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Show ( ' ' ' THE PRESS-BULLETI- V ' J" "I 1 - Tnk Bulletin I. H. MASTERS, General Manager." C. D. McNEELEY, Editor and Uses, ubscrlptlon $2.00 a Year TnAavaw 12.60 on Time. -- JDatered m second-clas- s matter Jan ft, 1915, at the poatoftlca at Ptoto, TJtah. under the act of March 3d, 1879. lasued rlday of Each Week at Prove, Utah. The net area of said claim (being the area claimed and applied for) be-ing .440 acres. , ' . Said claim is, located, in the south-west quarter of Section "3, TownBhip and Range aforesaid. , V . The claims adjoining sftid Michigan-Fractio-n lode mining claim as .shown by the official plat of survey are as , follows: Michigan, Survey 3529; Survey 4030 and "I Don't Care," Survey 4030. " - .. I direct that this notice be published for a period of nine weeks in The Press-Bulleti- n, a newspaper published at Bingham Canyon, Utah, the news-paper published nearest aid claims. . Gould B. Blakely, Register. (First publication Nov. 2, 1917.) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR - PATENT 021983 United, States Land Office, Salt Lake City Utah, October 31, 1917. Notice Is hereby given that United States Smelting Company, a corpora-tion of , Maine, whose post office ad-dress is Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, by C, E.' Allen, its Agent and Attorney In Fact, wh8e post of-fice address is Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, has filed an ap-plication for patent for tne lode min-ing claim called the Contact Frac-tions lode mining claim, situated in West Mountain Mining District, Salt Lake' County, Utah, and designated by the field-note- s and official plat on file in this office as Mineral Survey No. 6373 in Sec. 3, Township 4 South, Range 3 'West, Salt Lake Meridian, said Mineral Survey No. 6373, being described as fallows: Commencing at Corner No. 1 of the claim (from which the southwest cor-ner of Section 3, Township 4 South, of Range 3 West of the Salt Lake 'Merid-ian, bears south 48 deg. 29 min. west 3409 feet) and running thence east 540 feet to Corner No. 2 of the claim; thence North 34 deg. 4 min. west 566.5 feet to Corner No. 3 of the claim; thence north 11 deg. 10 min. west 608.8 feet to Corner No. 4 of the claim ; thence west 130 feet to Corner No. 5 of the claim; thence south 19 deg. 17 min. west 653.5 feet to Corner No. 6 of the claim, and thence Bouth 28 deg. 11 min. east 510.3 feet to Corner No. 1 of the claim, the place of beginning. The area of said claim as above de-scribed by metes and bounds is 9.484 acres. From which are expressly excepted and excluded the following areas in conflict with the following named claims, to-wl- t: 'Lot. No. 70, Albino lode, 1.090 acies; Lot. No. 145, Red Cloud lode, 2.175 acres; Lot No. 289, Wide West lode, 1.638 acres; Lot No. .410, 'Austin Ray (Am'd) lode .279 acres; Survey No. 3531, Buzzo lode, .988 acres; Survey No. 3966, Klondyke No. 1. lode. .500 acres; Survey No. 4463, Dead Thing lode. .000 acres; Survey No. 5407, Con tact lode, 1.243 acres; Survey No. 6372, Patience lode, .238 acres; 8.151 acres. The net area of said claim (being the area claimed and applied for) be-ing 1.333 acres. The claim is located in the north-east quarter, the northwest quarter, the southwest quarter and the south-east quarter of Section 3, Township and Range aforesaid. The claims adjoining said Contact Fractions lode mining claim, as shown by the official plat of survey are as follows: Albino, Lot 70; Red Cloud, Lot 145; IWide West, Lot 289; Austl.i Ray, Am'd, Lot 410; Buzzo, Survey 3531; Klondyke No. One, Survey 3966; Stag, Survey 3979; Dead Thing. Sur-- " vey 4463; Contact, Survey 5407; Fa--1 tlence, Survey 6372; Experiment, Sur-vey 5319, and Hodge, Survey 3530. I direct that this notice be published for a period of nine weeks in The Press-Bulleti- n, a weekly newspaper