.,S. Ij. Spangler, clinlrinniil'renioiit bunril of tounly loiiiiulfflloncrs, Atlentlc Pity, Vo. Tlio Uiiinn I'liciflo is the HlmrreHt ntul ipiirkext llun tu tlio South 1'itsn Country, daily slsigen from Hock Hpringi nml ltnu litis. Win. T. Taylor Agent U. 1'. Sjitcm. REPORT Of thu tnmlitmn of l-elii Commcrcl.il A Mnlnipi Jin nk. IthHUUIICrtl I,iim K'1.tl.r8 HuiU I'.nllilliii.' ll,(io!.3l Hxpiiisu . ... 130.50 Duo from other hanka -1,'Jitl.KS Oa.li mi haml ri.r.sy.40 Real Rrftnlc 1 .0.il.SO I'ixtuiH 2,210 5'1 trr lirnflM... ., 118.82 1.1 Mill. ITIKM Cnpilnl Htock f.0,00000 SurpliiH I'iiiiiI 3,(H)0.00 Utipniil Dixl.leml 121.00 Kiiruingrt 880.00 l'iuiB Ii)BitH 18,775.11 I bum ml 0,238.00 (82,021.8'.' I, Die Mllin'iiii,r:i!hiui-of IajIiI Puiii- iiiuicl:iKtS:ilnu' lhink.iloxoh'iiily ncnr llm nlxiM' lo bo u true nml i-uirei-t ae- count of iihino mi'l hank. Ot.r. Ku.lMiinN, Cifhier. Correct alli'Ht: Iru I). Wlnee) i,ri...iliri, T. K.Cntleif 'irillur8' KiibsciilK'tl and Hworn to livforo me llio llllulayof May, 1R0I. Jloihih Kvanii, Notary I'uhlic. ly t-oniiiiission expires Ndv, 14, 1801. Public IIstiM. t. Iil-olittlotl of CorHiration. In mtiiril tncu ttlth reniltilloii papsctl titji gencinl meeting of utoek liolilem heli) April 0, 1801, tills (-orporalion irt llitMllVl'tl. Alt pMilii'H liuyiug claiiim against tliidi-orpoiatloii, iiiust prcM'iit llniii to the unileihigiieil williin 30 tlnyn (torn ilalu hcuof, for xettlenient. Ami all persons miing iiaseisments inns' pay llm same forthwith. I'uliliilioif by outer of tho llo.iril. Alfieil M. Pox Suet, of Notth Center Ditch Co Notice All pcifoiiH haxlug sheep in the Jael.suu WiiiilcHi nml IMhiihI IIvhus bent pli'itaeeall at llm (.'ooi Htote el mm ami get your mihiI muney. ..!. Wing. I'CIISAI.K CIIKAI'-City lot known an Kil iv. Soutliwii'k property, Kmpiiie A . .1. Southwii-k, Spiin-vllle, Utah The Union I'arilic in the thoil lino to thu Uiwislon MiuciH IKbglit, Atl.ilitic iiinl South li iJolil lielils. lluy joiir tickets i.i Uoek Hpriniis or K.iwIioh, from ulilcli poliiis )ou can go liy a lliut cIum dtiigu hiic to howljtou, teaclihi thu uiincB tho tame ilay. Win. T.Taylor Agent (I. 1'. Hystum. Agent. : American Pork l.hi 1'rpMi Spriiiu'villu Spauisli Pork I'ltyeou iieiillcmn: On ami after May 17, trniya 2 & il will slop lit Casllll.i Siiinga on ling. Thin uill giro mi opportunity for you to iloii ilallj'luiiiluurtitDlliittiesort. l'useciigerK can iuu No. .1 going ami i el urn on No, 3. .is you lune ailally excursion tate. Vours trulv J. II, lieunult. The Eiilareil Seini-Weckly. The Semi-Weekly Tribuno'H Tm winy idiliiiii will, until Ihe cauipaigii elosis, cnusisl of hixlceu p.igeA, Itwilleoi). I titiu Ihu Snmhiy illustratcil speciul I articles, anil hcniilbH will liavo tlio news Iol foin iliiyn, 1'iiileil naieftilly from ihu iliilv. It will ho lli'j mohtltHiiiilj. 'paper for uny ono to take, who In not piking tho tliulv. I'or six inonlas the I price will bo One Dollar, Mlicr. All persons using water above mid ndjacetit tonpllng creek ditch muet tnko care of tlio tamo ntul not let the waste water cinptv Into said spring creek ditch. If they do they will lo held responsible re-sponsible for the ihtinngo accuiing therefrom. liy order of tlio lionnl of Dlrrctors of o.tid spring creek ditch. 