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Show j IMMMtaHl in iimiinin NATIONAL PARTIES. The Democrats and Re-publicans Re-publicans in Lehi. GRAND DEMONSTRATIONS. As in Other Cases Both Sides Claim to be the Right. DEMOCRATIC BALLY. The Democrats of Lehi held a rally on Monday in the Lehi Opera house. John Woodhouso eecty. Tho first was Hon. John T. Calnc, who read the platform and took up tho various parts, lie dwelt upon the old parties being disbanded. dis-banded. Gave somo of the history of the National parties. Centralization of power and the tariff, were taken up and fully explained. Ho also showed which party had done tho most for the people of Utah. Mr. Gash late of Missouri, was the next speaker. Ho compared the two platforms, spoke at como length upon ho revision of the tariff showing how tho present system helps tho rich and oppresses the poor, thus concentrating power and wealth. Explained what controlled wages and the prices of farm products, also the extravagances of the last Congress was given. John B. Milncr was next introduced. He took up the establishing of tho sugar factory showing that it was not tho Republicans Re-publicans that had dono it. Explained where tho poor man's part of protection came in and that the Democratic party was the party for the poor man. Hon. II, King then spoke to tho meeting. meet-ing. Tho old parties aro being disbanded disband-ed to make room for tho new which would crush all who would not get out of the way. Spoko of tho religious liberty given by Democrats. He bo lieved in local self-government and not bolng governed by a strong central government as is the case in Ireland Ire-land to-day. Tho farmers have been oppressed long enough by their so-called Republican friends and were leaving them and Hocking to the Democratic standard. Ho also discussed discus-sed tho tariff briefly. After the meeting thoto who wished to sign put down their names and intend organizing a club coon. The Lebi Silver band under the leadership leader-ship of John Smith furnished themueic. Thero was a good attendance. REPUBLICAN RALLY On Thursday evening, June 18, the Republicans commenced their campaign by having tho Silver band sorcnado the town In their grand chariot with flaming flam-ing streamers on the sido, carrying the mottos ''Republican Plattorm" and "Protection to our Home Industries." The meeting in the Lebi Opera House was called to order by Mr. I. D. Wines, Mr. T. R. Cutler was chosen as chairman, chair-man, and Mr. C. A. Granger secretary. Mr. Jas. Sharp, Ex-Mayor of Salt Lake city was the first speaker, alter reading tho address of the Central committee to tho People of Utah, Mr, Sharp pro-cecdeed pro-cecdeed to state that tho address contained con-tained somo of tho reasons why ho was a Republican. It has been said by some that Republicanism was only another name for Liberals, this is a mistako and there is nothing in Mormonlsm to prevent pre-vent a man being a Republican nnd nothing in Republicanism to prevent a nun from being a good Latter-day Saint, The people wero askod to thoroughly Investigate In-vestigate the principles nnd history of both parties and then join tho ono that appears to them to be right. There are many good citizens who are Democrats Demo-crats but they do not reason aright. Democracy was started in 1801 by Thomas Jefferson and lasted until 1801, whon the party wont out of power in confusion. The Republicans came in and brought order out of chaos, and prosperity out of disorder. Republicanism Republican-ism docs not tend to monarchy as is sometimes charged. The doctrine of Republicanism is positive, we stand up and faco every question that comes up, wo are united. We believe in tho right of a nation to step in and do a work in a state of the union that should bo for the good of tho state. Owing to tho isolated iso-lated situation of Utah sho could not exist with free tradeas owing to circumstances, circum-stances, she con never bo an agricultural agricul-tural state, but mutt depend more upon tho development of our resources, viz: Mining, Manufacturing, Woolgrowing, etc. Tho crops of our farmers must ,bo consumed at home, wo cannot afford to havo to pay heavy fruight before we can market our products. Republicans want facts and not theories, Mr. J. W. Whitccotton, ot Provo, was tho next to take the floor, in a very amusing speech, ho handled tho tariff and other questions in a very masterly mannor, John M. Zane, son ot Chief Jttetlco Zanc, in a very forcible speech dilated at largo uxu tho various questions of tariff, central government, etc., followed by J, C. Graham, of tho Provo Enquirer, who inado but n few remarks, the hour being late. Tho Silver band and Glee club rendered rend-ered the mimical part of tho proceedings in a very pleasing manner. A local Republican meeting for tho purpose of organizing a club was announced to take place Monday next in tho Lehi Opera House. |