published at Bingham Canyon. Utah, the newspaper published nearest said claims. Gould B. Blakely, Register. (First publication Nov. 2, 1917.) A WHEN CME MAKES MISTAKES' ' Extenuattag Circumstance Are UK v . t ally Cited at Excuse for the Ma--' ' T "jerlty ef Blunders. , '' The average fair-mind- man ad . mlts that he maSras mistakes at times, .' but. and there always Is the exten- - i dating, "but" when we Reek to ex f v: cuse our failures, he believes, even 11 ' .'; unconsciously, that the mistakes that others make are bigger mistakes than his, oays the Charleston News , and . J Courier, Deep down In our hearts the ' roots of ' strike bo , - . deep. In fact,' that with most of n , It la useless. to try and pull them out ' , At those rare times, when we see , ' ' oursejves as others see us, when we . begin "to understand that we ,ara at fault to a larger degree than the other man, we may make an honest effort .' t ' to overcome the disposition to yield . to but unless we ' . , ' work hard and patiently and perse- - ; 'i verlngly we will And ourselves forever 4 f falling back Into the old hnhlt. It l so easy to criticize something that ' V ' another person does that fulls to meet -- ' ' mf our approval, and so entirely natural ? to think that we would never be., - . v guilty of a like weakness. , ' We might have mnde a mistake, we argue, but we would have discovered t , , the error In time to correct it, and , certainly we never would have bliia- - : ' dered ta the extent of our neighbor. How do we know what we would have lone In similar circumstances, how ever, and why should we assume a po ' of superiority which itt truth ; " we are not entitled to assumeT It Is . enough for us to concern ourselves ; . : .''" wl'.h out own failures, our own mis-takes, our own shortcomings, and to ' eave to others the readjustment of - their own Uvea ' IN" a place built, like Bethlehem, in many cases against the soft limestone rock it often happens that the existence of a cave v.he,re the house was to be was a great at traction since, it . offered a ready made, dry, above ground cellar as well as a specially suitable spot for the household animals and for a storeroom. It would seem tint Jo-seph was at last able to get room in some such back portion of a house, and there, we are told, Mary bore her divine Son. A cave below the high altar cf the Church of the Nativity is now shown as the very place where this august event transpired; a little re-cess, shaped like a clam shell, its floor of marble wrought into a star in the center, bearing in Latin the words, "llore Jesus Christ Was Born of the Virgin Mary." A row of lamps hangs round the outer edge, the right to attend to them be' ing a jealously watched mutter, each of the ancient churches, the Greek, the Latin, the Armenian and the Coptic, having one or more of these under its care. The evidence for this site is 60 strong that most persons accept it as sufTicient, reaching up, as it does, to within living memory of the days of the apostles. But even if this be an illusion the fact remains that in this petty village the Saviour of the world wa9 made man for our re-demption. No wonder that we read of the anthem of the angels, for' surely nothing could draw forth the interest of the heavenly population like the exceeding grace God was showing to sinful man. The scene of the visit of .the shep-herds is pointed out as on a rough slope, facing the village, at some distance-- to the east, Bethlehem ly-ing far above on its mountain seat. One can follow the shepherds in their journey to see the unspeakable wonder. They would go along the rich valley of Boaz and then up the terraced hill by a path still in use, nor is it unin6tructive to reflect I that, while simple shepherds were led. by angels to the manger, the high priest and the great of Jeru- - salem,-- so near, slept through that most