1. 1 ii - T , FTMi"JJk TAKE Pi IrlTBs-b THK p9uuSBfS8T WcM. RDl(lSW l 1 nJl 1 1.00 uottlcH 'SV 9 A cJK One coat n iloso. j&jRmimmfM TilIO (InitiT Count! ;uii promiitly rurM whero all others fall. Concha, -Joup. Oora Throat, tloaracnaia, Vhooploff Couth anil Asthma. For Conauroptlon It his no rlralj has cured thouaanda.aml will CURS TOU If Ukentntlroo. Bold by Drutrglat on a guar-anteo. guar-anteo. Vnr n Iuiio liook or Chrat na UIIILOira CSLL.ADOHNA PLASTSKXTio. II avo yiiiiTXiarrli T This remedy la i-uaran. tcod to euro you. l'rlcc.tOcU. Jnjoctorfreo. Sold by 1). K Klllngsoii. mm WmkW' Sir. Harvey Heed Laoeyvlllc, O. Catarrh, Hoart Falluro, Po-ralyola Po-ralyola of tho Throat "I Thnnk floil ami food's ."ti"-rnrlltn ."ti"-rnrlltn for Perfect lltttllh "ClonMcineni I'or tlio l,cnrntol'iiilIcilnglm-manlty l,cnrntol'iiilIcilnglm-manlty I wlilitoatatoalew factn V'ur acycral Jcara 1 liavo 4ullrrcl from catarrh and lioart allnro, Ettlng ao Lad I could not work and Could Gcnrocly Walk I had a very bail a pell of pat alyils of ilia throat aomoUmasno. My lliroat anoinrd clnod and I roil Id nol sithIIuiv. lint iliit'lor't said It watramrd by hear ttallnrr, and rivonirillclii, nhloh I took iiceni.llnc t tlUcotlona, I utltilld not arrm In do mo any pond. My wlls nrped mo to try ll.ud'a Hiriiinrllls, loDtng nw ol Mr. Joaeph O. Hnitth, who had licen At Death's Door but was entirely cured by Hood's Hamaparllla. Aftor Ulklng ltli Sir. Bniltli. 1 ciincliulril to try llood'a RaiinpailllK. IVhrn I lad Ukcn two uottlei I leu very much hcttrr. I have rontlnurd taking It, and am now felliiR excellent. excel-lent. 1 thank (led, and Hood's Sarsap&rilSa and my wife for my restoration to prrlect heulih." llAUVltv IlKl'i), l.acivlllf, (). "TlOOim l'II.I.S to not purja, pain or frlpt, tatact pioo.itly,eaal1y aod cfflclautly. 33a. (5mEAf)lVlD Wwmm Tha p;in awl unlreraal opinions, condrntrd lro iw fwllon'a: . it ... . uu deiTT crrat pi also, nnd tho cratilulf of tli" n-ailinu world-that jwiUmi of It. at "V-.t thai Is fortnusto nonli to lead Tllh (llirAl lUVIIll'.. lhlvliiK a II. Id rnlliely tta nan, it L liitfnwly AinirUnnlniartninlcliarai.ler ' It 11 un'lwoi fur in Vi my. the llleatrl'vi frnlima ami ty-i.i,l y a aupnrli ;;iiil I nuiilliy ami iimicmlnim lo ll f asrluatlne " iii,n..'jeinH'iitllit t ml idirculnmn. Tuft CCKTs o -ip ; I'M-'. t'OI.I.All a your Vour nadm!rr ho i it. If not, tend to THE CrjSAT DlVSCn, Oonver.Co . L. JOHN L. GIBB Will tnke pnpils in Theory and Practice of M nsie and VOCAL CULTURE Airniigeiiicnlscnnbe made by calling at his place of business op. City Hnll, Ll'llJ CITY, UTAH Dr. 1'. A. Skinner, of Texarkunn, Atkantns, is niitliiitii'itt in tho praise of Chainbcrlalu's l'aiu ll.iliu. llu used il for rlieumatism, nnd uajs: "1 found it to be a most excellent local remedy." Por sale hv People's Co-op, A Card TOT,,,.: ga.dies Pkaii I.inv : If you nro troubled with , painful nud irregular pcrlot.Htako Dr. m Jo.Ph World-renowned prescription ' Wo give written guarantee toperimtucu-lly toperimtucu-lly euro to two trentmcntH or refund the money. 