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Show Thu Concert. Considering the condition of the w enther on Monday night tho people turned out much heterthan was expected Tho night was one of tho worst of tho scnion tho wind sent tho snow flying In oven dlrecton until one could senrcely sec tho sidewalk. The elements seeming seem-ing to have combined to do their best In making n final windup, of what they had been working ntall div. ltut some of our citizens' aro made of that kind of material, that nothing will keep them Iioiii going to hear tho choir, feeling -S'liuitlioy will not ho dliappolnted in thcirxpcctntious, and it Is safe to say that the contort on Monday night confcrinedlhelrbellef tliattho entertain, incuts given by the liodyof singers nro not surpassed by nny who play on our stage. Tho pieces by tho choir wcro rendered Iu n mott nrtesllu manner every ev-ery part cusstniued. Thu soloists Mes-daiucs Mes-daiucs Drown, GarlT and Robinson nru old favorites nnd snug Willi their old time vigor nud expression. J.M Kirk-hum Kirk-hum rang the Lest solo of his life. The pmuoduot by Misses Webli mid Deck brought bnuk old siouch when they plnyed Auld Utng ',Sj ne" Tho "Dill of Fnir'l people must have hair n sumptuous repast nt least they deserved de-served ft after their good singing MiiwOrlndn Kurren's lecltntion was fine. The Chicago street cries nnd also the (iloo Club showed Hint tills organization organiz-ation Is coming to tho front with rapid strides. Dvery body knows Hint George Klrkliam is alright out lie stage. Ho J tho uouilo singer. firlg Anderson's hayseed rccitution was n oluirnctfristlc production nnd "The Auctioneer" was n final ni(d musical snei't'stf. The farce was slioit but judging from the laughter wan good ; .here mo good aiimtuer performers In the company. It wns n bettor and. more varied program Hutu any luniirtgiveii for womo time, Dm account of tlio storm tho concert will be given agtun next Monday night with u change of priigiam. The sumo prices will prevail. |