Show COUNTY AGENTS AGEN TS CORNER 0 walter F P smith sinith county agent USE FABRICS the visor vigor with which associated wool industries is attacking the problem loni of promoting greater cow cou of wool should command the enthusiastic interest of every family iving in a wool growing district or making their living either directly or indirectly through wool this cooperative promotion organization tin haq the support of every branch of the industry wool growers gro weri wool 1 alors groces sirs Rp spinners Inners weavers knitters and ana saes sales agents thero Js ii every reason to believe that aitho intensive drive now being made to educate the public concerning the advantages of wool and to sti stimulate e mainu and retail LIs era to to create new styles and great or r values will accomplish its purpose wool should not and must not lose ground tn II competition with other textile fibers wool has for thousands of years poss emed qualities not found in any other fiber wool can and should enjoy constantly rowing growing 9 acceptance by american consumers wool Is ig aft I 1 and durable li it lins lias 9 great enit and strength th it is light r in weight eight and is an excellent protection both heat and cold during the past tow low years yeara tremendous strides have been made in iho production of lovely sheer fabrics ideal ifor for wear and low enough in n price for the average woman to afford the activities of associated wool planned to increase the importance of 0 wool should result lit in increase in the volume or of sales of wool merchandise this in turn should directly benefit the vast wool growing districts of the united states it ii la Is especially up tip to women in wool directly dependent upon wool for income the those women must do their part in the concerted effort which li has been launched through associated wool cool industries they can it if they will bo be a powerful I 1 influence increasing in more prosperous eroin conditions in the wool industry they sauld wear wool talk wool demand fabrics of 0 wool in retail stores and last and most important see to it that their men folks folka wear wool women kaow that wool Is essential ii in I 1 smart wardrobes ward robea the year round and if they try they can quickly convince men this Is equally true formans for mens wear the tha industry Is counting upon women in wool growing districts to help malto mahe america wool conscious |