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Show airiilimriias ' ' ' I Business Drlefs. rCoal nt Peoples Coop. He! P. V. coal ntTrano's, lnnii("jl.00palr nt IIioidhbnt's i;, , i , I biated INMwck" Hock Springs Coal. W. 1L Rackeh, Agent. llest Washing Machine at Trano's. Solid Comfort Sulky Plows at Trano's. Unojtnnr.!T A So.vs nro In the lead with n nice lino of Fnll Dress Goods. Iron Hoofing, Post tind nil kinds of fencing n spci lally nt Co-op. Tho place to get Ladles Coats and Uables Cloaks is nt Uroaddent's. Children underwear 25c and SOc at Dboaddent's Store. Flannels, llndiays, and Dlankcta at Trano's. Cottages to rent at Locust Grove Enquire of 11. Gilchrist or W. K. Racker. -or nice ouiiui iiuio u vu hiibb Broadiiknt't Millinery Parlors. Fall Goods Juat arrived. Peoplo's Co-op wants your trade and I will guarantee to tako the best of care of Its customers. Uuy tho celebrated "Peacock" Rock Springs Cjj.il. W. E. Racked, Agent. A first class 1 00 fan lly sewing machine mach-ine for onry (30. Apply at this office. Clothing cheaper than eer. Furniture Furni-ture nnd Stoves almost at Cost nt People's Peo-ple's Co-op, All kind of i-tock nnd horses pastured at John Beck's placo overJrdonntfl,25 per head n ninnl) . Knqulro of Gcorgo Beck Lchi Junction. Get a photograpn of yourself or your baby either. Good work or no pay. C. D. Turldon k E. W. Broadbent Photographers, Photo-graphers, Lehl, For Salo Cheap for Cash Or will trade for City Lot, Farm Land, or Lumber.; Good Team, Wagon and Harness. Apply to Fred Mcakln, Locust Grove. Lohi. |