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Show - LEHI Is THE FIRST H To open this year's H Campaign. H REPUBLICANS HOLD FORtll H They listen to speeches by Hons. H John Morgan and T. R. Cutler. H Tlic political campalgrfwas opened .J here on Tuesday night by tho Republl- BH "" It bnu been well advertised and BJ n lirgo audience gathcreS at, tho Opera BH' House. Ontllo:nlldMaKdn!nEan8 J Jlorgan Kvans, Win. Clark, T. It. Cutler BH1 Samuel Taylor, W. I'rampton, Ira D. J.- Wince, John Morgan, Georgb Webb H Georgo iieck mid Frank Bccra. BJ After n tntio from tlio band Chairman BJ Wines Introduced Hon. John Morgau as ssssssb mo iirst speaker, BJ He did i.ol believe pcoplo could bo J convinced by calling them names, nor J that blinding people with hurrah and J noise was right, but by throwing more J light on the subject. Wished to discuss BjV. . matters with fairness. All could not J bekivo alike but there is a medium. BJ Wo aio nil Interested in tho politics of H thu country and could judge the tree by Hi tho fruit thereof. We agrco that all men are fico and equal is good and that taxation without rcprceontation is bad. BH' Theso ore fundlmcntal principles. Took BH, "P theso princlils going back to cariy BH' history of our country. The beginning of tho political dircusslon was oo the e question of state rights wbicll was ex M jn.iincd. ihls question culminated in BH, tho nullifying act of Houth Carolina in BH' 1,;o They contended that tho cm- c tntiii,;cf Slates rights would create a in niiuliy. This principle spread until H M states scccdedv The Democratic I'm i lent saying that states had no right to s i do but If tlieydid tho government hadnopowcrtococrco them. Lincoln H iicld it did. thoicsult wnsourdlaistrous war. The majority of tho Democrats BH' 'till bclico in this principle as proved H by Sutler's States Bank bill. H Had told n friend that if the Democrats H Kflt In wool Mill bo put on tho free lilt v us listed in the Mill's bill. This in and had morgnged M Some to buy sheep BH,- . ,iJ l",.-2rp!S3'-"''-'" - f H ilearty ruined liim.TrueJConyri'oi had HB douo nothing but it fear can do eo much HB what will the result be. Ttio placing of M lead on tho frco list roeuns ruination to M IhlsTcirllory. . M Can ncairord for a political ideal to fl rulu and destroy tho best interests of Hs our country? When n Ixiy he lived in a free trade Hiera and worked on a farm when corn Hkild for 5c u bus. a wagon load was worth Miatfull All maufacturcd BKds camu from I'nglandnnd American Hv factoricH were idle. HB Thero wasrejoiiingin England over Hl Cle eland's elfption because they ex- H! peeted tlieir factories to open wlillo uure HJ -would dene. Itceult Is t' lland is full H -ot plenty but no market (or it. Hj (ju the present low prices of farm H iroductH show lug the terilble result ot B Oienpiices, itiiieansUieapuvesallaround B low wages and no raoiiey. tttH Tint mmiiifneturcs arc the (oundatlon K ot tlio country conEequontly I am u idend H to (them. Tho manufactures of this H county ro and will bj ni a gold mino V "to us. TliU country has facilities H " enough to bo the leading nation o H tlio woild. Dut (actorlus aro closed. H Our mines nie closed becauso tho oxe- HB cutho will not allow this government to HI lino n bliiieiallic currency because H"3 England don't want it. The present Hj;") lliuiiiclnl crinls docs not lie in tho Slier- HBf man law but deeper; It is because nf tho HHp, f jiollcy of tlio prctent administration, K""" J Democracy would eoon rcduco it to n Hj tenth grudo power. Tho idonccri ot B this Territory had manufactures ib an H Ideal and thu j.eoplo belelcd In i! j only HHJI 2 vearn ago was the idea adanccd that HHR nuiiiit.ictiircis wero robbers. Bountiei- H Meio repeatedly ghen by Territorial HHH Jpginlaluio. ThotlojU taxpayer pays HHHt o (mall t bounty It is not noticed. m" riity say It Is not the tax but tho priif B ciple. Shall our factories close because ot n political heresy? This teaching le HHj no new thing; It has beun taught here HHr lor IOjciiis, Uaing it is apostltislng B from the teachings of the fathers of the f 1 rvrritory. It will lead into tho bogs. V Such matters claim earnest attention. B -1.C00 lillo men walk the streets of Salt B Lake City and wu aro better ofT than BHHf other cities. This is tho result of a K mistaken policy. Othct speakers may BHHJ ay this is tho result of Republican mis- L rule, butlnvestignto the mutter and see. Vy 'i'1'c present policy means ruin and BHBr' legredation. BBHj T. It. Cutler was the iicut rpeckcr. H This Is ii time hen we should calmly H lookat itt' ,l" f"r"ar 'Pcnker j had dearly dellncd tho situation. H Would bring tho cirMt ot tariff on wool, H rthlch had brought much to our midst. B linmotoua. In I'- uiauy men tr.lil out HH nt i i,'ootl llijure. Their reason w as th.'j- H feared n B wiiilo In N. Y. in U2 heard muttcrings H' IhatnchangownB wanted. Too many H railroads, trusts etc Combinations of K capital aro oUcnproJuctha of good ns H ho illustrated. At this limothecountr H v prosperous. Theso wool wcu- fore- I i HHHJ BHBv ' saw events and feared tlio tnrlll question Showed yio irason for tho variable wool market this car. This distrusts of the revision of the tariff cfTecia nil parties. UJias been threatened. In Oermanlfa-torles Oermanlfa-torles ho had Wen told that- women gt 18on day men 30o eo we can't coin, pelf with that. JIo was greatly interested In the sugar industry in this Territory tot be ouM see what It would do 'or "us. Would go thlaociijngto Washington, to appear bcloro tho Wnjs and Means coinmit'eo on tho sugarWstion. Sjioko ot bouqtv fchowingVhl'lt was necessary. This :s a slow growing Industrybeing an agri culturaliquestlon knowing this the Republican congress in 1800 had gin a 2c bounty for, 16 years but already the present congress was talking of repeal. Last year 100 mlllfon was ncnt out of the country for sugar and only n million paid toourowntountryiuen for-bounty. Thoughtit, belter to pay out moroj in bounty tjian to eenfl the money qui of the country. If the bounty is taken off and nitlflptffniii .. il. f-. .11. .... .. ....... ,,uv ui. , ritiury will not run next jear. He closed by hoping the Democrats wbuldlbo' forgiven for what they had done. . ThoCountry'a Finances, Washotok, Sept.T. At no timo since the war have .the customs receipts been so low as now The matter is causing Mr. Carlisle a good dcaW of worry. In the treasury last night tli cash balance was reduced to 106,000,000, incliume of the gold reserve and (1,000,000 abraecd and uncurrcnt subsidiary coin. What is left of the depleted gold rcscrxo con tinues to be thcronly cash balance in tho treasury with which to pay current expenses. ex-penses. The receipt ar.o now running About 170.000 ner. dnv holiln.l II, ,. penditure. Tor Hie first tlmalru tKtrl duties dut-ies havolallen bel )w tho internal revenue receipts For tho fiscal year fiom Jul) 1 to tho prefent Mmc thogovernuient expenditures expendi-tures exceeded the leceipts by (1, 1,000,-000. 1,000,-000. At tbiirrate the dellcit nt the md of the year wUI be ery large. |