illustrious night of all nistory, quite unconscious of what had hap-pened. But we know of it, and may God grant that if we cannot go with the shepherds to Bethlehem we may j one day go to the right hand of God j and worship him there, who that night lay a little child in Mary's arms. Dr. Cunningham Geikie. v ' "' - NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT 021983 United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 3d, 1917. Notice is hereby given that United States Smelting Company, a corpora-tion of Maine, whose post pffice ad-dress Is Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, by C. E. Allen, its Agent and Attorney in Fact, whoso post of fice address is Newhouse Building. Salt (Lake City, Utah, has filed an ap-plication for patent for - the lode mining claim, called the Blizzard lode mining claim, situated in 'West Mountain and Tooele Unorganized Mining Districts, Salt (Lake and Tooele counties, Utah, and desig-nated by the field-note- s and of-ficial plat on file in this office as Mineral Survey No. 6376 In Sees. 3, 4, and 9, Township 4 South, Range S West, Salt Lake Meridian, said Miner-al Survey No. 6376 being described as follows : Commencing at Corner No. 1 of the claim (from which the corner to Sec-tions 3, 4, 9 and 10, Township 4 South, of Range 3 West of the Salt Lake Meridian, bears south 25 deg. 13 min. west 127.5 feet), and running thence north 62 deg. 58 min. west 600 feet to Corner No. 2 of the claim; thence south 37 deg. 2 min. west 1500 feet to Corner No. 3 of the claim; thence south 52 deg. 58 min. east 600 feet to Corner No. 4 of the claim, and thence north 37 deg. 2 min. east 1500 feet to Corner No. 1 of the claim, the place o begiuning. The area of said claim as above de-scribed by metes and bounds is 20.661 acres. From which are expressly excepted and excluded the following areas in conflict with the following named claims, to-wi- t: Survey No. 5435, Traubel lode, 1.565 acres; Survey No. 5436, (Beebe lode, 3.542 acres; Survey No. 5436, Fred C lode, 1.006 a.cres; Survey No. 6374, I'ereival lode, .396 acres; Survey No. 6375, iBlizzard Fraction lode, 5.188 acres; 11.697 acres. The net area of said claim and the area hereby claimed aud applied for j being 8.964 acres. I Said claim is located in the S.W. 4 of Section 3. the S.E. 4 of Section 4, and the N.E. 1-- 4 of Section 9, Town-ship 4 South, Range 3 West of the Salt Lake base and meridian. The claims adjoining said Blizzard lode mining claim as shown by the of-ficial plat of survey are as follows: Fred C. Survey 5436; Perclval, Sur-vey 6374; Armand, Survey 4030; Bliz-zard Fraction, Survey 6375; Traubel, Survey 5435, and "Beebe, Survey 5436. I direct that this notice be published for a period of nine weeks in The Press-iBulletin- , a weekly newspaper published at Bingham Canyon, Utah, the newspaper published nearest said claims. Gould B. Blakely, Register. (First publication Nov. 2, 1917.) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT 021981 Unftd States Land Office, Salt Lakegjity, Utah, October 31, 1917. Notice is hereby given that United States Smelting Company, a corpora thfij of Maine, whose post office ad-dress is Newhouse 'Building, Salt Lake , City, Utah, by C. E. Allen, its Agent and Attorney In Fact, whose postoffice address is Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, has filed an applica-tion for patent for the lode mining claim called the Perclval lode mining claim, situated In West Mountain Min-ing District, Salt Lake County, Utah, and designated by the field-note- s and official plat on file in this office as Mineral Survey No. 6374 In Sees. 3 .agd 4, township 4 South, -- range 3 West, Salt Lake meridian, said Miner-al Survey No. 6374 being described as follows: Commencing at Corner No. 1 of the . claim (from which the southwest cor- - ner of Section 3, Township 4 South, of Range 3 West of the Salt Lake Meridian, bears south 39 deg. 7 min. east!96.8 feet), and running thence nortli 73 deg. 40 min. west 600 feet to Corner No 2 of the claim; thence north 16 deg. 20 min. east 1500 feet to Corner No. 3 of the claim; thence south 73 deg. 40 min. east 600 feet to Corner No. 4 of the claim; and thence south 16 deg. 20 min. west 1500 feet I to Corner No. 1 of the claim, the place I of beginning. I . The area of said claim as above de-- I : scribed by metes and bounds is 20.661 I acres. 