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Show B AROUND TOWN, B Next Monday U Labor Day nml will B be observed hurq. B People's Co-op. Mill lay you the B highest price for Krnln. H Letter bends, nolo head, HlnlonicntH Bi nml nil Mulls of job work done nt this B B Mr. nml Ma P. 8. HuinphrkM of B J'lcnsniit 0 rove, were visitors hero on B Monday. B - 'J'lio full jjoods of the Lohl Mem. Co. B Imvu been nrrlvlnj; for povcrnl days Bft during the pnst week. IV Messrs. Cvdendrom nml Saddler nre m doing u lino barber business in their Bh largo and elegant quartern. Tho stnto llsh law riinned out on m Monday, August 81st, and fishermen are now busy catching tho lliiuy tribe. B HEET WAGON AND UUGGY FOR B SALE CHEAP. Apply to BSV Mr. UcOsim, Mm Lehi City, Utah. Our school lioiiHOil lmvo gone under a V, thorough ulriuilng nml tiro In tho pink it condition to receive tho pupils. B It Id reported that thu Hev. Luvlgr IB Thomson will leave Lehi In u short time and outer t!ie laboratory of the Idaho Sugar fuoloiy. BV Tho Uopiibllonns tire talking of two B candidates for tho ollleo of CUy Mai BBfl nhal, John I). Woodhouao and .1. X. BB Jtutt. Moth uio gtK.il men. BBB The coming Ktnto Fair protnW.s to lie BB. Iho 'host' Utlih over guo. Tlnwo who expect in lmvo display ahould mako BV nrmngvmoiita ns ijulult as pmslble. BBB Strength and vigor eonio of good food, B duly dlgustud. "Force," a rwidy-lo- BS HurVo wheat mid boiloy food, adds no BB bunion, but mutiilus, nouiUho, In- BB vlgomtott. BBB A small lot of Rummer Goods left BBB which wo are Helling at half price nml BBB lo. Sale from ":!!() a. in. to njlHi p. m., BBB any day at the Co-op. BBB For a bilious nttnuk take Ohuuiher- BBB lain'H bloinuoh ami Liver Tabled and BBB u quick ouiu is certain. l.r sale by II, BBBV Mr. Fiutl llnnvood loft a few duyi BBB ago for Philadelphia to further pursue BB bin musical HtudloH. Tills shown that B Fred Is iiimle of the right kind of Mull' BB nml will get thuro If things go all BB Truth and Goodwin's weekly, In their BB last munberti, gives it to Perry S. BB ITeath foi things thai ho hnn nml BB tilings that ho has not done. Perry BH wautfl to look out for Truth Ik mighty BB nnd;wlll prevail. BBB Tho young pooplo who wont from BBB hero on tho excursion on the 27th to BB Cnstilla don't speak in the btwt of tonus BBS of tho train nervico given them from B' Castllla to I.ehl. They claim they BBf woro nearly four hoiimou tho road, nml BBB say that one do-oof that kind will hint BBB them n long time to come. B On August i!7tli Davo MoDouald and BBS' .Inliu Moylo Io:ulod live etiix of nhcep BBM' nt American l''ork and shipped them to BBS, Omaha via tho Deuverand Hlo Grande. BB Straw As Storra loaded their railroad BBM outfit foi Jiayton, where they have BB gone to do Homo grading work for the BB' AVostern. BBS Mr. Hans UauimeraiMl lilgitonn have BBY uiado wonderful progimw In tho llvtry B buslnow within tho lout fow yu. A B iiW yoare ago (hoy only owned tiro or B Nix rU null today they nm miming B nlxtcon rlgrt of diirereiit kjnds. This B Hhowa what onu be douo by Mildly BBB looking after bUHliiuw ami trying to pleaso lhoe who w Uh to hire. BBb Tho San Pediii DoK)t at Amerlenn BBJ- Fork was broken Into ouo night hint BBB' weik liivmtlgHtion proved that it BBT wax t" or throe young iMys of (lie