1'iieo for one trial trentmiMit 2.00. Wnlo or rail on Lady Innuger, SAIn.AKl'MliDI-ClNliCO, 50 WKurSrcoNiiSoinn Sr., Bait Lake City, Utah Patients unsuccesifully tieated or imposed im-posed upon hy others especially Invited to call. Mrs W ..I l-ahey of Li)Rny, N. Y. s-iys: "Havo tried IIftyjc.Sugh tine. Parks Cougli Simp Ih tljojily one thai helpril nm. I know it ''Wg btBt Cough Remedy. I '&, SoldbyDlCKIIIngBoii. "Tjjft I Ine Lii.u Thine 'he Most Vaiualilc Comparnllxety few u pit tgu enl I Keles nsiinentors, biitaluiosliNervlsiily ihns been stiiick, at one Humor unolhir, with ideas that seemed eiilciihiti-il lo reduce re-duce Mime of the little frictions nf Hfe. Paiially such ideas are dhmilnkd without with-out further thought. "Why don't the rnilionl c iinpau) make its car windows so Ilini liny win be slid tipnuil ilinMl wllleiti' liun'l.liiJ the pnsavingcrs' b.U'k?" evehiinn thn ttmeler. "It I were riiuniug the ro.ul I would make them In such n way." "What wi the iiinii that n.mle this s.iucepiit thlukiitg off" gruiul les Hie cook. "Ilo liner hdd to wink oter n sloe, or he would lime known ho il ought tu have Icon listed." "Ilatigmioh a collar button!" giowls the man who is into for hrciiMnat. "If I wcrein the bus'lmm I'd tuako buttoiiH tlial wouldn't silo nut, or break oil-, or gouge o'rtt the hack of my neck," And thOu tho vnilous sillTtrers forget alsiut their grieinnces nnd liegln to think of DOmclliing rW. Kthcv would sit down nt the licit eonveiiieiit opportunity, oppor-tunity, pu theli'ideiianlinutrnrvindonH sauccp.ins, and collar liiiltnus into pruc-tlcal pruc-tlcal slinpc, nnd thru apply fur patents, they might find Iheniaehes as independently indepen-dently wealthy as llieman whoiiivcntcil t!ie iron umbielhi ring, or thu ouo who patented the fifteen purzlc. A TKIUTISlI UI'FKIl. To induce ioplc to keep track of tholr bright IdeiiH mid see wli.it there is in them, tho l'rew Claims Company has resolved to oiler n prle. To the person who submits to it the simplest ami most promising' Invention, from a commercial point of view, the company w ill give tneiityflvo hundred dollars in ca'h, in addition lo refunding the fees for securing the patent. It will ali'oadviwtlsc thciiiH'iitinu free ot charge. Tills oiler Is subject to Ihu following conditions: livery competitor must obtain a patent for Ids invention through the company, llo must lltst npply fov a preliminary search, the cost of which will ho live dollars. Should this search show his invention In bo unpatentable, ho can w itlidrnvv ithout further expense Othervviso iio will Ihj expected to complete com-plete his application nnd take out n patent .n the iegul.tr way. Tnu total expense, Including (loveitimeiit nml liurenti fees, will bo poventy dollirs. Por this, whether he hccuics tho prlonr not, thoinvciitui- will have n patentthat ought to bo n valuable proKjrtv In lilm. Tho prize will bo uwardod liy n Jury consiHliug of three reputable, patent attorneys of Washington. Intending competitors slmnM till out tho following blank, mid forward it Willi their application; appli-cation; " , 