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Show i r ' WHWWWi- iiiiisiiiiiiii , "died. " 1 . 1 Tim funeral ae'nltfs over tho rental '; of Mr. Olev ISIllnpson, wTiodled AthiiiMi' 20th, niter a long siege of elcknem win be held from the meeting lioufcmiKu day (tcniorrow), Scpt.-tth.nl 1 IUC'"v Tim irneon for tho funeral bflngtfmt oil' en 101111 is to give thlie for his (onsfwho are in Canada, to arrive nnd be picseiit,, Mr, OJey KIiugsoii wns the tOiioT llliit;iiml inner K Jacobs Kllliiksait He was born Feb. 28, 1831, at Fredflcl.'i' Htadt, Norway. He ws tho todrltt. child in n family of seven, ami the only, one who rame to America. Ho nV raised on his fathei's farm and obtained, Ids education In the common schools of Hint country. He joined the Ohufclo of JeeuK Christ o( Latter-day Baiulsjio 1852. lie spent some time in jitlfstoii I ary woik In his native country, nnd n.;t; sail for the United States in JWO, palj-ing palj-ing in tho ship flciijamin Adams, lami-log lami-log at New Orleans, jouruoying up ;lliif MiBniHcii)i and Missouri Hivers to tlio" then village o( Kansas, and from thereto there-to Florence or Winter Quarter, llu crosKcd the plains ill Captain II. K., Olsen'rf Ox Team Co., arriving in Salt l,aku City, October 0th 1851. He i-hmo at once to I.olil and inado his home here. He assisted to build a slouo fort. in Utdnr Valley, remaining tlicre four tnoutiis. Uctuininzlo Lelil ho became n farmer aud has alwaye been considered consid-ered smccesful in t lint busiuc Ho took part in 'almost all of our IndiaUj troubled aud furnished supplies for such" expeditions, being a member of the Salmon Itlver expedition. He lhv furnislied a team and wagon to :th& Misfoi.rl Itlver to bring on cmigration'tT Utah. He was mairicd in Halt Lrikk City 011 Nov. 1st, Irtil, to Abigal Evaiiif daughter of ltislmp David Evans ntuj) flarbra Ann Kwel Evans, ifhey lui! twelve children, six boys and bix gfibjf liiswtft-.au 1 seien of whom covtuniu, him $Q Mi Ellingfon srrvttl as Mayor of Leli Chy tliree times; as City Trcamferf twelve years, and aho several term u City Councilman and as a member $8 the Hoard c(,L)cctois of tlio Lelii ln'l- gatton'Co: lie neiil-'Oiiit" imiont'o Norway In 1878, and li-ts beau itnactixe woikHt in the quorums nnd tehodla rind ItKliiu ions at liomu. Hu died August 20th, 1003, aged 72 years and 8 months. Litt'e Hazel Austin, son of Air ami Mrs. Thomas Austin, died on Monday night of scarlet fever. The little follow had ben vry sick f-ir several days ho-foro ho-foro his dentil All that loving parents and kind friends could do to help his condition was done, but every effort proved (utile, his ipirit taking its flight as stated above. He was seven years nnd nevcrnl months old. The funeral was held at 3 o'clock p. in. Tiutday aflcrnoon, services being held at the cemetery. On Tuesday morning at 0 a. in. the 11-year-old eon Hugh of Mr. urnl aire, .ames Aitrcii, uieii 01 iiipiiiticria Last week ho was on n visit to the canyon and came home on Friday morning with a sore thrsat, which continued con-tinued to grow worse. Dr. Noyoa was called in, hut tho case was not pronounced pro-nounced diphtheria iiHtil Monday. ' The funeral was held al-l::!0p in Tuesday. Tlio eorvltos wore held nt the cemetery, What makes tlio death oi tho little boy more sad is that the father and several of tho older boys aie in Canada. |