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Show s SjOiMai . A Skim JMifit jM Il Tl I ID 1)13 ACON'S ' I)K FEAT. ) An OW-Fashlonod Fourth of July Trulnlnpc Day Eplaodo. L' ST before day-1 smgl Iri'ak on tlie ls:o. Deacon rx jpf, . ffi llzeklel Hep- vlffi' "!F$y bum, inoitntctl yj'" '' ft i tlnotigli n lnno iii'i .rilai ll thallctl by liU Ullh &E35 'w f.niiliouse to a UtvlW&Stti3? turnpike. lie -v 'J'fflKfl Ianci'11 at tlK' V 111 1 l r V''.)' hl,rrcp l ' l ' " s Wl IV X , i ri7 uu ,l n " x " B W flVi'hi;j' manner, but bo- '' il ' ciime batisflctl tlinltlio Inmates were ttlll In bed ami tbatJilN tlepartttre wab nut obscrvcri. Tue tloacon's doatinat n was tlie Con-ni'ctlout Con-ni'ctlout vitl.ifje of Ilcze niliville. 1 1 1 1. litllca distant, wliere tliero was to lie a IIUiiik celelirntlmi of tlni clorloim l-'ourtli. AHlioiiiili It wiik not a "train-iiiff "train-iiiff ilny," the locul eomp.inieB of mllltla were wont tn muster on the great tut-tlnn.il tut-tlnn.il holiday mid bare n (rotnl timu. Tlie tleneon whs one of tlic troopcrH. "I've outwlltetl Ain.indv mid tlic old lady," lie villi lo lilinself ullli ti com-pla-'eiit cliut'kle. "Tliey won't have no linr-o and they'll have lo bdiy to bum. Dk'k WulinvrlRlit will be there it liu.it In' with unity In IiIh new uniform and uilh bin Hue featheie: but he won't Mrnt like n turkey gobbler when he IlittU that Aliiiindy niii'l there to bee him. ll tahett me loktit.iiiiiveut theve y'liintf folk and the old lady, too: for iilie'M Ijountl to libel 'em ill tliis ere fool-Uh fool-Uh courtHlup nfriu' 1113- jedginrnt. Old I'm enough for 'em all to-day." "I'VK OUTWITTBn AilANnV AND THK OLD I.AHV," HAII1 THU DEACON The deacon chuckled again, llut he ihoiild havo rememlwred hit own favorite Baying: thiit It U not well to jouut your chickens before they are lintchctl. Tour hourfi later Lieut. Dick Wnln-ivriifht Wnln-ivriifht In a two-heated vehicle drawn bv u kpun of prancing horses drove to tho Hepburn homestead, whero ho found tlie blushing Amanda and her mother wuitlng for him. The deacon i.-us not the only ono who hml dot)t .onie phtnnina. His wife and daughter hud not fcU'-iH-cleil that he would sueali off liefoie daylight, but thoy were well ii'vutn that he did not wUlt them to ac-LOmpuny ac-LOmpuny him to llozuklahvillc, anil had rosolved neither to ak him to take them to the village nor to accept any aut'ly invitation that ho mlf;ll extend lo them. Amanda had rpiletly iceji her lover and 111 i-itnaed that ho Kb'iltt vail for her unit hi r mother at an hour after whioh bbe vim. cettatu her father would be gone. I.lcut. Wainwrlght left the women at the home of Joshua Whipple, n couMn ol Mr. Ilepbiiru, who lived In tho village, vil-lage, A (hr bitching his hotbes ho walked to the tavern, it large, rumbling structure, kituuted In the middle of half an acre of level giound that was adorned with great sliado trocfc, Among the (rroupof Bold Ion. wliobtood near the tree was lel.icl Hepburn, lie roeog-nUud roeog-nUud WaiuTright with 11 cool no1, and as ho turned away there wub in his fuee n haroaAtle leer, the meaning uf whlcli was not, uu ho confidently biippobcd, hidden from thi-. 1 uug man. The liner enuh'd, too, liut lilt, nmile whs 11 11101 iy Ha It wm inlkcliievomi. At noon rllnnor was nerved In tho lav-nrn lav-nrn and wnn annnunuetl by three or four treiui-mloiitt hlabts on a big IWh horn, lieveral hundred iet6oi)B dined, l'irht the military, emulating of u company of Infantry, Uu men, and 11 company com-pany of cavalry, 50 men, uswonbloil In the loiijf banquet hull anil heated lliemr.elve at 11 table ii.tendlng neatly the longth of tho room mid Ut kl.lc Ubli'b. " the beatl of the titble hat thieo Li. pb, iiioii of tlielr cloth U'iug iweiid at that day, wlio hart b.-en ebcoitcd to tho tavern by the bugler! tho tiforaiitl the drummer while playing iiutlimul aim. Next to the elcrgymen wero bererul levolutlonnry ictcrau!., while-hull od mid feeble, and the tui'.itt.i omcrs. Kueb of thni.11 hon-orct hon-orct gitebtb could, if lie enow, ill Ink n phthK of wlut'i but tho piivatoH who but below Itr.'in were not allowed any kind of ardent kpint'. wllh tlieir meal. The olilebt divine aulit grace, and then the htuifjrr uiuti did ample j net Ice to 11 llriit-chiKb llriit-chiKb New 12ngland dinner. Alter the bddlei j h.ul eaten, mokt of the vlbitorn firm the Mirroimdlng country tllned at the :ttuit- tallies. An hour l.itei the leople repaired to th licbli,)t.iiau church tho town huiue wub not Urg tiuotigh to accommodate accom-modate