1802. "I submit tlio within descrilieil invention inven-tion in competition for tho Twcnly-llvo handled Dollat l'rir.o offered by the Piess Claims t'onipany . v- . o W. L. Douglas SS SHOKtiSsQueSrli'Nc. -s 5. CORDOVAN, fiSI 4-1,J.'i?FlNECAli:&KMi5AIy0a 8a2. V Cf.UP0LICE,3SOll3. fSpBTI 2S,2.W0RKIHCru- a IlL i2.l.7BOY5SCH0ClSh0E3. WJf'ffi. -LADIES' iKrr?S, scno rod cATALfisur WEWfffWtfleW' L-DOUCLAS , ill'r3:V'" BROCKTON, MAS3. You cau ante money liy ouichnelui . L. 1iiujIii.h!iii-, llrcame, we ore the Lirirnt nianuricturera ol odicititol ahor In the wottd, and Hiiarautce llic value hy otnmnlnft tt.e iiane and ptlce on the h llonit wluofi prouaa yuil ogalnit Iiinl! pile J and llic nnddlr mau'a pronta. Our ahoei eiiuat cuktora work In ttylc. raay fill or ond Uailnir ijiull.lra. Wc have them sold every, where II lower m-lces for the vilue clveii than any other in..We. T ike no .ubaillutc. If yout dealer cauuot aupply ou. wc cao. Isild by !',ofT ! U Heart I MIihHii .it i i . Uf u,ftr U-l tlrt'7 Y& t''1 Vl" " ,y ''tMlt't,, 'ilHMtf1 ... " m ,. '' lg'-.T f-r ii free splSM mm cn ttr"tnnrf h Ar. S. iMtrtH Utnifinrnn M 1(. fTaltal s 1T Ukl tli ti t n afl tVU W Hill tml 4,mpMi ,.Kt(t HU Vtr.r Vmn nrI , 'fiwtt t't lit ifn tlip work i Ii i.i-nv Ymiilcilwl f-it.f Mo pi.t r.t'i t mi pni rii- , .r i riu' ir. 4Ur i-K-. A nMw, Ut 0Mf ,,,,, t,til(H,,-f ,!, j IJUPT3J5JK CUIiEO KEH .? SS I H)it iti tu ,. mar) sUiiin (If OtMiti nlri.1 A i tini) I HI . vry, mitlJItllblH., Itt ll.t, fiarlfa tlm, nlnt, I DUrlTI&TUY. -J-ZCHsr '. COMMERCIAL .7 fyu A IiT u A K , j PINK DKN'TIBTRY In nil lis Dnnehts Spei'lnl Rite nml Iuiluouieuts In I'er-Miis I'er-Miis from ml Inluiiig town?, lie sure you j glvo liini a visit when In tho cit). I HALT LAKP. CITY UTAH. E.O.MKltRlIlRW '.-'r, 'v . DENTIST. I J M A.'-?.';;-. muv I '4 'docks ,m&4";jiJ,iy' oust i,l l'.,.i iiiIIpi. vfH'&l&l:!!? "here ho can he vuH aftJ keen almost any hour of the day he does nil kinds of sDP.NTAL WORK In tho best and latest tyle All work guarantee.). Alitor no pay, K. 0 MERP.IIIKVV. Captain Sivfci-mtv, U.8. A. San Diego Cal. says: "Sb ,h' Calnrrh Remedy is tlic Hrst incdlclno 1 h'nvo ovrr found that would do mo any good." 1'iicoGOi! Sold liy D. V.. Rlllngson. $2 Novels for so Cents. Wo havo made arrangements without) of t ha largest bookpubliehingcoitipnnlcs in tills country whereby wo CRn mnko this IIIktM oir.-r. Send us our regular years Hiihscrlptlon of 3.00 for the Beml-Weekly Beml-Weekly IIithIiI, nnd 50 cents extra, nnd we will send to your address, under separate cover, each wock, one of a scries of ft2 Novels a yenr. Old subscribers subscrib-ers can avail themselves of this rare opimrtiinlty by remitting full 12 months in nilvnnoe and 60 cents extra. These, novels are standnrd norks by llio liest authors and were selected with Rrcnt cnie and attention. Thoy nru Just the thing for your homo, Avail yom-eclf yom-eclf of this optKMtunlty at once as wo mnko tills ofTer for a limited tlmo only. Send KxprcsH, Money Order, PostOfllco order or stamps. The Herald Pub. Co. Halt Lake City. A Sprained Ankle. Tills is n common occttrrance nnd on3 that will lay peoplrftip