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Show B THIS, THAT AND THE OTHER. f Only gonnlno beet tools at Trnno'e. J Thane has the finest assortment of J,iidlcsniiil Ciiildrcn's slippers. J ' Tin: Young Indies should get their Embroidery dresses at Trane's Hk How nbout your shado trees? Aro J tlicy trimmed to the required height. J Hon. G. T, Odcll passed through town J 'lil8 wiy homo from south Iftst night. Ja)8 Kikkiiam & Co., Lehi, Whole- I snlongcn, 0r Hewlett Bro., Soda Wator M Co. Bond i. jour orders. H Aiiki. John VA'Ng an& Andrew D. m Anderson Imvo lx.n appointed homo m missionaries from Led. H Tho Peoples co-op inadoothor Bhp. H incut of wool yesterday. -i,a wm K mnko about twelvo cars tills scaso.. H Mk John .Mason is driving a. voll o. H Lou llliodo's place. Ha is down now H over sixty feet nnd making good pro' B ,.-..cf(iiiiff city prisonort BBJU " " "t Provo has been let to o chinaman. H Thats tho way they have of building up BBt homo Institutions. H It Js fun to stand on n corner on a H flno afternoon, and watch tho wen all H lushing around trying to mako monoy, H nnd ll,o h onion flouting around trvlng H to spend it. H I'KorLE's Co-op. Imvo a very comploto H lino of Shirts and It is rcaliv amusing to BBM HeO tho CIlRtninov rl.;M il,vu mnmjr H (hoy Buy llicy mo almost giving them H Mayou Evans and Jas. Allred, also, H Messrs. Pribyl nnd Novotuy of the Am. H Fork Initeptiultnt wero among tho visi- H tors to our olllco this week. Call Again Bb gentlemen. H We nra informed that the Ixicust B Grove Co. intend erecting somo sub- m Btnutinl cottages on their property near B the U. P. Depot. Work is to ba com. m .meiiced therein tho near future. H lUiiv CAnniAUEs At tho Pcoplo's BV Co-on, nt greatly reduced prices, and BY tho Inrvest assortment in the county. BBt Como and buy w Idle the Stock is large BB loFclcctfroni.ns thoy are selling rapidly. H Clothing Piicescutln two. In order BBl '' mako room for tho large Importation of Clothing and furnlehing Goods, the Bj IVojdc's Co-op. will make special bar- Bf gains on whatever Stock they now have Bh on hand, Como and be convinced, B Fou Bill-heads, Lcttor-heads, State- K incnts, ball Tickets, and Programmes, H Cards, Legal Blanks, Euvelopes, and all H klmla'ol Job Printing. Send to The B IUnneii. Work done neatly and H promptly and at lowest living prices. H. WiltT about tho Fourth of July I' B Already other towns aro making prepar- H utlona for it nnd surely J.ohl cant afford H to lo behind tho rest. Let n committee H lie formed a t onco nnd liavo the eagle B give forth his most glorious scroam. B Somh ones carp pond has broke looeo. H Mr Ben Lot caught seventeen carp in BBB SpriugCrcekditchfrom one-year-old and BBB uphu rays ho does not know how many BBB 4 ,., f'movo there aro lu tUo ditch. Persons B having carp onUa bad better look to BBB their outlets. H "Tiieeb aro no riles on tho Banner," H, says the Lehi contemporary. Well, wo BBB should say not. Flics are rather par- H titular where they roost. Am. Fork BBB Indtjiendtnt. That's po. And say, m John, "did you over notlco bow thoy m . Jlock mound anything dead.7" Wo aro B too deft for them. B . AbTiiouait there ecsms to be a great H many men in town there Is not enough BBB to supply the demand. Mr. T. It Cut- H Mgr. of thu Sugar Co. has ben forced BBB to advertise in the leading newspaper BBB tor moro men to work for thu company. BBB It stems almost impossible to socuro BBB enough liiborere. H 8rii.r, they glow and thrive. We BBB icier to theso catorplllcra tint are in- B fcstltig the orchnids. They uru doing BBB greut amount of dumago to souio of H tho trues stripping them entirely of tho BBB leayes leaving them looking as if a fire B bad recently swept over tho place. BBK Thu fruit prospect is being greatly dam- M liged by their dopredations. m The Ueligion chiss held last Sunday BBV night was very well attended though B' many camo in rather late. An Inter- B- eating program was carried out, The B lecUiru on tho bones by J, M. Andcrsou B was especially interesting and luslruc- m live, He intends giving moro on the eub- B ject of physlollgy which should lie heard B fy everyono as it is a very important H nubject. |