soiuuiiy utllUUmetl to a bombastic bom-bastic atUtrewdeliTn'oil by a young law-' law-' who w gnat orator In his own cktuuutlon, ami to the ninglug of pi-tripllo pi-tripllo ulrb. JSext wan a thain light, whluh took phut ou a bioud couuuon in the center 1 I tl 1 mIIi.'i. Tin- Mildit'it. were ill v 1 ii I "i 111 ill 1 uiiipani"-, hjlf of thr 1 1 if ( tin- itifantie belnj' i 1 1 1 it h 1 'lupans mi 1 'it rlrl t mn m 1 pljto.m and behind th" f nt 1 1 ,t . , wci all f th- tttlui 1 1 il .11 1', , ,1 ally 111 inch i.inipjii, eajin the i.ai of the infantrv dipt IVrkm .a hero of tho war of 1S12, lommaudeil one company, com-pany, and the ofllcer a- tln,f . tlie otlicr captain was I.lcut Wnln tight The uniform of 11 cavalry nnn consisted consist-ed of 11 red broadcloth oat with liuft casslmete faclngk, gold Heo tritmningii and gilt buttons, and trousers 11 mi vest of buff cabsimere. The prl.al s wore! caps with roumU'rownnof heavy leather covered with bearskin mid n red feather on tho bide. The cap of an ofll 'cr was similar except that upon It was 1 gilded helmet, a hupport for n lougfeatl er tli.it 1 drooped over the front of (he cap. The feather was retl with 11 white tip lu front. The cavalry equipment coin.lbtcd of n yellow woril-belt extendiilg over right bhoiilder and holding tlie 'ejibbard I of a sword on tlie leUbldeof theyoUlici-, pistols lu baddle holstcra nud vajise 011 back of Hiultlle. The cavalry (illlccni nlbo woro high lioots with white tops Tho Infantry were ilrcw-eil in blue throughoiiti coal facings mid trimmings were of red tind nroutid each boldlcr'M neck was 11 leather lock The men lu their pav uniforms pre-M-nted 11 brilliant appearance, and lu the opinion of the i.pectatorh who lined tho bltlcb of the green they were the tincht holdicr In the world. The hhain light consisted of a kcrics of simple iiiaiiouicrx by which each platoon in the opposite companies, beginning be-ginning with the two front platoons, advanced mid llred, i heeled back, took Mb phicu behind the other plat-iotih, mid moved forward until iigaiu in tiiiult was at the front, when It llred again. These maneuvers wei repented until the battle was vmlvd. Tlie company whose platoons movrtl Ihe quleker gained ground on the other eompi.iiy tindgiiiihiiill.v diove it back until the twenty-four loundsnf aiiitiiiiuitionwere cxlintikted nnd the slower iiiorlng company com-pany was defeated. The quicker moving company was commanded by I.letit. Wiiinwrlght, who was seated on u splilted horue nud whose waving plume above the glided helmet could ever be ojeu in the thkkc st oftholiay. The gullnnt olll ;r ivm Incited In-cited to tlo his best by tho knowledge that the eyes of the fair Amanda were upon him. blie ami her mother stood lu 11 prominent position. They wuved their handkerchief at th" young soldier sol-dier and their fiiceB were filled with joy as they saw him lead his 1111:11 to certain victory, although tho paterfamilias. Deacon Hepburn himself, was InCnpt-tlu I'crklm' eompany and was xniaged because be-cause tho detested young Wuimvilht was currying oil' the laurels of the occasion. oc-casion. Hut fortunately tho deacon ivcs nenr'lghted and knew not that his r I a 1 r.y ifr"". urn tiEAco.v hi a:imi:iil:i out PUVL1IAI tuiurr liCMAHKH. wife and daughter behold his humiliation humilia-tion with pteasuio and that Amanda was flirting with hui luvor and whs bc-btowlng bc-btowlng upon him her m-ist ben Itching smiles before and alter tho combat. Crestfallen and weury, tho deacon wended his way nt hlx. p. m to the home of his cousin, Joshua Whipple, with whom he hoped to hold ueneibk converse and f iret his tumble., llut lo! whenhoairlvod lie was u .buted Into I room wheic sat hi , wife uud daughter and Mcittfutnl Wnlnnimlit. A more surprlkutl mid angry mmi than tiic deu-eon deu-eon whs for the next few moin-jnt never win been, and Ihe worat of it was that thethreiiperaom. ui'utkmod thoroughly enjoyed ms di-.comOture. Ho btani-mered btani-mered out bcvri.il gruff lemarka and in-lifted in-lifted on departing, leuviny the others masters of thenttiatiou. In the '.neiiing there wan a (treat ball lu the dlnlng-rooui nf liio tavern, aur tho couple who dnucetl ie Virginia rce, with the iin.,t rute onil spirit wen Lieut. Wittnn right and Mlts llt-pbum Tho mm tilled doiieon uovcr recjvei-otl raitllclonlly fiom hli defeat tu oppose Ids daughter's wishes openly: mil h few weeko latei the banns of that fair dani-bel dani-bel ami her gallant hiver weie dcel.iietl In tho rjet.byterlau rliur.lt. J A. Hum I.e. |