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Show K yl (if 17 slv I Santa Claua and his reindeers will soon stsrt on his annual journey of gladness. In bow many minds Is the thought. "Dear Et. Nicholas: would vou tlcklo uaj Then jtlve us a present," Tbelaeetoget It Is at the Peoples Co-op, You wimt viini-Patent Modccliio or Drugs Die puee will be low nnd thu stoek will be frrtli if joii (Jet it at the Union You Imvn ,v preeuriptinii to be filled. It will gt t onlv tlio ( lioke-t goods, nnd b- put up bv a skillful Specialist it vou Get it n( the Union ou rcipme sonio toltol preparations. You will nnd cverv thing of vuluc in the rloik from vvhitl the leading artlslsof the city purchase if vou Get it at the Union T J. Wviiswoiitii, Druggist. In Union Hotol Building, Lohi. BOX FACTOaV Will Retail Boxes at Car Load Rates. 13uy lLonie Goo s nnil lenve vour money in tho country. ( CiARTK, OODEN, UTAH American Fori. City Roller Mills Oar patont and ctraight grado FLOUR Boatc ovorything for quality. W. D. Robinson & Go. -Vmorioarv X'orlx, Utah Lombard, Johnson & Co ASSAYERS. Cold Ore a Specialty. Office at Steoles drug store AMintlCANirOltK. UTAH LAWYERS & NOTARY PUBLIC J i' room it a vvilon BOOTH .. WILSON Attorney sat-Law No. S3 North J Street, Provo - Utah. MOSIAH EVANS, Notary Public. AbstrAclsotlitlclurnlshcd through Hav-eicauijiiV: Hav-eicauijiiV: Co. nhstractors, l'rovo. UTAH SUGAR CO. Offleo 3-rr 3wz.xito, . LF HI CITY. 'ITAH- G cor (jo Webb. NOTARY PUBLIC ONKBI.OCK AST Ol' IIan.vhi Orncc Deedo, Wills, and nil Kinds of Prolate nusinesi attended to. J.EHI, Utah. TEASDEL $ SONS Come and jcc our arrivals of all kinds of Winter Goods. Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots' and Shoes, . Blankets, Ladies and Childrens Coats an Wraps, Cheaper than ever, 2:t St.. E3!l,t Xj23 Or. Price's Cream Ualclng Powder Most Perfect Mado. iclii Coimirriaf ml. kmn I 3ajsrK. I Sfca.o - Stroot. H Capita. Slock 50000 H Qurpluo $3,000. H T. R. CUTLER, FRANCIS ARMSTONC, OLE 5LLINGSON, H Proaldont. Vlco-Proaldont. Cashier H Transact General Banking Business. Exclmngo on principal cilica of tlio H United KtaloH nud Eurnpo. H Five Per Cent. Interest Allowed on Sat tags Deposits. Compounded Qnjtterly. H niRISCTORS. T. ?. Cutler, J. 1). ll'titcs, j. R Jennings, H Fmnais Armstrong, Win. Clark, .V. R. Camming H P. W-Jjfidseii, OloJCllinjf.son, TliatL PowoU H ONE! WBBI I .-We will coptijiue to. I RIP AiND TEAR I ' Ho pieces all pnetson our Llignnt Mock: -: H f BRIM YOUR SILVSRf I "We will give you more for your mon- H ey than you will get elsewhere. We H have so many Bargains that we have H not time or space to quote'them. H Come and see for yonrself that we H can do all we say. H -- T nun I, j i i " j !II . ..-!,. !-. c 'iavc arKa'ns for I'i so m-U liivl come nnd put in your Winter sup- H ty-piw-a '" plyel " . Ladfcs & Gcnt Furnlfiing Goods M Shoes, Clothing', M WstQSi ' Indies Cloaks, M W"9e -Jewelry for Ilflidoys. CHICAGO CASH STQRE I Tho only Gonulno Darirnln Houso. H At Racket old stand. AMERICAN FORK, UTAH H A Few Articles I have for M IIJMAOJADJ M No irashy toys bli. ijoo ai. UscltUi ArVicica. H Raisins, Currants, Lemon l'ccl, Spleen, and Extracts. H Nuts and Candy ot all kinds, Toys, Albiimi, Work H Boxes, Plush Sets, Game:.,' Toys, ioh, School Hooks of all kinds, Small & Large Uoi.kb, Chamber Sets, Flour Dins, Dates, Cups, Saucers, Stand and Hanging Lamps, Washing Machines, Timv. ire and H Hardware, I'aints, White Lead, Oil, Cutleiy, Uiugs, H Jewelry, Perfumery, Silk & Crape Shawls, Rib-oiu, H Tics, Handkerchiefs, Bedspreads, Skirts, Jackets, Springville Yarn, Underwear, Dres Goods, llositry Clothing, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Shoes, Buolsj H Rubbers, Arctics, Blankets Quilts, Diau'es, Coal, etc I H V M MMM . Hi . MM M H ! .imr jciw rr,ua:i3 as-a3-'-aiacrt-r H All kinds of Farming Machinery ' and H Implements. H ! BIGYGLsE' ,. ," I Cdllon or ndd.rcs, H WALTER L. WEBB, Agent, M Lehi City, 0"..lx M |