ordinarily (1 to 8 weeks, yet we will guarantee llallnrd's Snow Liniment lo cure any enso of ppi allied anklo In 1 toildnys If applied at once, and to Immediately relievo ail pain. Snow Liniment w ill cure any old soro on man or beast. It will heal nil WoiiiiiUnnil cures Sprains, Hums, Scalds llruiies. Sore Tliront, Soro Chest, Liimo Ikick, Corn, ISunions. For Rheumatism, Rheumat-ism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Contracted Muscles it has no equal. Do not allow any other wlilto Liniment to be put oir on you for Snow Liniment. Tlioro la no other like It. Ask for Ballard's, Snow l.iiiiiiiiul, Thli Irprotty good. Mr. John 0 floodwln, a carpenter, ol Danville, III., writes: "Aliout two weeks ago u heavy saw log fell upon my foot very Lull) crushing it no that I was tin-ihlo tin-ihlo to wnik nt nil. I sent for iiboltlo of linllard's Snow I.lnlnicnt and kept my ioot welleattirnted with It. R is now two weeks since till happened, and my foot Is nearly well and I nm nt work. Had I not used Snow Liniment 1 sliould have been laid up ut lc:ist2uioulha. Por icaling wounds, sprains, sores, nud bruises it lias no pqual. No Inllniuma-nun Inllniuma-nun can exfH wliero Bnow Liniment is used. "You can use this letter." llo-wnre llo-wnre cf all wliito Liniments substituted for Bnow Liniment. There is no othur Liniment llko ltallanl'ii Snow Liniment Sold hy 0 L Senbriglit Sini.nii's Vitai.izkh is wlmt you need forllyppcpiln. Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or Kidney Tiouble. It is gutiiau-teed gutiiau-teed to glvo you satisfaction. Pi ion 75c, Sold hy D. K P.llingson. Kajii.'s Ci.ovr.ii Root, the now lllood Purifier, gives frushuoMs and clearness to the Complexion ami cures Constipation. 25e., 60., and f IfM. SolJ by Steel k Co Mr. II. J. Miners, of Oakland Md., says: "I hum sold thirteen bottles of Ch.inibcr'ulu'H Caugh Remedy to-day and am literally sold out. This is tin largest f.ilu on record of nuy ono pio-partiun pio-partiun in a day over our counters- It gives the best satisfaction of any cough mediuino wo handle, ntul as a seller it Jpipii all others preparations ou this market " Porsaloby Peoples Co-op. SUBSCRIBE fOR TUB DBSEHET NEWS It is the organ of tlio Church, the paper in the Rocky Mountain Region and can always lie relied upon to mlvo eateoi defend tho right side of every I ipiestiou,' I SuilSCUllTION I'ltll'K Dally . .. $10,00 ticrycar. Semi Weekly il.OO ' , Weekly 2,50'' " Address Tho Deserct News Co. ' Salt Lake City. i I can make you as nice a set of tectli I is you can llnd on the faua of the globe 1 )r Mcrriiiovv. Or. Price's Cream Raking Powder World's Fair Itlchcat Award, t i ' I llll imiHIMIIIIIIMIBMlB.iB , ,1Ln j j A Gentleman , H Who fiiriurily rilileil In Connecticut, tot I who now resides In Hvnotiihi, writes! T M f years past, my wlfa H () aiidllinvotisedAy H (. Ilulr Vigor, and w M ITJd nttilliiifotolttliadark H HkH 'inlr w'llc'1 'ha "'t aH KE9 now hate, wlillo ha- H fR syl (''1''4 "' "r i,(iiaM' Jy Ay nnces, ten or a docaw H Jh Aij'VV yen" Jo'n'Kcrthati , H Mr fjtS&it&SL neilllicrKray-liaaded, H KVCS'i 1 lv,lt0,or lm,d' WbM aH Kir P ok Mke'lliowoiirlialraaii H mffgM PlP retained Its color and H BU''."'v fullnrsa, we reply, 'By M mfS' JSf. t,,,u,ab'A7rr'llarr H trX6Tl Vlgor-notrung e. M Bf?