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Show BB Industries nru ndlspentiblc. H Wo clip tlio follo it; from the Ogdcn BBV iS'fnmfnrd' B This territory requires lionio enter- B prises. Thcfiicilltlcs tormnkingcurcmn BBJ products nre eo great tluit It la nctually BH uHlouIslilntftlint more hus not bttcndoiie BBJ to sot In nctlvo operation Industrie of BBV vnrlous kinds for which wo lmo nbun- BH dniit inntcrlnl. B Thostigar Industry ut Lt-hl has demon- H strntcd that If this territory had enough BBj siiiar factories to supply homo constinip- BH tlon alone, In n few yours tho people BB) would mvu enough money to pay all the BH indebtedness on their mortgnged proper- B ty. Tho returns would benefit nil clis- BBJ ses, tho employer, thq employed, the BBV capitalist. BB At the World's l'ftlr (hero was n (rrnnd B exhibit of beet sugar made. Concern- B ing this exhibit and w hat it tcaclus, the BB American Kcououint makes somo rc- BH marks that are intended for tho whole BB nation, but they nru Just as nppllcnhlc BBp. to any 0110 territory In tlio Union as tt BBJ tho whole. Tho pnpet says: "Tholes- BBJ sou it teaches li that tho United States BBJ ran produce Its on n sugar, and by so do- BBJ lug will retain iiiuong our own rltlrcns H ubout $150,000,000 that wo are now send- BBV ing annually to forolgu countries, nnd if BB this ast sum could bo lept nt home BB statltions tell us Hint wo would, in the BBb course of ten ycart, bo tho richest nation BBl on tlC glubo. It also teaches that it BBa would largely solvo tho labor troublcn BBpj that rfccm nt times to becomu bo nerlous BB as to endanger our republic, as this new BH ndustry would gle nbuudant InliOr to BBB 10 uuemploytd, attracting tho best BBV ( ms of Immlgrnnts to our country, and BBa e bio n man on ten acres of well culti- BBa m d beets to produce ns much money BBV as e could on a 100 of corn, to say no-BBf no-BBf thl. ; of tho fact that tho ciop Is fiec BBa tron 'pcculatlvo Influences, ns before BBm plan , a contract Is inndo with t lie BB factor tnd ns soon ns tho beets nro ripo tlievn lelhered and pnld fur, thus BH ciuiblm, lIic farmer to py his bills in BH tJwn. nnd not bo tempted to keep his BK crop, hoping for n higher market, per- BH haps to rcallza on a much lower ohe, BB It teaches, also, littlo children, who are BBB too small to w oi k at hard labor, to make BBV n living, ns they u-o especially ndaptod BH to tho thinning out of tho beets, thus BBV gh Ing employment 'rtthosummcr whon BH they nru a way from t hool, and keeping BBS thorn out of mischief. U helps tho rail- BH roads, tho coal mine, t ie Iron foundrlts BB tho limestone quarries he agricultural BBS manufacturer, nnd in ct permeates in BBS to'noa'rly'evory channel of commercial BBJ industry." BBt Tho sugar factory nt Lohl has nlrcndy BBJ saved tho nkolo- people "f tlio torritory BBJ two dollars for everv ilui.ai unested in BBl it- If n bonus has been food inono casu BBj why may It not bo in more, sinctt the BBJ market for sugar is far from being aui. H plied? BBJ If tho present llnauclnl troubles aro to BBJ be oicrcomc, some movement rnuKt bo BBJ iungurntod that will glo tho people uu BBJ opportunity to work out tholrowndoli- B erance. Thoy nro willing to help enpitnl BBS to help BBJ Prosperity will not return to tlio peo- BBJ pie without an effort on their part. The) BBJ mako this effort by encouraging tlio BBJ establishment of homo Industries In their |