BBJ town Thiy Mere arrested, and Dep BB ol shciiin Irnhain and County A tlor- BB ius P.igr ''i.' over. The boy Imvc BBJ.' been up load Idiidi of mlBchlef hovarnl BB t lines nefuie UiIh Mimnier, and no doubt BBB this will result in wmo of them going BBB, to the reform school, Tho Lehl Mere. Co. report tho Inst ato wns n good one. Tho Coop. Mill lmvo n few fruit jam to Bull ut tho reduced price. Last Thursday wns tho last of the lmlf holidays for tho clerks of the stored. Tho lecturers nt tho meeting lioiwo on Sunday night were Counselor Andrew FJelrt nml Elder Kobert J. Kvaiw. Tho families of Mcssm, Thomas Webb nnd Win. Yntca tnrted to tho West ennyon for n plea-turo trip on Monday morning. Soveral of tho farmers have been notified to .commence digging beetH on Monday, Sept. 7th. Tho fno tory Is expected to start one week from tho above date. Kcmembcr nml bring your Job work to tho Banner ofllcc. Dill Heads, Letter Heads, StntomcnU and nil kind of Job work done. Dodgem fron 0x12 to 1 1x21!. Call nnd see us nnd wo will treat you right. Leave orders nt Witdswortl.'s drug tore for Painting, Pnpcr-hnnglng and Onlaotninelng. Orders promptly attended at-tended lo. G. A. Citu.inan From July 30, lo Sept. 1, there has leoii paid out. by this county for grasshopper Iwiinliea SlbO'J.BO, of wnloh ninfiunt tho htato will pay two thirds. Tho weight of tho vast bulk of grasshoppcro f r which tho money lias been paid was, neeorolng to sworn returns of thu leceivors, 22l,t!rt pounds, The basket ball girls, with n few Invited In-vited guests, enjoyed themselves very much nt n lawn party given nt tho homo of UtheJ Taylor last Monday evening. At 8:30 o'clock tho party, sat down under tho lighted lanterns to a dainty table loaded with Ico cieam, cake, lemonade nml melon. Tho rest of tho evening was spent In playing games of dlU'orcnt kfnds. TIuho who woro present were Fthel Taylor, Ktlitl Thomas, Utile Jloss, Kthel Itoss, Julia Done, Inabell Thomas, Lulu Dortoti, Hazel IJvaiiH, Alloc Roberts, Will Gontes, A. II. Hone, Mom) Hart, Jno. Fox and Klllol WimnIIi9(iho. The girls will play Inn match game on Sunday Kehool day, Sept. till, ,' Wo rather like tho tone of the Inter-Mountain Inter-Mountain Farmer on what Utah enn show at tho exhibit of farm products nt Ogdon. Hero is wlint It says: "Wo may lo a llttlo shy 'on hops, but in barley, sugar beets and fruit Utnh can bent tho world, provided tho proper effort is made. The sugar compnnles will make the beet exhibit nnd the browors will doubtless show up tho barloy, whilo tho Stnto llonrd of Horticulture Hor-ticulture should show to tho world what Utnh fruit Is like. With bunches of Tokay grapes from Ogdon vineyards, weighing six pounds to tho bunch, and wltii n collection of tho (lucst rnlsln grapes from Jin Vliklu, Toquer-villoaud Toquer-villoaud Hollovuo down in Washington Washing-ton county, Utah could glvoeven California Cali-fornia u hard rub In tho fruit show at Ogdon. Tills Is no dream. Ask Fred J. Kiosel, who knows much about crapes in both Utali ami California. Hon. Thomas Judd could bring up the Dixie crapes for quality, while Knocli Farr, U. J. MeQrllr mid Wilson Bros., nml others of Ogden could furnish the grapes with sl.o and color. Why not got n move on in this nintternud rub It Into California Just for fun ami for the loving 6upr" |