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Show :obseib! ip Hereafter the Restaurants, Cafes ahd Other Eating Places in '. Bingham" Will Serve No Wheat Bread on Wednesday This Schedule Became Effective Last Wednesday Utah Copper ' Tf. Hotel Has Observed Meatless and Wheatless Day for Two V Months and Finds the Plan to Work Well Thea Schweitzer - Has Been Appointed Tood Adminstrator for Bingham. . , The first wheatless day was observ-i -.' d in Bingham last Wednesday whenj 'V'all ,the eating places agreed to offer J : their boarders no wheat bread. The; j; - change came unannounced so far as; 'the majority of the public here was! ' concerned. At . the restaurants Wed-j . nesday morning a great number or-j . dered wheat cakes, but were politely j V 'Informed by the waiters that this was ;x" wheatless day and suggested that or-- or-- ders be changed to something that did V" not contain wheat. The thoughtful - boarders wondered what they could substitute and many would U on the V - waiter to name over someing else , that he-had. Then he would begin by S .naming corn cakes, buckwheat cakes, :. "'.nd a great variety of. good things which contained no wheat. , The wheatless day was first put on ,.. by the Utah Copper hotel of Upper - .."k Bingham some two months ago and "has strictly Jiooverized since that " time, but In Bingham proper It took some time to get the local eating places In line. Still it is not difficult to go one day out of the week on a wheatless diet The experience of the Utah Copper Hotel proves this. From Mrs. Schweitzer we learn that the wheatless and meatless days there are working floe. -.When the change . c !was first made some of the boarders 'Jj.were a little inclined to grumble, but they soon found in the place or meal ani wheat other things Just, a $Poi,f and now there is no cause for complaint. com-plaint. . ' Some timer ago the eating places here agreed on a meatless day and that worked fine, and there Is no reason to suppose that there will be any trouble over the wheatless day. Mr. Seyboldt, vfcvho does the baking for the great ma-iority ma-iority of Bingham people, has arranged jto have a supply of the wheat Bubsti-V Bubsti-V tutes for. his customers. , - tJ Thea Schweitzer was appointed food administrator for Bingham last week j and he at once got busy to impress . 'y upon the local eating houses the ira-J : ' '. ii portance of complying with the regu-, regu-, E lation. After .seeing the proprietors; - '.. r'of the various places an agreement r' " was reached. Mr. Schweitzer is thor-'. thor-'. '..Roughly in line With the movement to conserve the food supply and he will '.'' k . rendpr iiineham th- most efficient '' ' .." 'service. He is actively interested in ' . ftvery phase of patriotic work' and Mr. " ' Armstrong has made a wise choice in - 'VV selecting him for this work in iBing- ' , ham. He has the good of the com- ? .munity and the country at heart and ' v Jie can be depended upon to carry out j '-"- the food program In a Just and unsel-1 J ""'-Ash manner. He is also in the habit V ' . of doing well and thoroughly that which he undertakes and It is doubt-; doubt-; ' ful if a better or more efficient offi- f . cer could have been found for this 'V. '-.-' vork-. " |