-?iV- "lnt8cs,myamaneM. sh-55 WM no!l bMd- M lfiviS?- I ,,--gl the Mr -J . .'.t--5 djd&BvW t' aH ff StfeS6.-! Ins aH r,,3m V tumm rH Jty'ii Tlalr Vlg-irr, nnd Tory toon. Tat Mar H only cherkeil any further loss nf hafr. ad WU produced an entirely new Krowtli, whlrn a M remained luxuriant and glouy to lids 0 . H van ircnmmenii una prcp.iriuon to ansa pB need n( n senuitie linlr-rrstorcr, It la a. B that It la claimed to be." Antonio Alarm, M llastrop, Tex. 1 AYER'S HAIR VIGOR World's FairiTravlcrs Will Haye It. H Tho public demand tlirough servio when traveling. It is old-fashioned It H "Change Cdrs." On tlic through, eolM H vestlliuled trains nf tho Chicago. Union H Pflcillc et North-Wcstcru I.l.o from err H to Chicagn, Oninlm nnd Intermediate H Itoiiits thcro Is no cliange. This In tka H finot nrd fastest service between tho H points nnincd. M iii ''''1 Out of Sight. H The traveling tmLilic nro now fully H alive to the fart that tho Cihngo Union H Pacilic A Notlh-Wvslcrn Llncoircrfl the H very bcst'nccoiumoilatfons to tuo pliblhi' H from and to Chicago, Omaha nnd inter- H mediate points, not -nly during the H World's Pair, but all the year round. H r spspi f night! I H MAKES THE COMPLEXION 1 PURE AND BRIGHT. R M It to M YOU I ' advantage to let the public know H what yon liavc to sell. If you H wish lo make H you can do so by judiciouslyad-5? x M vcrtising your business, and now "" M is tlic time to make yo- M OK I business brisk by at once placing M YOlJi I advertisement in The Lchi Banner M which is largely circulated in the "ai north end of Utah Co Your will then be a busy one H CAN I OI1TAIM A rVTFNTf r m rnirrnpt aniwer i.n1 an hnim-i ot -n on, writ- la H BlUNN .V:o., who hare imiimauriyfiftrri-ni1 H iptlfttoalnibt itatent bOMn'M, vtumiiutticeVa H tlotnnrlctlf confltlrntlil. A IIiuhHiuoU of lit- H fHriuMion mnorruiQff I'litruio iiU bow to ob- H tuln tbmtx c ni irtt. Ao a cnulnyuo ot toechAiw mM ICAl aUlt) MTlfllUhO hWkft IkrDt ttvi1 H lai(.ntt takon tbrousti lltuin St Co. roctlTA H fiHMiAJ no(lcinth friinl.tift Ainrrirnn. ami H Ihua am Uoutrht whleir bttfoftho pi,lilioitith H out cMt to th tiiTpntor, it plotultd riMar, ' H iMiiedfTMmT.rlcciuitlTllhi r.irl hiubrfartli H lurtrtitt nruuiatiou o( a v i. ntiilc work In thm ' H wor.i1, 8.1 ayrnr. Min i' oitrn ju'nt iro. H II audi mr WUi ,t wmntiil'. f'J)ayerr, Hntla mM tyipitu, Cal cent, i v, -v nuiuur routa'na U'u- H tllul plain a, in cuior, and photouraptia of nw H antinca. with pinna, ci.aolini; iuil1fr in nhnw Ut H latent ilenlk'ni auJ MH.urtoinfrii'ia. AUdnim H aiUNN A, CO HhVf Vouu, a 01 HuaabWAT 1 Mt Hereby Promise I To nfuud alt uiuncy paid us for H Haller's Remedies If oit aro not, BENEFITED by their USE. Tin 'O prepar.ttlotiB consist ot SBRS CURB COUGH SYRUP, hUSTP.ALIAUSALY2, SLCOD WSM, FAIN ?AKAlV.EPr, I SARSAPARILLA and BUMCM (Coapcntd) I mwm mmii, I BARB W1RS MM, COENK I um mm mil I and nro ABSOLUTEIiY flnASANTEED by its. NO CUKE, IIO FAY. You tako to linncus. Sold by all druggists. I |