6 I From which are expressly excepted I and excluded the following areas in I conflict with the following named I claims, to-wi- t: I Survgf No. 3529, Michigan lode, I 009 &cr&s I Surva No. 4030, Armand lode, 4.392 I acres. I .Survey No. 4985, Silver Chief No. I l"!Dde, 5.472 acres. I - . Survey No. 4985, Silver Chief No. 1 2 lode,' 1.481 acres. I Survey No. 6436, Fred C lode, 5.032 1 acres; 16.386 acres. I The net area of said claim (being I the rea claimed and applied for) be-- 1 lng 4.275 acres. 1 Said claim is located in the south-- i west quarter of Section 3 and the I "'heast quarter of Section 4, Town-- I I and Range aforesaid. J'yrhe claims adjoining and near to Perclval lode mining claim as shown by the official plat of survey 1 are as follows: Michigan, Survey f 1 3529; Armand, Survey 4030; Silver Chief No. 1, Survey 4985; Silver Chief No. 2, Survey 4985; Fred C, Survey 6436, and "I Don't Care," Survey 4030. I direct that this notice be published for a period of nine weeks in The Prws-Bulleti- a weekly newspaper v .punished at Bingham Canyon, Utah, theiewspaper published nearest said claims. Gould B. Blakely, I! J Register. I (First publication Nov. 2, 1917.) Something New. ', i Dramatic Editor "Have you anj j; new and especially difficult act In your ; circus this year?" Advance Agen-t- , " ; "Yep, I should say we have. We'vf got a cowgirl who shoots at glnss bulla wish birdHhot and misses ein." Judge, NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT SERIAL NO. 022006 United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 8, 1917. (Notice is hereby given that United States Smelting Company, a corpora-tion of Maine, whose post office ad-dress is Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, .Utah, by C. E. Allen, Its Agent and Attorney in Fact, whose post of-fice address is Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, has filed an ap-plication for patent for the lode min-ing claim called the Patience lode mining claim, situated lu West Moun-tain Mining District, Salt Lake Coun-ty, Utah, and designated by the field notes .nd official plat on file In this office as Mineral Survey No. 6372 in Sec. 3, Township 4 South, Range 3 West, Salt Lake Meridian, said Min-eral Survey No. 6372 being desecribed as follows: Commencing at Corner No. 1 of the claim (from which the southwest cor-ner to Section 3, Twonship 4 South, of Range 3 West, Salt Lake Meridian, bears south 55 deg. 52 min. West 3785.2 feet), and running thence north 49 deg 21 min, east 600 feet to Corner No. 2 of the claim; thence north 30 deg. 36 min. west 703.4 feet to Corner No. 3 of the claim; thence north 18 deg. 17 min. west 796.6 feet to Corner No. 4 of the claim; thence south 49 deg. 21 min. west 600 feet to Corner No. 5 of the claim; thence south 18 deg. 17 min. east 796.6 feet to Corner No. 6 of the claim, and thence south 30 deg. 36 min. east 703.4 feet to Cor-ner No. 1 of the claim, the place of beginning. ' The area of said claim as above de-scribed by metes tnd bounds is 19.687 acres From which are expressly excepted and excluded the following areas in conflict with the following named claims- - to-wi- t: Lot No. 68, Aladln lode, .129 acres; Lot 70, lAlblno lode, 2.805 acres; Lot 73, Almeda lode, 1.469 acres; Lot 77, Owyhee lode, .026 acres; Lot 83, Hen-rietta lode, .006 acres; Lot 135, First Chance lode, 2.919 acres; Lot 145, Red