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Show Change of program .1wi night. Tho rumbling of the nssnycr Felt's mortar nud pestle can now he heard from early morn till late at night. tVu on Jluiiriity nlgnt and hear Jamas Kirkham 'sing the latest success "It'll be mincbyandby" Dr. Mcrrihcw received u handsome gold watch this week. It wasn present from hij brother Bert. A lion t 75 men left yesterday for tho gold Holds over Jordan. They travel In nil kind of vehicles nud in every shape Imaginable. Tho children's singing contest for Ihl Is to ho n go. Tlio children can begin be-gin to liino their littio voices. Wo shall glvo more particulars soon. Do sure and read the coupon oiler In this issue of Ilioadbcnt & sons, comonnd purchns n IIanni'.u for 5 cents nnd cut out thu coupon and take It to their storo nud mako jour purchns nud rccicvo one of tlio niticlcH nuiiied. On Monday night two pretty little girls will sing Prof. St ph ens fine duct "Let us clumber o-vcr o-vcr tno hillside." Theblrthdnyof Kdltor W. I Webb was celebrated on Tuesday night nt tho liomo of Ids parents. About CO Invited friends gathered nnd took supper with him on tlio occasion, and the ovoulng Man spent in a most amusing nnd enjoy able mnnner. Hongs, games and instrumental instru-mental music b?lng the program of tho evening. Ho wns presented with soveral nlco presents, among tho number u lino gold watch. Tho county choir conical will bo held at l'rovo early in May nnd will bring out homo good Hinging. Tlio contest, pieces nro "Gloria" by Mozart, "Daughter "Daugh-ter of Zlou" nnd "Tho Clod of Israel" by Utieelnl These aro good pieces not too liaid but will bring outtlio point of each choir. Is our young people's choir going to bo iu it? Mr. Win. K. Wheeler publisher of the Idaho Register and n friend of Ids gnvo nsnplcutniit call on Wednesday. Tlio gentlemen wcro hero on n visit iu tho interest of tho sugar beet question. They visited our sugar fnclory nnd wcro very much plcnspd with It. They Intend raising n few acres of sugar beets thirt scasqii by way otcxpcrlmontand sliouTH it prove successful, n move will bo made looking to tho establishment of n factory uii In that Bcctlou of tlio country. Doslon llornld (Dotii.): It nppcnr from the Internal Kcvcnuo Department that Senator White of Koulsiaana re-teived re-teived II 1,07 in Government bounty us n sugar-grower lat jenr, nnd Senator Cutlery is nt the head of n taulsinnn sugar company which reroived $110,322 In Government liounty, CcnsideriuS tlio liiannerln which these Senators havo profited by legislation for tho benefit of tho sugar industry, which legislation they liuvo done their utmott to Institute mi inquiry into tho alleged speculations of ccitaiu other Senators. Hero Is something some-thing tangible nud dcflunte, which to cull for rcbuko first. |