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Show 1 ilMlWIS ' ' Bcliness Drlefs. ttcflt P. Vi'linl at Trnno's ' rJlnl nl l'eoP1(,s Coop. stlOOpnirst Uroujiiknt's iiv tlu'cfljtiinted ' IVnock" Huck SpriHgs Conf.fl il W. I.. K.vcKEii, Agent. M Soxs nro in tho lend no of Fall Drtss floods, t cotnfoit when you work buy n wheellllnrrow at Trnne's. Iron Uoofuig, Post and nil kinds of icnclng n tp'ci laity nt Co-op. Tho placello get Ladles Coats nnd Uablcs Clonks Is at IIroadukjii's. CfilldrensiindcrwenrZoC nnd 30c nt Uiioadiiknt's Store. 1 Trnno has Men's nnd Boy's Clothing Chen test In town. CottaoesIo rent nt Locust Qrovo Knqulre of II. (lilchrlst or W. K. Hacker. For nice Sailor lints go to Miss IliiOAiincxT't Millinery Parlors. Fall Goods just arrived. People's Co-op wants your trndo nnci will gunrnntco to tnko the beet of caro of its customers. When yen wnnt Lump coal Nut coal or Mine slack by tho car call onTrntto for good flgurcf, Aflrsttfnsa (00 faulty sewing machine mach-ine for only "0. Apply ni this ofllcc. Clothing cheaper than ever. Furnl-turo Furnl-turo nnd Stoves almost nt Cost nt Peo pic's Co-op, All kind of rtock and horses pastured nt John Beck's place -over J)rdonnt(1.25 per head n month. Enquire 6f Oeorge BcckLchlJunction. Oct n pbotograpn of youiself or your baby oltltcr. Oood work or no pay. C. D. Turldon&K W. Broadtnt Photographers, Photo-graphers, Lehi, |