Cloud lode, 3.514 acres; Lot 146, Silver Plume lode, .181 acres; Lot 289, Wide West lode, .127 acres; Lot 410, Austin Ray (Am'd) lode, .718 acres; Sur. 3026, Scotia lode, .074 acres; Sur. 3531, Buzzo lode, 2.053 acres; Sur. 4138, Sil-ver Star lode, .075 acres; Sur. 4463, Dead Thing lode, .576 acres; Sur. 5319, Experiment lode, J116 acres; Sur. 5407, Contact lode, .000 acres; 14.788 acres. The net area of said claim (being the area claimed and applied for) be-ing 4.899 acres. Said claim is located In the north-west quarter, the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of Section 3, Township and Range aforesaid. The claims adjoining said Patience lode mining claim as shown by the official plat of survey ar as follows: Aladin, Lot 68; Hodge, Survey 3530; Buzzo, Survey 3531; Red Cloud, Lot 145; Dead Thing, Survey 4463; Silver Plume, Lot 146; Albino, Lot 70; Ala-meda, 'Lot 73; Owyhee, Lot 77; Hen-rietta, Lot 83; First Chance, Lot .135; Indiana, Survey 3779; Scotia. Survey 3026; Silver Star, Survey 4138; Stag, Survey 3979; Experiment, Survey 5319; Austin Ray (Am'd), Lot 410; Contact, Survey 5407; Wide West, Lot 89. I direct that this notice be published for a period of nine weeks In The Press-Bulleti- a newspaper published at Bingham Canyon, Utah, the news-paper published nearest said claims. Gould 'B. (Blakely, Register. (First publication Nov, 16, 1917.) Woman at Her Best. Nothing can be more touching than to Tehold a soft aud tender female,. i who has been all weakness and de-pendence, and alive to every trivial roughness, while treading the prosper , ous paths of life, suddenly rising force to be the comforter and supporter of ber husband In mtsfor . huoe. Washington Irving. mrr-- IT. inr r ' ' 'du'r I obtained throutrh the old I eUililshf j "O. SWIFT CO." ar boinv quickly f , I bought by Manufacturer. i I $ttndamudttlorki'U:h?!intdrvTrlr)ttnn I of your inv-nO- ou (or FRKI StARCH I and report on patentability. Weftolpat- - f I enta or no fe. Writ for Our free buulc ,. , ' , of 3U0 needed inventions. ... , i - I D. SWIFT & CO. . 91 Patent Lawyers. Eitab. 1889. - y307 Seventh St. Washington, D. C.Jf " j XM ' v . A visit to Sail Lake City ' i not complete unlesw : ' I . you have a Big Swiiii i I at the ' . r , I j 52 Wm'Breaa'waf "' ; II Tune aid natural hot aulphu- - ' X ' j wratarpoola. Lady Caa ' ' f -- , ' I El tlame attendants II HH Kl'MATISM VANISHES ' ' A TURKISH UATH AND BED tl IT j ; v ini. aiii.Miin - - - s " .,,,Mi,iiniM.ei,li.iilPll.linii in 11 in in'T li" ' I ' il 'I l irw iwi ' "i ' ' jW'Xiit -- iii'- t - "' i i'i miili nar i an mi hibTi hi m t y . , 1 Beautiful Bust and Shoulders v-- . .'iy' 1tf:;r?S5s are rwwIbU If ymi will wear a acleotiacalllf coortrucUd . .. Biea ioli Braaeiera. i, i.l Va ) aupporUof muactoe Ut the contour of the Spire ie polled, k VaV fJ r Mt th bnrt bark wbw It' V . I VZJ ,.Jk?IEfl lonir. prevent tha full bmtt from lttVT 3 (ItLafOLIS b'n ," of "-- V ' " I 1 BRA .1 .MoiHT binea. eliminate tfia damrer jf ' hafl ' V jJL -,- A'-,-l-lJ-'3 Seen of tha fftoulJ-- r tuint a . i' I I A "m tha eottra upper body. y - , ? , f A-- l They are tha dal ntteet ami moet aenrtreaole tarrncnta IJJj" " t , I I-- ' lt)te-rot- ne in all mnteriale and Ityloei Crow iltock, ' If l . r font, Snrplk-e.Bamlea- etc. Boned with Waloho," tb ll runtlexe boniog permittmf waehiug without remoak . I I I 'yyVic ' Navcymir dealertihow m Blu Joliefcraariew. If notatark-.- '. f . ," r If '"s'iriT . i. illfl-'renlbi- ui, prepttiO,ainpia toehow vou. j I lTXjj'j. I BENJAMIN & JOIINES. 1 Warren Stroet. Kew-rb.'- N. . ' . EXTRAORK FOR WOMEN War conditions try the strength of women. The overworked woman, In home, office or factory, will find in Foley Kidney Pills a ready relief from kidney trouble, backache, headache, rheumatic pains, stiff Joints, swollen muscles and that awful tired feeling. They assist nature in restoring strength and vitality. Sold every-where. