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Show Ballard's Snow Liniment. This invaluable, lemedy is one (hut ought to bo In every household. It will cuio your Rheumatism, Xtitrnbjut. Spraiua, Cuts, bruises, lturns, Frosted Feet mid Knrs, Sore Tin oat and Sole Chest. If you liuxo Laino Hack It will euro it. H peuetiates to the se.it ol the disease. It will cure Still' Joints and foiitriultd muscles alter all oilier leuiediea liat fulled. Tlioso who Iiiiwi U'Cii clippies (or years but u nsjd Hal-laid't Hal-laid't Unnw I.ininitut and thrown away their iiutches and been able to walk us welli'seor. It will cure you. J'rirt ill CtHll. |