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT 021986 United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 31, 1917. Notice is hereby given tii&t United States Smelting Company, a corpora-tion of the State of 'Maine, whose post office address Is Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, by C. E. Allen, Its 'Agent and Attorney in Fact, whose poep office address is Newhouse Build-ing. Salt Lake City, Utah, has filed an application for patent for the lode mining claim called the MIgnon lode mining claim, situated in West Moun-tain Mining District. Salt Lake County, Utah, and designated by the field-note- s and official plat on file in this office as Mineral Survey No. 6378 in S.W. 4 of Sec. 8 and NJW. 1-- 4 of Sec. 4, Township 4 South, Range 3 West, Salt Lake Meridian, said Mineral Sur-vey No. 6378 being described as fol-lows : Commencing at Corner No. 1 of the claim (from which the corner to Sec-tions 3, 4, 9 and 10, Township 4 South, of Range 3 West of the Salt Lake Meridian, bears south 40 deg. 57 min. west 58.1.7 feet), and running thence Survey 4030; Josie K, Survey 4030, and Austin, Survey 4030. direct that this notice be published for a period of nine weeks in The, Press-Bulleti- n, a newspaper published at Bingham. Canyon, Utah, the news-- . paper published nearest said claims. I Gould B. Blakely, J Register. (First publication Nov. . 2, 1917.) I iai mi ' aw south 82 deg. 27 min. east 600 feet to Corner No. 2 of the claim; thence south 3 deg. 60 min. east 1500 feet to Corner No. 3 of the claim; thence north 83 deg. 27 min. west 600 feet to Corner No. 4 of the claim, and thence north 3 deg. 50 min. west 1500 feet to Corner No. 1 of the claim, the place of beginning. The total area of said claim as above described by metes and bounds is 20.255 acres. From which area are expresslr ex-cepted and excluded the following areas In conflict with the following named claims, to-wl-t: Survey No. 4030, Josie K lode, 1.214 acres Survey No. 4030, Austin lode, 6.304 acres; 7.518 acres. The net area and the area hereby claimed and applied for being 12.737-acres- . Said claim is located In the south-west quarter of Section 3 and the northwest quarter of Section 10, Towimhip and Range aforesaid. The claims adjoining said MIgnon lode mining claim as shown by the of-ficial plat of survey are as follows: Armand, Survey 4030; 1 Don't Care, : - Food in the mouths of our Allies Is ammunition no less important than the shells in their siege guns. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT 021984 United States Land Office. Salt Lake City. Utah, October 31, 1917. Notice is hereby given that United States Smelting Company, a corpora-tion of Maine, whose post office ad-dress M Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, by C. K. Allen, its Agent and Attorney in Fact, whose post office address Is Newhouse Build-ing, Salt Lake City, Utah, has filed an application for patent for the lode mining claim called the Michigan Fraction lode mining claim, situated in West Mountain Mining iDistrict, Salt Lake County, UUhand designat-ed by the field-note- s and official plat on file in this office as Mineral Sur-vey No. 6377 in Sec. 3, Township 4 South, Range 3 West. Salt Lake Merid-ian, said Mineral Survey No. 6377 be-ing described as follows: Commencing at Corner No. 1 of the claim (from which the corner to Sec-tions 3, 4, 9 and 10, Township 4 South, of Range 3 West of the Salt Lake Meridian, bears south 19 deg. 55 min. west 1419.7 feet), and running thence north 52 deg. 20 min. west 270 foet to Corner No. 2 of the claim; thence north 37 deg. 40 min. east 366 feet to Comer No. 3 of the claim; thence south 52 deg. 20 min. east 270 feet to Corner No. 4 of the claim, and thence south 37 deg. 40 min. west 366 feet to Corner No. 1 of the claim, the place of beginning. The area of said claim s above de-scribed by metes and bounds Is 2.269 8.crf"B. From which are expressly excepted and excluded the following areas In conflict with the following named claims, to-wi- t: Survey No. 3.129. Michigan lode, .399 acres; Survey No. 4030. Armand iode, .710 acres; Survey No. 40:50, "1 Don't Cnr.e" lode, .7110 acres; 1.829 acres f' OLD 80LDIER GIVE8 RECOM-MENDATIO-Gustav Wangelln, Commander of Q. A. R. Post, Plnckneyville, 111., writes: "I highly recommend Foley Kidney Pills, which I prefer to all others I have used." Foley Kidney Pills give quick relief from backache, rheumatic pains, stiff, swollen joints, languld-ness- , kidney trouble and sleep disturb-ing bladder ailments. Sold every-where. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT 021982 United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 31, 1917. Notice is hereby given that United States Smelting Company, a corpora-I tion Af Maine, whose post office ad-dress Is Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, by C. E. Allen, its Agent and Attorney in Fact, whose post of-fice address Is Newhouse ullding, Sait Lake City, Utah, has filed an ap-plication for patent for the lode min-ing claim called the Blizzard Fraction lode mining claim, situated in West Mountain 'Mining District, Salt Lake County, Utah, and designated by the fieldnotes and official plat on file In this office as Mineral Survey No. 6375 in Sees. 3, 4, 9 and 10, Township 4 South, Range 3 West. Salt Lake meridian, said Mineral Survey No. 6375 being described as follows: I, Commencing at Corner No. 1 of the eHim (from which the corner to Sec-tfoA- n 3, 4, 9 and 10, Township 4 South, of Range 3 West of the Salt Lake Meridian, bears north 54 deg. 11 min. west 397.7 feet), and running thence north. 9 deg. 33 min. west 753.8 feet to Corner No. 2 of the claim; thence south 40 deg. 46 min. west 1496.9 feet to Corner No. 3 of the claim; thence south 9 deg. 33 min. east 753.8 feet to Corner No. 4 of the claim, and thence north 40 deg. 46 min. east 1406.9 feet to Corner No. 1 of the claim, the place of beginning. .The area of said claim as above rfficribed by metes and bounds is V!)35 acres. From which are expressly excepted and excluded the following areas In conflict with the following named claims, to-wl- 1 A Survey No. 4030, Armand lode, 1.4S4 acres; Survey No. 4030, Austin lode, 6.295 acres; 6.779 acres. II The net area of said claim and the I area hereby "claimed and applied for I being 13.1 56 acres. i Said claim Is located In the S.W.14 j of Sec. 3. the S.K.1', of Sec tti the ! VXE.V4 of Sec. 9 and the N.sy M of tc 10, Township is K'T afore" " jN' lie claims adjoining sal Blizzard 1 Fraction lode mining clalmF-:- . shown I by the official plat of iiurfviey r as 1 follows: Armatid, Survej--1 130; us-- tin, Survey 4030; Beebe, ('.urvey 50;; 1 Traubel, Survey 643., ayd Hanford, 1 Survey f. 4 .".". I I direc t that this notice Vie published 1 nr a period of cine w f ks In The I Jj'resB-IlulH'ti- a wecklyf newspaper 1 published at Binglmm flnyon, Utah, I the newspaper publl8hef nearest the 1 land. I I Gould 31 Blakely. 1 K"glHter. f (First publication Nov 2, 1917.) i At NATIONAL WOOL GROWERS CONVENTION Fare and third 'Bingham to Salt take and return account above, via Bingham and Garfield (Railway. Sale dates January 14th to 19th, Inclusive. Return limit January 21, 1918. THI8 WAS NO JOKE J. E. Colver, 103 Labor Temple, T.os Angeles, Cal., writes: "I have had' about 5fi years of experience with all sorts and kinds of cathartic remedies some god and some a joke. When I got wise to Foley Cathartic Tablets fnr constipation I got in right. The best 1 ever used." Do not grippe; no unpleasant after efforts Sold every- - y DO YOU KNOW WHY- -- - Tile Conductor Has A "ionnf lob? : Jrawfr m mil Fisher .V y( ';.. CAUTION CO.. V. H j M. f L.J Af.V u--- A-l iitV. j . I |